Sweet Seduction - Page 4

And then her eyes focused on the one thing in that room that made her heart flutter – a shiny black baby grand piano. Even with its thin layer of dust it gleamed in the sunlight streaming through the window. Outside of the piano and its stool there was nothing else in the room which made that beautiful instrument stand out even more, impressive in its solitude.

Sam stepped forward then turned back to look at Jake who still stood in the shadow of the door. “Did you get this with the house?” she asked.

He shook his head. “No,” he said quietly, “I brought her with me.”

Sam nodded as she looked at him. He’d said ‘she’ and she knew what that meant. This piano was special to him.

She pulled her gaze from him and turned back toward the piano. Slowly, almost reverently, she approached it and when she got close she reached out to rest a hand on its smooth ebony surface. As a child she’d loved playing the piano. It was one of the few luxuries she’d had growing up – her own piano at home and private lessons from the age of four. At one point she'd dreamed of being a concert pianist but, as much as she loved music, it was not to be. She’d put in the hours of practice and she developed her skill to a high level but still there was something missing. That thing was inborn talent.

Of course, with her years of practice she could perform competently. But that was not enough.

On an impulse she turned to Jake who had approached and was watching her intently. “Play something for me,” she asked eagerly. “I’d love to hear music fill this room.”

To her dismay Jake’s face which had been serious before now turned dark with obvious anger. “No,” he said, his voice flat, his tone as cold as an arctic glacier. Then, as if that weren’t bad enough he marched over to the wide window to stare out into the yard, his back rigid, both hands shoved into his pockets.

What in the world? Sam stared at him in consternation. What had she done to deserve his cold rejection? All she’d done was ask him to play. A simple request, in her opinion. But for some strange reason that request had ignited the flame of fury in this unfathomable man.

She sucked in a breath then let it out slowly. “Do you want me to leave?” she asked, her voice quiet but clear in the stillness of the room.

“No.” His answer was quick and he turned suddenly, away from the window and toward her. And on his face was a look that she could not read. “No,” he said again, more gently this time. “Please stay.” He drew in a deep breath before he spoke again. “I will play something for you.”

Jake bit his bottom lip then walked toward the piano. Sam stepped back as he approached and he slid onto the bench and positioned his fingers on the ivory keys.

And then he began to play. His fingers moved tentatively at first, as if trying to remember a once familiar piece, and then he began to caress the keys, his fingers moving expertly and effortlessly as he played.

As the music filled the room Sam could only stand by, staring in awe as Jake played with a skill she could only dream of.

As she moved closer, standing just behind him, he played Mozart’s 'Night Music' then flowed into her favorite, Beethoven’s ‘Fur Elise’. She closed her eyes, letting the music wash over her, filling her with the delight of such sweet melodies. Then, as she basked in the glow of the music, Jake began to play some contemporary pieces then a love song so sweet and so true but so poignant that it brought tears to her eyes. ‘Always and Forever’ by Heatwave had been their song, hers and Garrick’s. They’d selected it for the wedding. And then he’d gone and played that song…when he got married to someone else.

It had been four years since that disaster, four years of pain, but she’d thought her heart was finally immune to any kind of hurt. But not so. Although she’d put Garrick’s betrayal behind her and although her love for him had grown cold she knew now that when it came to the healing of the heart, it was not that easy.

She sniffed, fighting to hold back the tears and the music stopped in that same breath.

Jake turned, a look of concern on his face. “Are you alright?”

Unable to speak, she bit her lip and nodded, praying he would just turn back to the piano and play. Oh God, please don’t let me cry. She would die of embarrassment if she broke down in front of Jake. But the more she pleaded, the more the tears welled up until they spilled over onto one cheek and then the other.

“What the devil?” Jake hopped up off the stool and in one stride he was standing in front of her. He pulled out a handkerchief and in a surprising show of gentleness, he reached out to dab at her damp cheeks.

Sam looked up at him in misty-eyed wonder. Was this the same man who’d been so cold just moments before? Trembling, she reached up to still his hand then she slipped the hanky from his fingers and dabbed at her eyes. “Thank you,” she said, her voice a mere whisper. “I…don’t know what came over me.”

“Come,” he said and put an arm on her shoulder. “Have a seat.”

He directed her to the piano bench where he sat down and pulled her down beside him. Then with a sigh he pulled her close until her head was resting on his shoulder. As they sat he stroked her arm, not saying a word, but somehow giving her a comfort that made words unnecessary. Somehow, he understood her pain. She could feel it. It was as if, like her, he was dealing with pain of his own.

After a moment Sam felt Jake move. He shifted on the stool and his arms tightened around her. She could feel it coming. He was going to kiss her.

And she welcomed it. She held her breath and closed her eyes in anticipation.

But nothing happened.

Confused, she peeped out and saw that Jake was frowning. He was staring straight ahead and the somber look was back.

Without warning he released her, got up and walked across the room. It was as if he wanted to put as much distance as possible between them. He cleared his throat then turned to face her. “Well, you’ve seen all the rooms so I guess that’s it. I expect you’ll start working on a preliminary budget.”

Sam felt her heart sink. He was dismissing her, just like that. Dazed, she stood up and clasped her hands in front of her. Then she nodded. “I…I’ll get back to you.” Then she added, “Thank you.” And she walked out of the room, leaving him standing there watching her in stony-faced silence.

Sam left Jake’s house that day confused and humiliated. And she wasn’t quite sure if she ever wanted to see him again.


Damn idiot. Jake slapped his palm against his forehead and turned back to the window. He’d watched Sam walk out of the room, knowing he’d upset her, and still he’d let her leave. But what else could he have done?

The darned woman had totally upset his plan. He’d cooked up this grand scheme to get her to come back to his house, inviting her this time as an interior decorator. Of course he needed the help but the truth was, that hadn’t been his primary reason for engaging her services. He’d just wanted an excuse to see her again. And again.

But then he’d had a change of heart. After all, what right did he have to be happy? He’d decided three years ago that he would never be happy again. Not without Jessica.

When he met Sam he'd had a momentary lapse, forgetting that vow he’d made. Even in her work clothes he’d been captivated by her. He’d accepted her offer to come back and help him clean simply because he wanted to see her again. But then he realized he had an even better excuse – she could help him decorate the house.

But that morning as he waited for her to arrive he recognized what he had done. He’d been bewitched by a beautiful woman but now he had to resist her. It hadn’t helped that she showed up on his doorstep looking fresh and feminine in a blouse that showed off her creamy shoulders and a skirt that accentuated her narrow waist. And this time she’d exposed those dainty feet in sandals with straps that drew attention to her slim calves. The dark, waist-length hair he’d admired the day before fell in soft waves around her face and down her back. At the sight of her he knew he was in trouble. If he wasn’t careful he’d succumb to her spell and then he would be lost.

And that was why he’d pulled back, concealing the fact that he was thrilled to see her, hiding behind a cold exterior.

But now, in protecting himself he’d hurt a woman who was innocent of any wrong. Frustrated, he walked out of the house, slamming the back door behind him, and headed across the bridge toward his writing studio. As he walked he mumbled under his breath.

What an irony that he’d left Long Island and moved all the way upstate to this little town to escape the world and the women who now saw him as an available bachelor, only to find that he’d fallen into a trap of his own making.

He’d almost reached the end of the bridge when he slowed and stopped. Resting his elbows on the wooden beams he looked over into the bubbling stream. And he thought about Jessica. Spontaneous and saucy Jessica. For seven years she’d been the other piece that made his life whole. She’d been his muse, encouraging him to write even during those times when he doubted himself. She’d been there when he made his first sale, when it hit the New York Times Bestseller List, when he made his first million. And when, after six more bestsellers he’d been declared one of the world's few billionaire authors, she’d been the one who kept him grounded, making sure the money and fame did not derail his passion or his drive to churn out more books.

Tags: Judy Angelo Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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