Billionaire's Island Bride - Page 7

With a laugh Dare caught her to him and then without warning his mouth descended and he was kissing her with a passion that left her clinging to him, breathless. Before she could recover Dare bent and swept her legs from under her, lifting her up into his arms.

Erin squealed in shock and then in delight as he swung her round then strode purposefully along the dirt path. When she looked over his shoulder she realized he’d taken her down to the beach where the waves were rolling in to break against the shore.

“Dare,” she whispered, almost afraid she would disturb the steady rhythm of the ocean, “what are you doing? We can’t be down here.”

He chuckled, a low throaty rumble that echoed in her ear as her cheek pressed against his chest. “We can, my precious, and we are. It’s the perfect night to be on the beach.”

They got to a long, low palm that stretched toward the ocean and in its shadow Dare laid her on a soft bed of grass.

And there he began his sweet, sensual assault.

He started with a kiss that made her tingle all the way down to her toes. Then his lips were sliding down her neck to the valley between her breasts.

“Dare,” she gasped and she could say nothing more, her nipples so eager for his lips that they ached. What was this man doing to her? He was being deliberate and slow, teasing her to a degree of desire she had never felt before.

As his breath warmed her flesh Erin moaned and shifted on her bed of grass, wanting to give him more access to her body.

Dare needed no further invitation. To Erin’s relief and delight he slipped his arm behind her arched back and as her breasts thrust upward he slid her top away and captured a turgid nipple between his teeth.

Shockwaves of ecstasy rippled through her and an involuntary moan escaped her lips. She reached up with trembling hands and slid her fingers into the dark thickness of his hair then she was clinging to him, pulling his head down, and begging him for release from his slow, sweet, torture of her breast.

Dare took pity on her when he released her tingling nipple and replaced his teeth with his lips, suckling and soothing until she writhed with want.

Under his expert hands Erin felt like her very bones had melted. She was without the power to resist his hands, his lips, and his tongue. There on the warm sand under a sky filled with perfect stars she was lost to him.

“Come. Let’s head back to the villas.”

His words jerked her out of her heavenly trance. What? Was he stopping? Now? Her eyes fluttered open. She stared up at him, confused, but with his face hidden in the shadows she could find no answers there.

Then he was reaching out his hands to her and helping her to her feet, and as she was rising to stand beside him her heart was sinking down to the sand.

She kept her head down, unable to meet his eyes. For some reason she could not understand he’d changed his mind. He didn’t want her anymore. He would walk her back to her villa and that would be that.

Maybe it would all be for the best. She’d been out of her depth, anyway. Then why did she feel so devastated?

Even though Dare continued to hold her hand for the entire walk back to the villas Erin kept her face averted, determined not to let him see her disappointment. She was so caught up in her own feelings that she was surprised when they came to a halt. Were they at her villa already? She looked up then lifted her brows in surprise. This wasn’t her villa at all. This one was huge, the largest she’d seen at the resort, and it was magnificent with tiles of black marble gleaming in the light cast by the lamps at the entrance.

Erin hung back, hesitant. “Where…are we?” she whispered, looking around.

“Come,” Dare, said with a reassuring smile. “We’ll be more comfortable here.”

He slid his card into the slot and pushed the door open. Then right there in the open doorway he pulled her into his arms and kissed her with an ardor that left her panting.

His kiss wiped all thoughts, all concerns from her mind. All she wanted was to lose herself in the powerful arms of this man whose charm had swept her off her feet. Then, just like he’d done before, he lifted her off her feet, slammed the door shut with his foot and headed across the foyer and down the hallway.

Erin’s heart pounded in her chest. She was no idiot. She knew what Dare wanted and God help her, she wanted it, too. She bit her lip and pressed her face to the soft fabric of his shirt. She could feel the blood rush to her face, she could almost taste the fear, but she would not stop him. Tonight she might be making the biggest mistake of her life but she wanted this too badly to care.

Still holding her close, Dare reached down and opened the door to a massive bedroom lit by a lone lamp standing in the far corner. He strode across the room and laid her on the bed then before she even had a chance to move he’d caught hold of the hem of her dress and was sliding it over her hips and up till she had to shift so he could pull it over her head. Left in only black lace bra, matching panties and stilettos Erin could only shiver under his heated gaze.

To her shock and her body’s delight Dare leaned over to plant a kiss on the softness of her belly then he was sliding his lips down, down until she gasped in anticipation.

He lifted his lips then, and there was a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes. “Not yet, my sweet,” he whispered. “Patience.”

He straightened and, with deft fingers, he unbuttoned his shirt, never once taking his eyes off her. His bare chest, so broad and muscled, gleamed golden in the light of the lamp. Next to go was his belt then his shoes, socks, and trousers until the only thing hiding his nakedness from her was thigh-length briefs that did little to conceal his straining bulge.

A wave of embarrassment washed over Erin and she was just about to turn her face away when he hooked his thumbs into the waistband and pushed the garment off his hips and down his legs. Too late. No time to avert her eyes. She could not have looked away if her life depended on it, so mesmerized was she by the sight of his nakedness, his manhood so rigid with want.

He came to her then, sliding onto the bed with her, covering her lips with a kiss that stole her breath from her. And while he kissed her senseless his hands slid down to unhook her bra and free her tingling breasts to the caress of his hands. He released her lips just long enough to divest her of panties and high heels and then he was sliding the solid length of his body up her nakedness and back to her waiting lips.


After he’d had his fill Dare broke the kiss and slid off the bed to grab his trousers. He pulled a condom from his wallet and ripped the packet open with his teeth. As he sheathed himself he stared down at the girl lying on his sofa, her eyes tightly closed, her teeth biting down on her lower lip. What the hell kind of game was she playing?

She’d rolled with him every step of the way, flirting with him in the restaurant, coming back to his villa, kissing him with an eagerness that was ample evidence of her desire. And she’d said she wanted this.

Now she was acting like some sort of vestal virgin who’d never done this before. Maybe it was an act. Did she think ravishing inexperienced maidens was his fetish? He almost laughed out loud. He knew girls like her. Tease - that was what they called them. Well, she’d better get ready for the teasing of her life.

Dare returned to the bed where he slid his hand along her thigh then up to her mound where he began to stroke and tease. He was getting her ready for him.

She moaned and her legs began to part for him but still she kept her eyes closed.

It was only when he moved up and over her that her eyes flew open and as he stared into those brown eyes so cloudy with passion he positioned his hips over hers and sank deep inside her.

Erin stiffened and there was a momentary flash of something akin to panic but then she closed her eyes again, shutting him out, hiding from him the depth of her soul.

Unfazed, Dare dipped his head and brushed her ear with his lips. He smiled when she moaned in response. He had supreme confidence in his ability to stoke the embers of passion in this woman. She would not be passive in his arms.

For a whisper of a moment he lay still, giving her time to adjust to his entry, and then he was moving, thrusting slowly at first then more forcefully as she writhed in his arms. When she gasped and clung to him the fire inside him flared up and trapped his breath in his lungs, making him gasp for air.

Soon it was his body that was in control and he was thrusting toward his peak, driving into her until all his lust, passion and desire exploded inside her, leaving him panting and drained.

He looked at her then and what he saw made his breath catch in his throat. She was staring up at him, her eyes misty with tears, and she was smiling. Had it been as good for her as it had been for him? It had been sweet, too sweet in fact. He’d peaked a lot quicker than normal. There was something about this girl that drove him to distraction, made him lose his cool. But not to worry. The night was still young and he planned to drink his fill of her, get her out of his system then purge her for good. By the end of the night Miss Erin Samuels would know not to mess with the big boys.

Tags: Judy Angelo Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024