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Forbidden:The Billionaire's Virgin Princess

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She had spent more time stressing over what to wear than she had planning and cooking their traditional Middle Eastern dinner. She’d given up on her current wardrobe in despair and invited Jennifer to go shopping with her.

Since the other woman knew at least some measure of truth about Lina’s background, they were even able to do the shopping trip under the auspices of Lina’s security team. She’d never gone shopping with a girlfriend before and found that the tough ex-soldier was in no way immune to the delights of the mall. They had spent hours trying on clothes, visiting cosmetic counters and shopping for just the right accessories.

Lina’s outfit was definitely sexier than anything she had ever worn before, but it was not skanky. Or so Jennifer ured her. The thin, scoop necked silk sweater by Jones New York clung to her generous curves, as did the low-rise medium wash jeans she’d bought to go with it. She’d taken her shoes off and her bare toes peeked out from the flared hems. A belt of dark leather medallions attached with copper colored grommets rode her over the camel colored sweater.

Both Jennifer and the sales ociate had ured Lina it was a casual, but sexy look.

The clothes were also comfortable, which was just as well since she was practically crawling out of her skin with nerves from what she planned to do.


SEBASTIAN arrived only a minute, or so, after Jennifer had left. Thank goodness. Lina’s stress level would never have stood up to a long wait. His knock was firm and confident. Like the man.

Lina opened the door with a smile that only felt slightly forced. “Hello, Sebastian.”

He didn’t smile, but she was used to that. She’d learned he did so rarely, but since she’d noticed that his smile seemed to be reserved pretty much exclusively for her, she didn’t mind at all. His expression was anything but cold, though. His look practically singed her.

So, the shopping trip had been worth it.

“Hey.” He looked around the small apartment. “Where’s Jennifer?”

“She’s not here.”

“I thought we were having dinner.”

“We are.”

His eyes narrowed. “But not with Jennifer?”

“Um, no. I thought we could use some time alone.”

Something flickered in his gunmetal gaze. “That’s not necessary, Lina.”

She bit her lip, took a deep breath and firmed her resolve. “I think it is.”

He sniffed the air. “Something smells good. What are we having?”

She allowed the subject change. “I’ve prepared B’stellela, traditional Middle Eastern salad, apricot chicken, vegetable cous cous, braized beef kabobs and fresh mango for dessert.”

“Wow. Sounds delicious. I didn’t know you were such a gourmet cook.”

She relaxed a little at his praise. It was only as she’d been reciting the menu that she realized he might think she’d gone overboard on it. “I’m not, but I enjoy preparing food for the people I care about.”

She’d never cooked for her parents, though. Only her aunt and uncle and her brother when he came to visit. She’d even made B’stellela for her sister on occasion when she’d been in Marwan. But getting time in the palace kitchens was trickier than managing time without her bodyguards.

Sebastian’s visage turned even warier and it was at that point she realized that had been his mien since arriving in the apartment. What did he have to be concerned about? Had she misread his interest in her? Hard to misread a man touching her more intimately than she’d ever been touched before, she thought. No, something else had to be making him react this way.

Or she could be misreading him completely.

Deciding they could both use a break from the tension, even if it was all in her head, she said, “Would you like something to drink before we eat?”

He made a visible effort to relax his shoulders. “Sure.”

So, not in her head.

She nodded and went to pour him a glass of Absolut she’d gotten Jennifer to buy for her. “Why don’t you sit down and relax with this while I put the food on the table?”

“All right.” He looked down at the oversize pillows she’d set up in front of the coffee table. “Here?”


“So, we’re going all out authentic with tonight’s dinner?”

“Yes, I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all.”

She hoped he still felt that way when she informed him they would be eating with their fingers just like such a meal would be consumed in Marwan.

He took a sip of his vodka and his eyes widened. “It’s very strong.”

“Yes. My uncle says this makes other vodkas seem like drinking water.”

“You are not drinking any?” Sebastian asked with obvious displeasure at the thought of her doing so.

“Of course not.” She wasn’t fond of the taste of alcohol and she’d been raised to believe that setting a good example for others was of paramount importance, even for an incognito princess.

Drinking alcohol when she was not of age would certainly be considered a poor example to set.


“Thank you, Officer Do-Right.”

He had the grace to look chagrined. “I’m sorry. I did not mean to sound like your father.”

“My father would ume I would never consider drinking a man’s beverage, but my brother would question me.”

A faint smile creased Sebastian’s features. “Then I apologize for sounding like your brother.”

“Do not worry, Sebastian. I do not in any way think of you like my brother.” She did not wait to see his response to that bit of honesty, but beat a hasty retreat to the kitchen.

He was putting his glass down after taking what looked like a hefty drink when she returned with the B’stellela. She set the pastry covered in powdered sugar and stuffed with egg, lamb and cooked vegetables down on the low table before lowering herself to the cushion beside him. Then she lifted the silver water pot over the bowl for finger washing.

He must have been to the Middle East at some point or at least dined at an authentic restaurant because he put his hands out for her to run the water over without hesitation. He then returned the favor for her and they both dried their hands on the tea towels she’d placed at either side of the silver bowl.

She pinched off a piece of the stuffed pastry and lifted it to his lips. “Taste.”

Something dark moved in his eyes and he opened his lips for her to feed him. His tongue brushed her fingers as he took the bite.

Sharp tingles of electric charge arced up her arm and she gasped, her gaze locked with his.

“It’s very good.”

“Thank you.”

She fed him another bite. He looked like he was going to refuse it, but at the last second his mouth opened again. Once more she felt the velvet tip of his tongue. Oh, man. No wonder Jennifer had recommended feeding each other. It was incredibly erotic.

“I can feed myself,” he said when he finished chewing.

“But I like feeding you.” She really did. She’d never done anything like this before and she liked it as much as the other new things she had experienced with him. It was all so wonderfully intimate. It made her feel close to him…like she belonged with him.

He seemed to have an internal battle and then he took another sip of his drink. He put the glass down again and took a pinch of the phyllo pastry. “You will have to allow me to return the favor.”

She nodded, her mouth suddenly too dry for speech.

He presented the bite to her lips and she took it, tasting the spicy saltiness of his fingers as a subtle flavor under that of the sweet-savory pastry. She sucked his fingertips as he slowly withdrew them from her mouth.

He groaned. “You don’t know what you are doing to me, Lina.”

“I hope I do,” she whispered.

He looked pained, but took another bit of pastry to feed her. She did the same and they fed each other simultaneously.

“I shouldn’t be doing this,” he said in an agonized voice after the third such synchronous bite.

“It’s all right, Sebastian.” She brushed his lower lip with her forefinger. “This is right.”

He shook his head, but just swallowed rather than saying anything.

“Would you like some more vodka?” she asked softly.

“No. I definitely should not drink any more of that witch’s brew.”

She giggled. “Oh, my uncle would be so offended at that description.”

“Are you going to tell him?”


“I’ve never met your family.” He said it casually, but for Lina it was anything but an indifferent topic.

“Do you want to meet them?”

“I just think it is interesting that I have never met anyone from your family as much time as we spend together. For me, there’s just my dad and he lives on the East Coast. But you’ve mentioned your brother, sister, parents and your aunt and uncle.”

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