Her Indecent Proposal - Page 6

Sloane came to stand beside her, taking in the tranquil scene before them. “Most visitors hit the popular tourist centers like Montego Bay or Ocho Rios but that’s not my style. I go for a more relaxed, personal experience.”

“And it’s on this property that Ian Fleming created James Bond.” Melanie turned toward Sloane. “That’s what they said when we checked in, right?”

He chuckled. “I see we’re paying attention. He wrote several of his James Bond novels right here in Oracabessa, at GoldenEye. I guess he bought the place because it stimulated his creativity.”

Melanie nodded. “Hey, if I lived in a place like this I’d be creative, too. Look at it. It’s like we found the Garden of Eden.”

And, looking out onto all that greenery, it made the early morning flight worth it.

She’d gotten up at the ungodly hour of four o’clock and met Sloane at the airport at five. At first she’d grumbled when he insisted on heading out that early but now she could see why. They’d arrived at the villa just about lunchtime, with lots of daylight left so they could start exploring and enjoying the island right away.

She’d been grateful when Sloane told her he would handle the honeymoon plans. Her only responsibility, he’d said, was to make sure she’d planned to take at least five days off from work because it was important that they used this time to get to know each other. He was right, of course. After all, how could you call a man your husband when you knew practically nothing about him? And having all the details of his professional life did not count.

So here she was, in one of the most idyllic places on earth, with Sloane Quest by her side. She would spend the rest of the day getting to know him, probably relaxing on the sparkling white sand, and then later when the night fell and the ocean turned inky-blue, she would get to know him even better. Because that was when they’d make love.

At the thought her breath caught in her throat and she stole a furtive glance at Sloane. Was he as nervous about tonight as she was? But Sloane looked one hundred percent relaxed, like he did this sort of thing every day – marrying a woman he hardly knew, taking her away on a honeymoon, getting ready to make love. Well, the making love part was definitely ‘old hat’ for him. Unfortunately, not so much for her…

“Why don’t we grab some lunch then hit the beach?” Sloane turned away from the verandah and walked back into the living room. “Or do you prefer the pool? The villa comes with its own pool and private beach.”

Melanie followed him into the room. “The beach, I guess. I like lying in the sun and digging my toes in the sand.” She shoved her hands into the pockets of her cargo pants. “So what’s for lunch?”

“We can stay here. We have a private staff who will cook a meal for us. Or, if you don’t want to wait, we can always walk over to the Bizot Bar and grab something there.” He shrugged. “It’s up to you.”

“Let’s go to the Bizot Bar. We’ll see other people there, right?”


“Then let’s go.”

He seemed amused by her eagerness but Melanie had a very good reason for wanting to get out of the villa. As spacious and open as it was, being there alone with Sloane, it was still too intimidating. It was too private, too intimate, and just then she did not want to be reminded about what was to come.

At the Bizot Bar they sat down poolside and enjoyed a meal that featured samplings of the local cuisine – jerked chicken and spicy escoveitched fish with ackee and salted codfish in flaky pastry cups. As they ate they enjoyed the sounds of France’s Radio Nova playing in the background.

Soon, though, it was time to head back to the villa and to their own little world. “Ready for the beach?” Sloane asked as he strolled toward the master bedroom. “Let’s get changed. We can do with some sun.” He didn’t even look behind to see if she was following.

And so she hesitated. Sure, the bellhop had taken both their bags to the same bedroom. They were man and wife, after all. But the villa had all of five bedrooms. Why did they have to share the same one? If she could avoid changing in front of Sloane she would feel so much better.

But then his voice broke into her thoughts and she realized she was being a perfect idiot. You’re planning to have sex with the man. He’s going to be seeing your body anyway, so why hide it now?

“Where are you? Come and change.”

It sounded more like an order than a request and Melanie frowned. She did not like being bossed around. But then she sighed and headed for the bedroom. She was the one who’d said she wanted to try the beach so she might as well get moving.

When she walked into the bedroom Sloane had already stripped off his shirt and trousers and was wearing shorts and sandals. And his chest was bare.

Melanie could only stare. Talk about sexy. The man was in perfect shape, and not just for a thirty-six year old. Anyone looking at his taut muscles, broad pecs and narrow waist would swear they were looking at the body of a guy in his early twenties, he looked that good.

But if Sloane noticed her staring, he didn’t acknowledge it. He walked toward where she stood in the doorway and as he approached, she stepped aside.

“I’m heading beachside. Join me when you're ready.” And then he was out the door and gone, leaving her standing there, staring after him.

Well, so much for having him watch her while she undressed. He hadn’t shown even a spark of interest. And, although she knew she was being contrary, she was not pleased. So she might not be Kate Moss but wasn’t he even the least bit curious about what she looked like? Melanie gave a soft sigh. She guessed he wasn’t.

In minutes she’d changed into a neon-orange bikini bathing suit with a wrap thrown over it and was on her way down to the beach. There she saw Sloane already in the water, floating on his back as he stared up into the cloudless blue sky. As she crossed the sandy beach he turned his head and when he saw her, he smiled and waved.

“How’s the water?” she called out, encouraged by his smile.

“Awesome,” he yelled back. “Come on, try it.”

And so she did. Sloane hadn’t flown her all the way to Jamaica for her to be a stick in the mud. She was sure he was paying several thousands per night for them to stay at this private villa so it only made sense for her to take advantage of all that the property had to offer.

She stripped off her wrap and dropped it right there on the sand. “I’m coming in,” she yelled and ran through the crystal-clear water at the shore then dived in. She swam out to where Sloane was now treading water while he waited for her.

“It took you long enough,” he said in a playful growl but his eyes twinkled as she surfed up to him and she could tell he was pleased she’d come. Well, that was some consolation after his speedy departure from the bedroom.

“Race you,” he said and took off before she even realized what he was up to.

“Hey, no fair,” she called out, and he circled and came back to her, a grin on his lips. “For a woman who’s got to respond quickly to sudden changes in the market, you’re real slow.” He was laughing as he teased. “I’ll give you a three second head start. First person to swim across to that rock, wins.”

“And what do I get when I win?”

He raised his eyebrows. “Don’t you mean ‘if’?”

“No, I mean ‘when’.” She raised her own eyebrows – two could play that game – as she spoke with supreme confidence. “I’m not going to do it till you tell me what my reward will be.”

“Okay,” he said with a shrug. “One billion dollars.”

She almost slapped him. “Will you be serious?”

He laughed. “I am. Because I know there is no way on God’s earth you can beat me, I’ll make you that bet. You owe me nothing if I win, by the way, because there’s no doubt in my mind that I will.”

“You’re on,” she yelled and before he could even turn, she was off.

And then he was after her. She could hear him behind, gaining on her, and within seconds he’d cut the lead she’d had on him and was neck and neck with her. But soon, as he’d predicted, he swept past her and sailed on to touch the craggy black rock that jutted out of the water. It took another four seconds before Melanie caught up to him.

“You cheated.” She was panting as she reached out to grab the rugged surface. “You said you’d give me a three second head start.”

“Yeah, but that was before I had a billion dollars on the line.” He was laughing outright, water still streaming down his face, his dark hair slicked down and dripping.

“Beast,” she grumbled but her displeasure only seemed to amuse him more. “Okay, what do I get if I’m first to climb on top of this rock?”

“Nothing,” he said, “because I won’t let you. See those sharp edges? I’m not going to have you mar your flawless skin with all kinds of cuts and scratches.”

Tags: Judy Angelo Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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