Forbidden:The Billionaire's Virgin Princess - Page 24

His jaw hardened as if he was biting back words and his body tensed, the bulge in front of him unbelievably growing. A wet spot formed on the black silk of his boxers where the tip of his manhood pressed against the fabric.

She’d read about pre-ejaculate…she’d seen it that morning, but knowing that merely studying her visually was causing it now, gave her a strong sense of feminine sensual power.

She’d given him control, but that was precisely the point. She’d given it to him and her willingness to trust in him, to his perusal, was inflaming him. That knowledge felt almost as good as his kisses.

“I want to see all of you before I start touching you,” he said in a guttural voice.


LINA licked her lips nervously and took a breath before speaking. “Okay.”

“Take off your bottoms.”




“If I do it, I’ll touch you and I’m not ready to do that yet.”

“You look ready to me.”

He laughed, releasing a measure of the tension building between them. “Too ready. Now, do as you’re told, princess.”

“Maybe I shouldn’t. I don’t think princesses are supposed to take orders.”

“You are my princess…for now…that means you can take my orders.”

“If I want to.”

“I thought we established that you did.”

She smiled, letting her actions speak for her as she went to push her bikini bottoms down her . Considering her background, she should have felt self-conscious baring herself to him, but she didn’t. All she felt was an eagerness to witness his reaction to seeing her as no one else had in her adult life.

She was not disappointed. A sound came from deep in his chest somewhere between a growl and a moan. His eyes narrowed, but his pupils dilated with arousal and his already tense body went rigid as if he was physically having to hold himself back from touching her.

She shook under his scrutiny, moisture making itself known between her thighs. Aching with sensation even though they were not being touched, her s tightened so that she could feel their pebble hardness in the softly circulating air of the room. In the end, it wasn’t him that moved, but her, her feet taking her closer to him of their own volition.


“I can’t,” she said as she took another step.

With a sound that was torn from his throat, he reached out the remaining gap between them and grabbed her shoulders, then pulled her toward him with barely leashed savagery. His mouth slammed down onto hers with erotic force, his tongue taking instant possession of her interior. Her tongue battled for supremacy with his while her lips moved against his in instinctive pleasure that was in no way limited by her lack of experience.

Okay, so maybe she’d practiced a time…or twenty…on her hand, but still…it felt so right and man, was it good. He didn’t seem to mind her aggression, either. In fact, if the way he grew progressively more uncontrolled was any indication, he liked it a lot.

She liked it, too, but she loved the way it felt when her bare s rubbed against his chest. It was the most amazing sensation and her lips actually went slack as she concentrated on enjoying it. Sebastian didn’t stop kissing her, though, forcing her lips to mold to his even though she wasn’t consciously doing so.

She was focused on moving in small increments. Side to side. Up on her tiptoes and down again. Back just a little bit and then forward until she was pressed firmly against him. All of it felt brilliant. So, she did it again. All of it. His lips owning hers while she used his body to explore new sensations with her own.

Had she really reached the age of twenty-seven without ever feeling this before?


But the answer was more disturbing than satisfying. No other man in her life had been him. Which was why she was doing this, she reminded herself. So, enjoy it, already. Right.

She found that she liked it best when her s barely brushed over his when she was going side to side, so she did that several times until the emptiness growing in her womb grew so acute she cried out in inarticulate need against his marauding mouth.

He seemed to understand, though, because he pulled his lips from hers and brushed them over her forehead, then her cheeks. “Shh…princess, it’s all right. I’ll take care of you.”

“I need something, Sebastian. Please.”

“I know what you need.”


“Do you trust me?”

Instinct answered over her brain’s automatic negative. “Yes.”

And that word felt far too right.

“Then just stand there. Let me bring you down a little.”

“I don’t want to come down,” she whined. Oh, gosh…when was the last time she had whined? It was not her. But then neither was this needy wanton.

“Yes, you do.”

She looked at him and read his sincerity in a gray gaze gone almost black with his own need. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Okay.”

He nodded.

She smiled despite her unfamiliar but acute sensual hunger.

He stepped back…only a few inches, but enough to break body contact. He cupped her face and looked into her eyes. “Just breathe for me, princess.”

It was then that she realized she was panting in short shallow breaths and she had to concentrate on breathing in and breathing out. The severe, almost painful arousal coursing through her began to scale back slightly.

It wasn’t like she lost her desire, but she became aware of the whir of the overhead fans, where before all she could hear was his inhalations and exhalations. The sound of the hot tub jets running as it maintained temperature encroached on her consciousness.

She looked around her, seeing the opulent room with new eyes. The recessed spa bubbled gently in one corner and the smooth as glass water of the indoor-outdoor pool glistened in the other. Now that the outer doors had been opened, she’d been able to open the divider that made the pool accessible to the outside and she could even hear the fall of the oversize fountain in the center of the outdoor portion.

“If you want me to cool down a little, maybe we should go in the pool rather than the spa,” she said.

Sebastian’s smile was so sexy, it undid the last few seconds of her calming down process. “Good idea, beautiful.”

“So, you’re going to take off your pants?” she asked with undisguised interest.

“After you get in the water.”

She pouted.

He laughed. “Do you have any idea how adorable you are when you do that?”

She shook her head. She never pouted, so how could she? Did he really think she was adorable? But his continued smile said he did indeed. Wow.

“So, you want me to get in the water?”


“And you are going to join me, right?” She had no desire to “cool down” alone.

“Of course, princess. What would be the fun otherwise?”

“Okay then.” She turned and walked to the steps that led down into the water. Though she knew it was heated and had dunked her hand in it earlier to test the temperature, finding it perfect, it now felt chilly against her overheated skin.

She forced herself to descend into the pool until the sound of fabric sliding against skin arrested her. She spun to face him, barely keeping her balance on the bottom step. Sure enough, his pants were already in a puddle of expensive fabric on the floor of the room. He pushed his boxers down past his hard-on and it bobbed up toward his belly. Was it bigger than it had been that morning?

She gulped. It certainly looked like it.

He started walking toward her and she nearly choked on her own breath. Still, his body was amazing. In motion, it was a work of art. A masterpiece at that.

“You’re watching me like you want to devour me.”

“Maybe I do.”

His body jerked and he stopped. “Don’t say things like that with that beautiful as sin mouth. You are going to give me ideas you are not ready for.”

And it was then that she realized how her words could be taken. Oh. “Who says I’m not ready? You think I don’t want that?”

He groaned. “Please, princess…be quiet, for just a minute.”

She shrugged in acquiescence, but then turned and dove into the water, swimming to the end of the indoor section of the pool. It wasn’t very long, but it was long enough…to give him a glimpse of her body in motion. If it affected him like it had affected her to see him then her silence wasn’t going to have the impact on his escalating libido that he wanted.

Some part of her insisted she push his limits. She was aching to consummate their relationship…uh…deal. It was a deal, not a relationship and she so had to remember that, but the internal reminder sent a pang of pain through her heart.

Tags: Lucy Monroe Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024