Sweet Seduction - Page 16

Without hesitation she dropped her head and covered one flat nipple with her lips. She nipped it with her teeth until it hardened and peaked in her mouth. At Jake’s groan she smiled then she moved her head over to the other nipple and did the same there. This time Jake shifted beneath her and she knew it was to ease the tightness in his groin.

When he reached up and slid the spaghetti strap from her shoulder she did not resist. She arched her back and pressed forward, giving him greater access, and when he released the clasp on her bra and his lips captured her nipple she moaned. It felt wickedly delicious, his lips sending waves of pleasure rippling through her body with his sensual caress.

Oh God, she wanted more. Sam straddled Jake’s hips and, gripping his head with both hands, she guided his mouth to her other breast where he suckled so sweetly that she almost cried – literally. Oh heavens, could there be anything so sweet?

She let Jake lick and nibble and suck at her sensitive buds until she grew so hot she began to throb – right at that sweet spot between her legs that was now pressed down on his hard maleness. As he suckled she pressed down, squeezing herself against him, desperate to ease the pressure building there.

Then she felt it, the moisture against the seat of her panties. Her body was totally ready for him.

Sam sucked in a deep breath then she slid off Jake’s lap. What he was doing to her was sheer ecstasy but still it was not enough. Right now she wanted it all. She kneeled down between his legs and began to undo his belt.

She was wrestling with the buckle when two firm hands descended on hers. She froze. Her eyes flew up to his and to her horror, he was shaking his head.

“No,” he said, his face grim. “Not like this.”

Sam felt red-hot blood rush to her face and her heart sank in shame. He was rejecting her. She had thrown herself at him, was right this minute kneeling at his feet, and he said no? Oh, God, not again.

She felt her face crumple and she pulled her hand from his to cover it and hide herself from him. She couldn’t bear to look at him, to see the scorn on his face, to know how he felt about her right now. As soon as she could gather herself together she would leave.

“No,” he said again, as if she hadn’t heard him the first time, “not this way.”

He reached down and pulled her hands away from her face then he lifted her off her knees and onto his lap.

Sam lowered her head then dropped her gaze, refusing to look at him. She’d had enough humiliation for one night. She didn’t need to see the look in his eyes.

Then he did something very confusing. He wrapped his arms around her, almost as if to protect her, then he rested his chin on top of her head. “I don’t want to make love to you, Sam,” he whispered. “Not tonight.”

“I think I guessed that by now,” she said in a low voice then she gave a little laugh that sounded sad and hollow. Pathetic was probably the better way to describe it because that was exactly how she felt.

“Do you know why, Sam?” His voice was surprisingly calm, with not a hint of anger or reproach.

She nodded, her cheek resting against his chest. “Yes,” she whispered, crestfallen, “because you’re not ready. You can’t love anyone else right now.”

With her ear pressed against his chest she heard a low rumble. How could he laugh at a time like this?

“No, sweetheart. You have it all wrong.” He hugged her tighter. “I don’t want us to make love until we're married. Call me old fashioned but as far as I’m concerned you’re worth waiting for.”

Sam almost choked but she ended up coughing instead. Had she heard right? Was Jake McKoy proposing to her? “What did you say?” she demanded, pulling away to look up into his face.

“Samantha Fox, will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

Still not believing all of this was happening, she frowned. “Are you serious?” she asked, not daring to accept it. Maybe she should pinch herself. She must be dreaming.

“Very serious, darling. I think I fell in love with you from the first day we met but I’ve been fighting it ever since.” He gave her a rueful smile. “I guess what is meant to be must be. My fighting was futile.”

Heart brimming with joy she reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck. “It certainly was.” She was smiling broadly as she stared up into his face. “You will never escape me, Jake. You’re mine for now and always.”


Sam could safely say she was the happiest girl in the world. She had to be. She felt like if even one more drop of happiness got added to her life she would simply burst into a million fragments of joy. Jake loved her and right now that was all that mattered in the world.

It had been over a week since he’d proposed and so far life had been perfect. There’d only been one little point of disagreement between them and it hadn’t been major, anyway.

They’d been standing on the bridge when he’d turned to her and asked, “When we’re married, what about giving up your plumbing work?”

She looked at him, surprised. “Why? I love what I do.”

“Yes, but I don’t,” came his quick response.

Sam frowned. Was Jake prejudiced against a blue-collar career?

Before she could speak he continued. “I don’t like the idea of you climbing ladders or going down into people’s basements. For one, that kind of work can be dangerous and two, what if you end up going out to the boondocks where some weirdo lives all by himself? You could get kidnapped.”

She chuckled at that one. “Like I came out to the boondocks and found you?”

His frown softened. “Yeah. Just like that.” He leaned back on the rail and pulled her against him. “But seriously, Sam, I’m concerned about your safety. Would you give up your career…for me?”

“But…it’s part of who I am, Jake.” She laid her head on his shoulder. “No matter what, I need my independence. I can’t just sit in the house all day, twiddling my thumbs.”

He stroked her arm. “You’d be twiddling them with me.” When she sighed but didn’t respond he said, “Okay, let's compromise. You keep the decorating side of your career and I’ll make sure the rest of the time you’ll be so swamped with charity work you won’t have time to scratch your head. How does that sound?”

She peeped up at him. “And can I help you write your book?”

“That’s a brilliant idea,” he said quickly, and he looked like he meant it. “We’ll brainstorm together and churn out book after book. You’ll probably start writing books of your own. We’ll be a power team, pumping out thriller after thriller.”

Sam walked her fingers up his chest then reached up to stroke his neck. “Romance is what I want to write.”

“Whatever pleases the lady,” he said with a wink.

“And I’ll start,” she said, as she turned her face up for a kiss, “with our story.”

That settled, Sam decided to introduce Jake to her parents. She started with her dad.

“I knew it,” Alvin said and slapped his knee. He looked over at Meg. “Didn’t I tell you something was going to happen between those two?”

Sam put her hands on her hips. “Have you two been talking about me behind my back?”

“Yes, dear, as we always do.” Meg gave her an unapologetic grin.

“From that first day she came back to office with her face shining like the sun I knew she’d been bit by the bug. The love bug.” Her father’s laugh echoed in the tiny office.

“Anyway,” Sam said, with a sigh of exasperation, “I want you to meet him. When’s good for you two?”

“Bring him over Sunday afternoon,” Meg said, her face eager. “We’ll do a barbecue. I’m sure he’ll love that. He must have been so lonely stuck in that big old house all by himself.”

“He’s not going to be lonely anymore.” Alvin nudged Meg with his elbow and they both laughed.

Sam rolled her eyes then smiled and shook her head. She could only hope these two would be on their best behavior on Sunday. The last thing she needed was for Jake to think he was marrying into a family of loonies.

To Sam’s surprise and relief, Alvin and Meg took off their troublemaker hats and were the perfect hosts that Sunday evening. She could see Jake relax in their presence and at the end of the day when he kissed her goodnight he gave her his verdict. He loved them.

“Relax, Sam,” he said with a chuckle. “Your parents aren’t on trial here. I could see you watching their every move. But you forget,” he said as he pulled her close, “they’re not the ones who have to pass the test. I am.”

She chuckled then. “The results are in,” she said as she leaned against him. “You passed with flying colors.”

Tags: Judy Angelo Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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