Billionaire's Island Bride - Page 19

Erin almost laughed. She’d had no idea he was such a good actor. “Just fine, honey,” she said, her voice sugary-sweet. Two could play that game. She smiled and looked across at Robyn whose face sported a bright and very false smile. “Dare, I would like you to meet my friend, Robyn.”

Dare gave a chivalrous bow and took Robyn’s proffered hand. He bent his head and kissed the back of it and she gave a girlish giggle.

Erin almost rolled her eyes. Please.

Dare released her hand then gave her an apologetic look. “You’ve been here two days and I’m just getting the chance to meet you. My apologies. My work has kept me very busy these last few days.”

“Oh, not at all,” Robyn said with a wave of her hand. “I know how it is. You have to make the money, right?” She gave a tinkly laugh. “But I hope you’ll be here for dinner this evening. After all, you can’t work all the time.” She cocked her head in her classic Robyn pose, the one where she added a slightly pouty mouth that men thought was cute.

Dare gave a slight nod. “I’ll do my best to fulfill my duties as your host.”

That got a smile of celebration from Robyn. “I look forward to getting know you.” The way she said the words, so low and seductive, left no room for doubt as to her meaning.

Erin felt a slow heat rising from her belly but Dare seemed to take things in stride.

“I’m sorry I won’t be able to join you for breakfast.” He was reaching for an apple as he spoke. “I’ll just munch this on the way. Enjoy your day.” With that he was gone, leaving the women alone in the room.

“What was that all about?” Erin hissed.

“What?” Robyn’s face was all innocence.

“You know what. You were flirting with Dare. He’s supposed to be my husband, remember?”

“Supposed to be?” Robyn lifted an eyebrow. “Sounds to me like you’re not sure. Maybe you’re in over your head?”

Erin frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means, what’s a girl like you doing with a man like him? You’re not even in the same class.”

So there it was. The gloves were off now. No need for pretenses anymore. The fight was out in the open.

“You don’t know anything about money,” Robyn continued, the veil gone from her face now contorted with spite. “You’re out of your league here.”

Erin felt her heart tighten. It was true. She was like an alien in this world of riches. But still, Robyn had no right. “He’s my husband,” she said finally, her voice strong and defiant. “No matter what you may think, he’s mine and I’m part of his world.”

“We’ll see about that.” Robyn sat back in her chair, her expression smug.


“Meaning we’ll just see how long your husband keeps you here once he finds out about the real you.”

Erin gasped. “You wouldn’t.”

“Try me,” Robyn smirked.

“You would break up a marriage just to soothe your ego?”

“I just want Dare to know exactly who he married. That’s only fair.”

Erin took a deep breath. The nightmare had begun and it was far worse than she’d expected. She knew Robyn had not come to the island to be supportive. She’d even expected a little flirtation, but this? To threaten to reveal a secret she’d shared in confidence, a secret that could jeopardize her marriage?

She decided to use her wild card. Her face calm, she looked Robyn in the eyes. “You would break up a marriage even though I’m expecting Dare’s child?”

That did the trick. Robyn stared at her, her face frozen in shock. “You’re pregnant?”

In answer Erin got up and unbuttoned the loose jacket she’d been using to hide her condition. The bump in her belly was now obvious through the cotton fabric of her blouse.

“My God.” Robyn looked at her belly and her face grew red. “How could I have missed that?”

The tension was suddenly too much for Erin. She walked over to the counter as a sudden wave of nausea washed over her. She sucked in a deep breath, willing her churning stomach to settle. She couldn’t afford to show weakness. Not now.

She had her head down when she heard Robyn’s voice again. It seemed to be coming from far away. “Now I see what happened. You devious little witch. You knew exactly what you were doing, didn’t you?”

The venom in the woman’s voice was like a knife thrust into Erin’s belly. Why did Robyn hate her so much? With shaking hands she reached up and took a glass from the cupboard then filled it from the tap. She took a few sips then drew in her breath and turned around. Now she was ready.

“Robyn, I don’t know what I was thinking when I allowed you to come here. Obviously it was a big mistake. I want you to leave.” Erin made her voice strong and bold even though she felt almost ready to pass out.

“You…want me to leave?” Robyn spluttered. “You’re throwing me out?”

“Yes,” Erin said, her voice surprisingly calm. “You came here knowing that you held the handle while I was holding the blade. You planned to use that against me, make me submit to your desires, even if it meant flirting with my husband. Even stealing him. It’s not going to happen.”

Robyn pushed her chair back, making a long scraping sound on the marble tiles. “Oh, so we’re tough now, are we? Don’t care about our reputation anymore? One word from me and this doll’s house can come tumbling down around your ears.”

The nausea was coming back. Beads of perspiration popped out on Erin’s brow and again she had to turn away. She couldn’t take this, not now, not in her condition. “Robyn,” she whispered as she struggled to keep her breakfast down, “please leave.”

As Robyn stormed out of the room Erin held on to the counter then made her way back to the table where she sank gratefully into the chair. She sat there for a while gulping in air then she gathered just enough strength to get up and grab a can of ginger ale from the fridge. It was the only thing guaranteed to dispel her nausea.

It took a whole ten minutes for Erin to return to normal. Still, she did not move. She sat there thinking. And thinking.

What was she going to do now? She’d just upset - no, angered - the one person in the world with the power to create a mess of her life. Well, the one person outside of Dare DeSouza. She had created a real enemy.

She clenched her fists in her lap. Whatever Robyn chose to do she would have to deal with it even if it meant that she ended up on the street. But there was no way she would continue to live under that witch’s control.

Her mind made up, Erin got up and went to find the chauffeur. Robyn would need the ride back to the airport.

Chapter 9

Dare sank into the seat of the town car and, eyes closed, rested his head against the back. It had been another rough day. They hadn’t had any luck in locating Bart Reynolds in Europe. What was the use, anyway? The contract he’d signed was airtight. Two hundred and fifty million. Down the drain, just like that. It was a lot of money to lose.

Dare knew he would recover from this loss. He always did. If there was one thing he knew it was how to fail and keep on coming back. Wasn’t that the common factor linking all successful entrepreneurs?

He sighed. Maybe it was a good thing he’d decided to make it an early night. He’d as much as promised Erin’s friend that he would have dinner with them and he meant to keep that promise. But God, he was dead tired. He hadn’t even bothered to drive himself home. As soon as he called, Carlos had come out to get him. He’d arrived before Dare even had the chance to stuff his papers into his briefcase. Thank God for reliable employees.

Once at home, a brisk shower was all it took to get him back to normal. Dressed in comfortable slacks and a light silk shirt he headed for the dining room where dinner would be served at seven. He was prepared to be pleasant and accommodating, the perfect host. Erin’s friend deserved at least that, if even for one evening. He knew Erin would be pleased he’d made the effort.

Erin. As his mind settled on her he shook his head. He could not figure her out. She’d thrown him for a loop when she’d adamantly refused him, even pissing him off by intimating that he would have to force her. He’d never forced himself on a woman in his life and he wasn’t planning to start now.

But he would put that incident behind him. Tonight he’d be cool. Tonight it was all about the ladies.

The dining room was softly lit by elegant lamps positioned in the corners. A gold candelabra sat in the center of the table. And there, all alone, sat Erin.

Clearly, she didn’t realize that he’d entered the room. Her eyes downcast, she seemed lost in thought. But what made him pause was the slight droop of her shoulders, a posture that spoke of sadness or pain. Even her mouth had lost its feisty pout.

Tags: Judy Angelo Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024