Tamed by the Billionaire - Page 16

For one quick moment he saw what looked like fear in her eyes. Her eyes widened when they fell on his manhood, swollen and ready, but then she looked back up at him, deep into his eyes, and there was no more anxiety there. All Roman could see was desire that burned with an intensity that fueled his own want.

Roman went to her then, covering her soft, yielding body with his. He pressed his lips to hers and when she opened like a flower unfolding he captured her lips, her tongue, kissing her with a passion he hadn’t felt in years. What was it about this little witch that made him lose all control? The taste of her mouth, the feel of her soft breasts against his chest, the caress of her arms as they wrapped around him, the smoothness of her legs as they raised up and wrapped around his waist. It was all too much. All he wanted to do was bury himself inside this sweet, seductive siren and ride her till she took him to the brink and over the edge.

As the kiss deepened, Roman positioned his hips over hers and as she opened to receive him he entered her, pressing his manhood into her core.

Suddenly, she stiffened and moaned into his mouth. Then she was clinging to him as if she would never let go.

Roman pressed forward and then he felt it…a resistance that told him this girl was a virgin. What the hell? Too late, Roman realized that this was no siren in his arms but an innocent girl playing ‘woman’.

Too late. It was his body that was in charge now. There was no turning back. His quick thrusts hauled him over the edge and then he was exploding, pouring his seed deep inside the writhing, moaning girl in his arms.

And then she was there too, riding the waves of ecstasy to her own peak, crying his name as her flower blossomed and pulsated around that part of him that pressed deep within her core.

It took a few minutes for their rapid breathing to slow and their bodies to return to calm. During that time Roman held Serena in his arms, his body still but his mind racing.

Dear God, what had he just done?


Slowly, Roman released Serena from his arms and got up from the sofa, frowning in self-disgust. He’d just deflowered a virgin, the daughter of a man who had entrusted her to his care. He shook his head, feeling lower than a snake crawling in the dirt. She’d been so assertive, had seemed so sure of herself. He’d thought she was experienced, had assumed she would be on the pill. What if he got her pregnant?

With a curse he picked up her bra and panties from the floor and dropped them on her belly. Then, still not looking at her, he pulled on his boxers and pants and hurriedly dragged on the rest of his clothing. The tie, he stuffed into his pocket.

He looked over at Serena. She had not moved. She simply lay there, naked and flushed, staring up at him with huge eyes. She looked so forlorn, so innocent, that the self-recrimination he felt was like a knife ripping into his gut.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” he barked, scowling down at her. He clenched his fists at his side. Right then he felt like shaking her, he was so angry. Why would she keep something like that from him? If he’d known he would never have come within a million miles of her. “Why didn’t you tell me you were a virgin?”

Only then did Serena move. Her mouth was set in her classic pout, the one he’d found so alluring the first day they met, the one that had been his downfall.

In one fluid movement she slid off the sofa and slipped on her panties. Then she was snapping her bra closed then straightening to her full height, just shy of the nipples on his chest. She glared up at him then still not saying a word, she turned round and bent to gather up her blouse and skirt, giving him a delicious view of her pert behind. His manhood stirred in his pants. He groaned. Even now his body was betraying him.

Serena dressed quickly and only then did she look him full in the face, her blue eyes flashing with anger. “Why should I tell you? So that you could reject me again? That’s what you love doing, isn’t it?”

“What are you talking about?” Roman shook his head in frustration. The girl was not making sense. Or was she? At her apartment and tonight she was the one who had made the first move. She was a virgin and yet she’d played the part of temptress so well. He frowned as a new thought came to him. Did she have an ulterior motive? He had to know.

“Did you…want to get pregnant?”

Serena looked stunned. “Is that what you think? That I want to get pregnant? You think I want to trap you with a baby?”

Roman gave a harsh laugh, unfazed by her look of outrage. “Isn’t that what you women do all the time?”

Serena gasped and before he knew her intention she slapped him across the jaw. Hard.


Serena stumbled back, her palm stinging from the sharp blow she’d just given Roman. Heart pounding, she could only stare back at his thunderous face with wide eyes. Oh, Lord, what had she done? Her violent reaction was an obvious shock to him but it was even more of a shock to her. She’d never hit anyone in her life.

Roman stood there, hands balled into fists at his sides, his face drawn in a dangerous scowl. He looked ready to wring her neck.

Serena trembled in anticipation of his wrath. Palms wet with nervous perspiration, heart thumping loudly in her ears, she bit her trembling lip and waited for the axe to fall.

Then suddenly, and to her utter confusion, Roman’s scowl gave way to a strange look. Was it regret? Pain? She could not tell. She never got the chance to figure it out. Without a word he picked up his jacket from the floor and strode toward the door, leaving her standing there gaping in the middle of the room. When he slammed the door shut behind him it was with a bang of finality that left her dejected and drained.

All the tension left Serena then. Her body sagged and she slumped down onto the sofa, feeling the strength leave her body. Roman was gone. And this time she knew it was not just from the room, it was from her life.


After Roman left Serena sat for a long time, totally disgusted with herself. She’d been stupid to think that a man like Roman Steele could have any interest in her. Of course he would want a worldly woman. Of course he would want someone who matched his level of experience. To him, she must seem like such a novice. Why would he have time for someone like her?

Serena heaved a sigh and propped her chin in her cupped hands. Why had she stayed back at the office working so late on a Friday night? If she hadn’t, none of this would ever have happened. But deep down inside, she realized, she’d known what she was doing. She’d worked late into the night because she wanted to impress Roman. She wanted to have the report finished and perfect and sitting on his desk when he got back from his trip. And, she now realized, she’d hoped that maybe, just maybe, he’d come to the office that night and find her there.

Serena lifted her face from her hands. The revelation hit her like a slap to the cheek. She’d always known she wanted this man but now she knew without a doubt that she was in love with him.

The thought made Serena even more depressed. She was in love with a man who did not love her back. He did not even want her the way she wanted him. That much was clear from how he’d been so quick to walk away.

She groaned. How could she have fallen for the one man she’d met who wasn’t falling over himself to impress her? How could she be in love with the one man who had ever looked at her with an expression of disgust?

She didn’t know how she could have fallen for the worst man in the world she could ever have chosen. One thing she knew for certain, though: Roman Steele must never know what she felt for him.


“Serena, you’ve been there all of six weeks and you’re telling me that you’ve learned all you can?” Richard’s voice was sharp with annoyance. “The plan was for you to be there for six months not weeks.”

“I know, Dad,” Serena replied, trying to keep her voice calm and soothing, “but I’ve learned so much in the time I’ve been there. I think it’s time I join you and learn about the family business.”

“I’ll have to talk to Roman about that.” Richard sounded unconvinced. “Is this something you both agreed on?”

“Not exactly,” she said, her voice hesitant, “but I’m sure he’ll agree that it’s time for me to move on.”

For a moment there was silence. Then Richard spoke. “Okay, I’ll give him a call. But I want you to understand that if you decide to break the internship and start working with me the same rules apply. You’ll be here to work, not play around.”

“I understand,” Serena replied, her voice subdued. She felt a little hurt at her father’s statement but how could she blame him? Her history had not exactly been one of dedication and interest in anything to do with the family business.

Now, though, things had changed. She really had learned a lot from Roman and she’d also learned a lot about herself. To her surprise she’d enjoyed the world of business, coming up with new product concepts, taking them from the seed of an idea to birth into the marketplace. Roman had opened her eyes to her abilities and given her newfound confidence in herself. He’d never once expressed doubt because of her lack of experience. Instead, he supported her every step of the way, offering her diverse opportunities to utilize her talents, making her feel she belonged. Too bad he hadn’t found it in his heart to love her, too.

Tags: Judy Angelo Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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