Billionaire's Island Bride - Page 2


“I’ve had enough of them throwing themselves at me to know when there’s just another groupie around.”

“Somehow she didn’t seem that way to me.” It was the first time Roger had spoken. He’d done his share of laughing but had made no comment throughout the whole episode. Now Dare’s accountant sounded amused but mildly protective.

“Hold up.” Dare gave him a hard look. “Don’t tell me you’re falling for that game. Don’t you see it was all a ruse to get my attention?”

“What makes you think-”

Dare held up his hand, effectively silencing the balding man. “I don’t think. I know. I heard them giggling back there long before she attacked. I knew they were up to something. I just didn’t expect a near drowning.”

“I think you have it wrong, senor.”

All three men turned back to the counter to a smiling bartender. He was busy wiping glasses but it was obvious he’d been listening and had formed his own opinion, one he was more than willing to share.

“How’s that, Danny?” Dare had to hear this one.

“Been observing those girls for the last couple of days and that tiny one who jumped you is as harmless as a kitten.”

Dare stared at Danny’s wide smile, incredulous. “That kitten almost drowned me.”

“Nah, she just tripped. I think she was trying to flirt with you.”

“And is that any better, trying to come on to me? I’m sick of being stalked.”

“Aw, senor, I should have your problem.”

All the men at the bar laughed at Danny’s comment and he laughed too, but he was not done.

“It’s those other girls you should worry about. For the last two days they’ve been in the pool daring one another to do all kinds of crazy things.” He slid a fresh martini in front of Dare. “Today is the first time I saw the little one get involved. I guess they must have goaded her into it.”

Dare was silent for a moment, thinking. He delayed his response by sipping at the drink. Somehow he was not convinced by Danny’s defense. But still, he was intrigued.

He could still feel the petite girl’s luscious breasts pressed into his chest even though he’d held her for less than two seconds. She was appealing, no doubt about that, and there was something about her that made him want to see her again. But he’d better let go of that feeling, and fast. He wouldn’t fall for that trick – again.

“Danny boy, you have a lot to learn.” He laughed good-naturedly at the bartender. “Gold-diggers come in all shapes and sizes.”

“Dare, I am shocked. This is not like you,” Ed said, imitating the voice of an elderly schoolmarm.

Dare couldn’t help laughing out loud. But then he got serious. “I have lots of reasons to be like this and it comes from not so pleasant experiences.” One in particular, but he wasn’t going to go into that with them.

“Let’s forget about them and get back to a more interesting topic. Like basketball.”

The men got back to their previous conversation and in no time were engrossed in Roger’s account of the most exciting basketball final of all time – the Chicago Bulls against Utah Jazz in 1998 when Michael Jordon scored the winning basket in the last minute of the game, locking Utah out and winning 87-86. He’d been there and never tired of recounting his experience.

Dare joined in the conversation at all the appropriate moments but his mind was far away, wondering if he would see that pixie again. After the way his body had reacted to her it would be best if he never did.

Chapter 2

“I can’t believe you did it.” Robyn’s voice was tinged with disbelief.

Erin bit her lip, wanting to shout that it was a stupid thing to do. Instead she shook her head and walked over to the villa’s wide bay window that faced the white sandy beach and the brilliant blue sea. The island was beautiful, a paradise on earth, but here she was in the middle of all this beauty and all she was feeling was miserable.

She’d almost drowned a man and had embarrassed herself in the process all in the name of fitting in. Somehow it didn’t seem like it had been worth it. And what a man she’d picked. He was obviously not like the fun-loving guys who had fallen prey to her friends’ pranks. This one obviously did not appreciate being jumped. She should have known that from his posture. He was no college kid, that was for sure. More like some big shot businessman. A really hot businessman.

Her mind rushed back to the feel of his muscled torso pressed against her breasts and her breath quickened. Even now, just at the memory of it, a delicious shiver coursed through her body.

But the man was a jerk for dunking her like that. Attraction or no attraction, he was the kind of man to stay far away from. She just prayed that for the rest of her week on the island she would not run into him again.

“Come on, Erin. Get out of that funk. Let’s take a dip in the ocean.” Maria took her by the shoulders and began steering her toward the French doors. “The day is young. We’re bound to find some hunks lounging on the beach.”

That did it for Erin. She’d had enough of hunks for one day. “You guys go on ahead. I’ll just catch up on some reading.”

“On spring break?” Tisha huffed in disgust. “You never know when to quit, do you?”

Erin smiled ruefully, not wanting to dampen their high spirit. “Yeah, that’s me. Got to get my daily fix or I’ll have withdrawal symptoms. You guys go on and have fun. I’ll see you later.” And before they could object she turned and headed for her bedroom, closing the door firmly behind her.

That evening Erin woke to the sounds of the girls returning from what must have been an exhilarating day at the beach. They were even louder than usual, giggling and screaming as they burst into the villa. Could she survive another three days of this? She wished Robyn’s parents hadn’t bought the airline ticket for her. She would have gladly remained behind at the college, locked away in the library, absorbed in a stack of books.

She sighed in relief when they didn’t bother to knock on her door but instead showered and dressed to go down to the garden for the buffet style dinner that was usually served there. She wasn’t hungry and worse, she didn’t want to take the chance of running into that man again.

Erin was deep into the history of medieval European art when the girls returned.

“Give it a break, Erin.” Robyn walked over to the sofa and grabbed the tome out of her hands. “You do know how to kill a party. Why do you have to study all the time?”

“I’m not studying. For me that’s fun reading.” Erin forced a smile, not wanting to dampen their mood. “So how was dinner?”

“Good food, like always.” Tisha kicked off her sandals and walked over to turn on the TV. Then she flopped down onto the couch across from Erin. “I ate so much fried fish and tacos I feel like I’m going to pop.”

“I’ve got the perfect way to work off all this food.” Robyn’s eyes sparkled.

Erin’s heart sank. What weird scheme was she cooking up now?

“There’s a new DJ coming to the resort nightclub. He’s from Japan and word is he’s really good. Keeps the dance floor hopping, is what I hear.”

“Does he play salsa?” Maria swayed her hips to imaginary music.

“He can play anything. All you have to do is request it.”

“So what time do we hit the dance floor?” Tisha looked more than interested. She was always one for a good dance party. She could dance all night and not break a sweat.

“What time can you be ready, Erin?” Robyn gave her a pointed look.

“Me? I didn’t say I was going.”

“You’ve been hiding out in your room all afternoon and you’ve been studying on spring break, only heaven knows why. I’m not leaving you in here to take the color of the walls.”

“It’s okay, I’m fine…”

“No, it’s not fine. My dad didn’t fly you down here so you can be a drag and spoil all the fun. We’re all supposed to be having fun together.”

Erin’s smile froze and she stared back at Robyn’s determined face. She hadn’t just thrown that in her face, had she? But one look at the girl’s unapologetic glare said that she had, and she was not taking it back.

So that was it. Because Robyn’s father had paid for her trip to Santa Marta Erin was beholden to her and was supposed to follow her every command. She was here to make sure Robyn had fun.

Obviously that was what the redhead thought or else she would not be staring back at her so smugly after making a comment like that.

Okay, now she knew where she stood and she could not wait for the week to pass. In the meanwhile she would play along with Robyn’s game, humor her if that was what she wanted, then when they got back to Vancouver she would go back to her life on the college campus, far away from Robyn and her demands.

Tags: Judy Angelo Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024