Tamed by the Billionaire - Page 11

On an impulse he said, “This cake of yours, how soon do you need to have it ready?”

“I told my grandma I wanted to come by around four o’clock this afternoon. I wanted to surprise her with something homemade but who am I kidding? I’ll never be able to do this by myself.”

“I may be able to help.”

“You? How?”

Roman chuckled into the phone. “I’m an excellent chef, if I may say so myself. I learned at the hands of the best.”

“Would you…show me?” Serena’s voice sounded hesitant but hopeful.

“It’s only a little after eleven right now so if you can hang in there while I locate this file and finish what I’m doing I’ll help you bake your cake. Do you have all the ingredients or do I need to pick up something on the way?”

“N…no, I have what I need. Do you know where I live?”

“Sure. I had to check your file to get your home number and I see you listed at one of the apartments just a few miles east of the office. I don’t mind swinging by. In fact, I’d love to get my hands full of flour again. It’s been a while.” Roman smiled to himself as he remembered the last time he’d done any cooking. It had been at the family Thanksgiving gathering three years earlier at his parents’ house. He’d been appointed chef for the day. Since then, though, he hadn’t had a chance to do any real cooking since he was always traveling and his housekeeper took care of his meals when he was at home.

But then he thought of something and his smile disappeared. Was he being presumptuous to invite himself over to the girl’s apartment? It was stupid of him to even make the offer.

“On second thought, maybe it’s not such a good idea,” he said, his tone apologetic. “I’m sure you want to do this on your own-”

“No way. I’m not going to let you back out of this. You made the offer and I’m taking you up on it. You’ll come over…won’t you?”

It was that hesitation in her voice, that soft hint of pleading, that got him. Serena had always played tough but she was vulnerable in so many ways. How could he say no?

“Alright, I’ll be there in an hour or so. That is, assuming I find the file. I’ll give you a call before I head out.”

“Great,” she said with a happy laugh. “I’ll have everything ready and waiting. Promise.”

After Roman hung up he sat for a moment tapping his fingers on the desk. He liked the sound of that. Ready and waiting. Maybe he liked it a bit too much. Was he making a mistake in seeing Serena outside of the office, even if just to help her?

Roman sighed. Maybe he was overreacting. He’d been busy with traveling and the office for so long he could do with some down time. Amusing himself with cake baking would certainly be different. And with Serena nearby it would definitely not be boring. It might even end up being fun. He was looking forward to it.


Serena could not believe that she had just invited her boss over to help her bake a cake. Which employee dared do something like that? An employee like her, it seemed, one who was desperate. It was not like her friends were anywhere near and could come over to help and the birthday celebration was this afternoon. She’d grabbed at his offer and, nervous as it made her, she did not regret it. If she had a delicious cake to take to her Grandma Sylvie’s house it would all be worth it.

She busied herself tidying up the kitchen, getting rid of the burned cake and setting out the ingredients for the next one. Then it was time to tidy herself. With a grimace she got rid of the apron. There was no way she wanted him to see her looking like a housewife. A girl had her image to think about. She got rid of the gray sweat pants and the oversized white T-shirt and changed into a primrose yellow shirt and jeans. She wanted to apply some make-up but then thought better of it. She didn’t want him to think she was getting all dolled up because of him. Instead, all she did was apply a little lip gloss and put her hair up in a ponytail.

The hour flew by and all too soon Serena heard the buzzer. Ready or not, Roman was here. She pressed the button to let him in then glanced in the mirror to make sure everything was in the right place. Then, with a deliberately nonchalant air, she sauntered to the front door. Perfect timing. As she rested her hand on the knob there was a knock. She pulled it open and when she saw Roman Steele standing in the doorway her heart did a backflip.

She’d thought he was sexy in his business suit but today the sight before her eyes made her mouth water. Roman was dressed casually in a navy blue polo shirt and jeans. The light material of the shirt stretched across his broad chest, accentuating his muscled torso. This was the first time she’d seen his arms exposed and those, too, were well muscled. It looked like he worked out a lot. She could just imagine those arms around her, pulling her close.

“Aren’t you going to invite me in?” Roman smiled down at her and chuckled.

“Oh. Yes, come in.” Serena stepped back and held the door open so that Roman could enter. “Sorry about my bad manners.”

“No problem,” Roman responded, his eyes resting on her, and she could swear she saw something close to admiration in his expression. But for what?

“So, where do I start? Point me to the kitchen.”

Serena gave him a quick smile. She had no problem getting started right away because it was almost one o’clock and she needed everything to be ready by at least three thirty. “Just follow me,” she said and led the way.

Serena could sense that working in the tiny kitchen with Roman was going to be quite an experience. The fragrance of his woodsy cologne filled her nostrils and the nearness of him made her constantly conscious of the virile man in her tiny apartment. She’d never worked this closely with a man before. The fact that the man was Roman did not make anything easier.

“I see you have everything prepared,” Roman said as he eyed all the items laid out on the counter. “Let me wash my hands and we’ll get right to work.”

Serena nodded and stepped back so that he could prepare himself then as he worked she stood over in the corner and watched. Never in a million years would she have imagined Roman as being an expert in the kitchen but he did everything with such competence that she could only stare in admiration.

“Were you formally trained in cooking?” she asked.

Roman laughed. “No, not this kind of cooking. I can cook up a good business deal but this is something I learned at the hand of my mother. I’ve always enjoyed it.” He beckoned to her with a nod. “Now come on over. It’s time for you to get your hands dirty.”

Slowly, Serena walked over to stand by Roman’s side. She almost felt intimidated by his size. Even more disconcerting was his nearness. His male presence filled the tiny room, making every inch of her body aware of him.

Roman turned with the bag of flour and held it out to Serena. “Here. Take this and measure out one cup.” Serena reached out to take the bag from him and their fingers touched. She jumped back and stared up at him.

“Are you alright?” Roman cocked an eyebrow as he looked down at her.

“I’m…I’m fine,” Serena said then took a step away from him. She’d felt it, a shock that ran through her the moment his fingertips touched hers. Had he felt it, too? She couldn’t tell but she knew that having him so close was driving her crazy. She had to put some distance between the two of them.

She rested the bag on the counter. “I’ll be right back. I just need to check something.” Before he could stop her she exited the kitchen and made a beeline for her room.

Serena knew she was being crazy but how was she going to handle being so close to this man to whom she was so attracted? She had to get a hold of herself. She had to stop acting like an idiot before the man thought something was wrong with her. She took two deep breaths then headed back to the kitchen.

She’d only been gone three minutes but already Roman had all the ingredients in the bowl and had turned on the mixer. When she walked in he turned and smiled at her.

“I know what you’re up to,” he said and his grin widened.

“You do?”

“You had no intention of helping me with this cake, did you? You slipped out so that I’d get started and I’d be done by the time you got back. I know your trick.”

“Oh, that. You…you got me. Guilty as charged.”

The rest of the baking project went without incident and soon the cake was in the oven, scheduled to sit there for thirty minutes. Now what were they going to do? “Would you like to watch some television?” Serena asked. “There’s a basketball game on.”

Roman nodded. “Sounds good to me.”

And so it was that Roman ended up sprawling comfortably on her sofa watching the big screen TV while she perched on a bar stool watching him. He was so absorbed in the game, the Knicks versus the Lakers, that she wondered if he even remembered she was there. But she could never forget his presence. His aura filled the room. She needed to get out and away from him. He was having too much of an effect on her.

Tags: Judy Angelo Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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