Billionaire's Island Bride - Page 18

She’d made her point and he’d gotten the message. Mission accomplished. So why did she feel like her life had just ended?

Slowly she turned and walked back to the kitchen. As she dressed an unexpected tear slid down her cheek.

With a sniff she wiped it away with the back of her hand, disgusted with herself for this display of weakness. If she was going to survive under Dare DeSouza’s roof she’d better develop a backbone.

And if she was going to survive a week with Robyn she’d better return to all she’d learned about suppressing her emotions.

Between Dare and Robyn she was going to have a heck of a time controlling those emotions. Under no circumstances could she afford to crumble in front of either one of them. She would have to call on all her reserves to survive the week. God help her.

Chapter 8

After a near sleepless night Dare headed out early the next morning. He’d scheduled a meeting with a private investigator and he was anxious to get an update on the findings.

When the man was ushered into his office at eight thirty that morning he was standing by the desk, ready for the news. He practically paced a trail into the carpet, waiting for him.

They shook hands then he offered Paul Ogilvie a seat. The big man’s frame swallowed up the chair.

He began without preamble. “I’m afraid it’s not good news, Mr. Desouza.”

Dare’s lips tightened but he nodded. He’d been hoping for the best, that he’d find some way to redeem his long-time friend and absolve him from any wrongdoing, but it was not to be.

“Bart Reynolds had a serious conflict of interest in this deal.” The blond giant leaned over and dropped a large brown envelope in the center of Dare’s desk. “It’s all there. He was a primary shareholder in that property with full knowledge of its dilapidated state. You did him a favor in taking it off his hands.”

The news almost floored Dare. So that was why Bart had pushed him so hard on this deal, giving him all kinds of assurances. The bastard.

Then he thought of something. “Wait a minute. You said the buildings were dilapidated but I didn’t see any evidence of that.”

“Bart took you on that tour of the property, right?”

Dare nodded.

“Just as I thought.” Ogilvie’s face was grim. “He deliberately took you to the sections that had been spruced up for your visit. Half of those structures are hollow shells, eaten out by wood termites. He wouldn’t have taken you to those.”

Dare puffed out his cheeks and blew out his breath. So that was it. He’d put all his trust in Bart and had been taken for a hell of a ride. If he couldn’t trust a friend of over ten years who in the world could he trust? “So where is he now?”

“Last information we got he’d left the island for the south of France with a former model on his arm. He set himself up for a pretty sweet life.”

“And this is?” Dare jerked his head toward the envelope.

“Photos, bank records, papers showing his connection to the property.” The P.I. shrugged. “Nothing I haven’t already told you. They’re just for your records.”

There was nothing more to be said. Nothing more to be done. He probably didn’t even have the option of suing. He’d signed in good faith and now he was paying a high price for his trust.

“Thank you for your help.”

As Dare held out his hand Paul Ogilvie stood and shook it. “Any time, Mr. DeSouza. If you need any more checks done you know where to find me.”

Dare nodded and gave a grunt of acknowledgement. That was as much as he could manage.

Right now his mind was consumed with the issue at hand - how in the blazes to recoup two hundred and fifty million dollars.


Erin tapped her rolled-up magazine against her leg as she waited for Robyn to exit the customs and immigration department. The days had flown by much too fast and Sunday had arrived, bold and bright, the day her nemesis would appear. When the flight arrived crowds of people came through the doors, people waving to family members who had come to pick them up and professionals decked out in business wear. This went on for almost an hour and still there was no sign of Robyn. And there was no answer from her cell phone.

Finally, when Erin had paced the airport lobby for the umpteenth time, she heard a squeal.

“Darling. There you are.”

She turned to see a bundle of red rushing through the double doors followed by a porter pushing a trolley with bags that looked like they had enough clothes for a year-long stay.

Within seconds Robyn was upon her, kissing her on both cheeks. “You’re looking so good,” the redhead said with a laugh. “And you’ve put on weight. Married life agrees with you.”

Erin stepped back and adjusted her loose jacket so that it fell away from her body. Robyn didn’t know she was pregnant but she would, soon enough. But now was not the time. She’d let the girl gloat, thinking she’d simply grown plump from lack of exercise. She pasted a smile on her lips and looked Robyn up and down, from the red beret on her head to her red suit and matching shoes. She looked almost European in her elegant pencil skirt. She must be going through one of her European phases. At times she considered things European to be en vogue and so she dressed the part and even adopted their accents and expressions.

“You look beautiful, as usual,” she told Robyn and watched her face light up even more. She never tired of receiving compliments.

“Thank you,” she said and looked around. “So where’s that husband of yours?”

“Aah, he’s very busy at the moment. Our chauffeur will take us home.” As she spoke she dug into her purse for her cell phone. She’d have to call for the car to come around.

Robyn’s mouth set in a pout she probably thought was cute. “Aaw, I was looking forward to meeting him.”

“You will,” Erin said. “Soon.” That was what she told Robyn but, in truth, she wished to delay that meeting as long as possible. Robyn was a notorious man stealer and the fact that this was a married man was little consolation. Everyone was fair game on her playing field.

Within minutes the chauffeur was loading the bags, five in all, into the trunk and then they were off, the serpent and the little mouse eyeing each other. Erin almost laughed as the image flashed through her mind. Would there ever come a day when she didn’t feel intimidated by Robyn?

That night, and much to Erin’s relief, Dare did not make an appearance before bedtime. Robyn’s disappointment was palpable. The girl’s true colors began to show through her façade when she snapped at Francine during the evening meal.

“Why does she keep hovering around?” she complained as Francine came in to check on them for the third time. “It’s so annoying.”

“Francine’s a lovely woman,” Erin said in defense. “She’s just a little overprotective, that’s all. She’s the motherly type.”

“Well, she’d better not try to bother me. She’s only the hired help, after all.” This was followed by a toss of her head.

Erin didn’t think Robyn had to worry about more mothering. Francine had been just about to enter the room when she was stopped by Robyn’s outburst. The older woman’s face fell and she disappeared back down the hallway. Erin could only hope she didn’t think she shared Robyn’s opinion.

When she finally bid Robyn goodnight and closed the door to the guest quarters she could only sigh in exhaustion and relief. One night down, five more to go.

Another day passed without incident, with Erin taking Robyn shopping at the boutiques scattered around the town’s center, and having her walking from store to store until she was beat. By the time they got home Robyn crashed, totally exhausted.

By the third day, though, the visitor was determined that her trip to the island would not be in vain. At least that was how it seemed to Erin. Robyn got up with the rising of the sun and knocked on her door. Not waiting for an answer, she popped her head around the door.

“Wake up, sleepy head,” she said, her smile falsely bright and cheerful. “Let’s have an early breakfast.”

Erin looked at her through eyes still blurry from sleep. “Francine isn’t up yet,” she said in an attempt to protest.

“Who needs Francine? We’ll make our own breakfast.”

Erin was not fooled. Robyn hadn’t suddenly developed a love for the fresh early morning air. No, her goal was to meet Dare. This time there would be no way to keep them apart.

As per Robyn’s plan, both women were sitting at the breakfast table when Dare walked in looking breathtakingly handsome in dark business suit and maroon-colored tie.

“Good morning, ladies.” He walked over to Erin and leaned down to give her a peck on the cheek. He smelled of an ocean-breeze aftershave lotion. “How are you today?” He gave her a loving look.

Tags: Judy Angelo Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024