Her Indecent Proposal - Page 9

It was only then that she lifted her face to him. He did not turn to her but continued to stare out at the ocean, giving her the chance to get a good look at his face, so still and drawn, the morning shadow around his chin telling her that he hadn’t bothered to shave.

She swallowed. “Sloane, I want another chance. I can do it.”

He looked at her then, his eyes skeptical, his lips tight. It was obvious he didn’t believe her.

“Let me prove it to you,” she said, her voice a lot firmer than she really felt. “Tonight.”

His face did not soften but his eyes did not leave hers. He nodded. “Tonight.”

That was all he said but Melanie knew he would expect her to be true to her word.

Inwardly, she was quaking. She just hoped she would have the courage to deliver.


That evening Melanie drank three glasses of wine, which was a record for her, but she needed it.

She and Sloane had stayed at the villa, choosing to dine on the patio and enjoy a meal prepared by their private staff, rather than head over to the restaurant. The food was great – spicy pumpkin soup to start, then curried goat with rice, fried plantains and boiled yam followed by sweet potato pudding for dessert. Melanie loved the local cuisine and she knew she’d miss it when it was time to leave the island.

But tonight food was not the item that was top of mind. She’d made a promise to Sloane and to herself and, whatever it took, she was determined to keep that promise.

And so, as the evening shadows turned to night and the moon rose higher in the inky-blue of the sky, Melanie drew her courage to her and reached out and took Sloane’s hand. They’d been outdoors for hours, eating then relaxing with the sound of the gentle waves rolling in to the shore. She could delay no longer. She had to show Sloane that she was woman enough to keep her word.

She drew him inside and into the living room where she directed him to the sofa and, just like he’d done the night before, she switched on the CD player and let music fill the room. The soulful voice of Sade undulated in soft, raspy waves and as the sounds of ‘Sweetest Taboo’ flowed through Melanie walked back to the sofa, sat down beside her husband and cupped his face in her hands.

She glimpsed his momentary look of surprise just before she closed her eyes, leaned forward and placed her lips on his. It was a bold move on her part, but it was something she had to do.

At first he did not respond, his mouth so firm and tight under hers but then, just as she would have pulled back, his lips softened and his arms went up to draw her to him.

Immediately, she sank into him, relief washing through her. Maybe he still wanted her and that gave her hope. And courage. Because she knew, without a doubt, that she wanted him.

Within seconds, Melanie was no longer in control of the kiss. It was Sloane who dominated, his lips moving over hers, making her yield and open to him, and as she did, his tongue slipped in to explore the softness of her mouth.

Melanie moaned as Sloane’s kiss stoked the embers within but she could feel the fire rising in him, too, in the tightness of his hold and the pounding of his heart against her breasts. And then his kiss grew urgent, demanding, as he plundered her mouth, leaving her breathless.

Sloane’s breathing was ragged as he pulled his lips away and the look in his eyes told her all she needed to know. He still wanted her. He looked ready to rip the clothes from her body and she knew exactly how he felt because she felt like doing the same to him.

And as the thought came to her she moved, reaching down to unbutton the cotton shirt that hid his body from her gaze. Ignoring his raised eyebrows, she did not stop until all buttons had been loosened and she could push her hands in to slide the garment from his shoulders. When she saw his torso, bare and beautiful in the glow of the lamp, she licked her lips, eager for his taste on her tongue.

Lowering her head, she planted her lips on his collarbone and kissed him softly, and at the sound of his groan a thrill ran through her. Emboldened, she put out her tongue and licked at the taut skin, tasting him just like she’d craved moments before. Her tongue sliding over the smoothness, she sampled the sweetness of his skin and then her lips were sliding lower till they covered a flat nipple, making him moan.

Thrilled with her newfound power, Melanie caught the stiff bud between her teeth and nibbled and sucked until Sloane groaned and sank lower in the sofa, giving her greater access to his body.

She took full advantage, sliding down with him, moving her mouth to tease his other nipple even as her hands slid down his body, stroking and caressing, until they settled just above the waistband of his trousers. Here she paused, wanting him to make the next move. She needed the rest of his clothes gone but stalled, hoping he would grant her wish.

But, deliberately it seemed, Sloane did nothing to help her, as if saying this was her call. And so she took up the challenge, sliding her hands lower to loosen the buckle of his belt then opened the button on his pants.

Hands shaking slightly, she began to push the trousers off his hips. He raised himself up and off the sofa, making her task a whole lot easier but she almost got cold feet when they fell down to his ankles, leaving him only in his shorts.

She bit her lip as she felt the blood rise to her face. Don’t chicken out now, Mel. You’ve got to prove yourself. She raised her hands again but instead of grasping his shorts and pulling, as she should have done, she leaned forward to rest her face, burning-hot with embarrassment, against his chest.

This time Sloane took pity on her. He took her hand then got up, pulling her up with him. He didn’t say a word – he didn’t have to – but simply walked into the bedroom with her in tow.

There, he laid her on the bed and slowly began to remove her clothes. Her sandals were first to go, then he slid the ankle-length cotton dress up her body and over her head, leaving her in bra and panties. He rested a big, warm hand on her belly but then he paused, looking at her with questioning eyes. When she nodded he moved his hands higher and reached behind to unsnap her bra then pulled the undergarment off, leaving her breasts bare to his heated gaze.

Melanie dropped her eyes but said nothing. More than anything, she wanted to wrap her arms around herself, to hide herself from his stare, but she knew she couldn’t. That would spoil everything.

As the thoughts swirled in her head, Sloane was moving toward his next goal and before Melanie could pull back he had drawn her panties off her hips and down her thighs, exposing the most private part of her to his gaze. She sucked in her breath and clenched the bed sheets in tight fists.

Sloane lifted his eyes to hers. “It’s okay, honey. I’ll be gentle.”

His voice, quiet but firm, was what she needed to steady her jangling nerves. She drew in a deep breath, let it out slowly, then nodded. She would do this.

Sloane eased himself up and slid his boxer shorts down his legs. Then he climbed back onto the bed and, without warning, began to kiss her knees, then her thighs, and his lips began sliding up, tickling and teasing, moving closer and closer to that private place between her legs.

Melanie didn’t know what to do. Sex was one thing, but this – so intimate and so new – was a totally different matter. Reaching down, she put her hand on his head to halt his progress but it was like trying to stop the inevitable.

Sloane reached up and grasped her hand but his hold was gentle and almost reassuring. “Just relax,” he whispered. “Don’t tighten up. Just flow with me.”

But I've never done this before. Her mind screamed the words but she couldn’t open her mouth to say them. Sloane already thought her repressed and frigid. She didn’t dare make things worse.

And so she pulled her hand from his, dug her fingers into the bed again and bit her lip to keep from crying out. Relax, you fool, relax. He’s not going to bite. She hoped…

As she held her breath Sloane moved his lips over her mound, making her flinch, then he slid lower until his mouth settled over the center of her pleasure. And then his tongue came out and he gave the stiff bud a lick.

Melanie jumped and an involuntary gasp escaped her lips. The touch of his tongue sent a jolt of electricity coursing through her and it took all her willpower not to moan out loud.

He shifted, moving closer, and then he licked her again, sending sweet sensations shooting through her body. Then he was nibbling at the bud, then licking, then sucking so softly until her insides began to melt and she felt the tension seep out of her body.

And then it began to feel good. Oh, so good. The muscles of her legs relaxed and she sighed as Sloane stroked her there, starting a fire whose heat began to rise till it had suffused her entire body and she wanted him more than she’d ever wanted a man in her life.

She wanted to feel his hard body on hers, she wanted his muscled arms around her. But more than any of that, she wanted him inside, so deep inside her. And, to her chagrin, she grew moist at the thought…right there in her secret spot.

“Sloane,” she croaked, her voice ragged and hoarse. “Please…”

“I know, my sweet. But be patient. I want you to want this…” His voice grew muffled as he dipped his head once more and this time he flattened his tongue and gave a swipe that made her shiver from the sheer ecstasy of it.

Tags: Judy Angelo Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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