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Tamed by the Billionaire

Page 18

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Serena rode the elevator to the tenth floor where she was met, as expected, by Theresa. She was shocked when the woman greeted her with a smile.

“Good to see you again,” she said warmly, then gave her a look of curiosity. “You’re here to see Mr. Steele?”

“Yes, how did you guess?” Serena said cheekily then smiled back at her, genuinely relieved at the woman’s pleasant demeanor. Maybe, now that she was out of the picture, Theresa had let her guard down. “Is he in?”

Theresa shook her head. “I’m sorry. He rushed out of here about half an hour ago. Said there was something urgent he had to do.”

Serena’s heart sank. She’d spent several minutes preparing for this meeting Roman, coaching herself on what she would say. Now that she was all psyched up Roman was missing. She wanted to get it out while she had the courage. After today would her fear keep her away?

Hiding her disappointment behind a bright smile, Serena thanked Theresa. “Please let him know I came by,” she said as she headed back to the elevator.

Downstairs in the parking lot Serena sat in her car for a full five minutes, fighting the urge to cry. She’d wanted resolution. She just couldn’t go on like this. But he was not here so no matter what she wanted there was nothing she could do.

Taking a deep breath, she turned the key in the ignition. She had to get out of there before she broke down altogether. She put the car in reverse and began to back out of her spot beside a big black Dodge Ram pick-up truck.

There was a loud bang. Serena screamed and slammed on the brakes. Then she whipped her head around. She’d run into a sleek black car.

“Oh, no,” she whispered. Where the heck had that come from?

She hadn’t seen or heard anything. Oh Lord, she’d probably been too distracted. And now she’d gone and destroyed somebody’s car. What if someone was hurt?

Serena flung open the door and hopped out then dashed toward the car. She didn’t even glance at the damaged vehicles. Instead, she flew to the driver’s seat. All she could think was, dear God please don’t let anyone be hurt.

As she got to the door of the black Mercedes Benz it opened and a tall, dark haired man in a navy blue suit got out. Serena gasped.



“What are you doing here?” They both came out with the words, each taking a step toward the other then they stopped just two feet apart.

“I came to see you,” Serena said, her heart thumping wildly. Just the sight of him, the way a stray black curl had fallen onto his forehead, made her body tingle in response. The memory of his hands, his lips on her body, the images came flooding in, making the heat rush to her face. Even in the confusion of the accident he looked gorgeous.

“And I went to see you,” he said, his lips curving in a crooked smile. At her look of confusion, he continued, “I thought you’d be at your apartment. When I didn’t find you there I decided to come back to the office and then try calling you later.”

“You were looking for me?” Serena’s voice was a breathless whisper. Dared she even think it? Had Roman missed her even half as much as she missed him?

“I was,” he said, and this time as he looked down at her the smile was gone and there was a serious look on his face. “Serena, this is neither the time nor the place but there is something I have to tell you.”

“Yes?” She held her breath as she stared up at him. For the first time she saw uncertainty in his eyes. Roman reached out and took both of her hands in his. He pulled her into the shadow of the truck. “I know I’ve been a jerk these last few weeks-”

“These last few weeks?”

He chuckled. “Okay, ever since we met. But it was for a good reason. Or what I thought was a good reason at the time.” He took a deep breath. “From the first day we met…I fell in love with you.”

Serena’s heart soared. She took a step closer. “But…why did you keep pushing me away?”

“There was so much standing between us. I was your boss-”


“Come on, Serena. How do you think that would have looked?” Roman gave her his signature smile, crooked and captivating. “And remember your father left you in my care. I still don’t know how I’m going to break this to him.”

Serena took a step closer until they were only a hair’s breadth apart. “Trust me,” she whispered, “he already knows. When I went running back to Daddy I know he guessed there was a man involved. He knows me. That man could only be you.”

Roman chuckled then shook his head. “And then there’s that thing about our ages.”

Serena frowned. “What thing about our ages?”

“I’m nine years old than you.”

Serena laughed. “That’s it? I thought you were in your forties.”

Roman glared down at her but there was a huge grin on his face. “You don’t mind my age?”

Serena snaked her arms around his waist. “I absolutely love it. Why do you think I never got involved with a man my age? Too immature. Now you? You’re just old enough to match my maturity.”

At that Roman laughed out loud. “So, have I done a good job of taming the princess?”

“You’ve done an excellent job,” she whispered, smiling up at him, “a job I hope will never end.”

“Never fear, little one,” Roman said softly as he looked deep into her eyes, “you have me for life.”

And there in the parking lot, in the full view of anyone who wished to see, Roman wrapped his arms around Serena and gave her a kiss that told her without a doubt that he meant every word.


Serena woke to the most beautiful day of spring she’d ever seen. It was also the happiest day of her life. Today she would marry the man who had captured her mind, her heart and soul.

She hopped out of bed and ran over to the window to breathe in the fragrance of the flowers under her window. Simply delicious.

Serena smiled as she stared out her bedroom window. She’d moved back home to spend time with her father before the wedding but last night was the last she’d spend under this roof as Serena Van Buren. By the end of the day she would be Serena Steele.

She leaned out of the window to get a better view of the south lawn. The decorators were already bustling about, making sure the trellis and its trimmings were in order. It would be a garden wedding right on the lawn where she used to play with her mother. Maybe her mother would look down on her today and send her wedding blessings on the breeze.

There was a knock at her door and Serena spun around to see her father peeping in. “Ready for your big day, Princess?”

“Oh, Daddy, it’s like I’ve been ready all my life.” She went to him and stepped into his arms. When he released her from the hug she saw that his eyes were shiny with unshed tears.

“Your mother would be so happy,” he said, looking down at her with a smile. “You made an excellent choice for a husband.”

Serena’s eyes widened. “I did? You sure you’re not upset?”

“Upset?” Richard laughed. “I couldn’t have made a better choice myself. In fact, there’s something I must tell you.” His eyes sparkled with mischief. “I was hoping for this outcome all along. I knew if there was one man who could bring the woman out of my little girl, it was Roman Steele.”

“Daddy, did you set me up?” Serena pouted but a smile tickled her lips, making her mirth obvious.

“No, but I’d like to think your mother had a hand in this. Today more than ever I feel her presence and I think she’s smiling.”

Serena smiled up at her father and now it was her turn to blink back happy tears. “I feel her, too, Daddy. And I know today in the garden she’ll be right there with me as I take my big step.”

Then, as the birds whistled in the tree outside her window, Serena turned and looked out at the sun rising in the brilliant blue sky. “Thanks, Mom,” she whispered, “for finding me the best man I could ever want.”


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