Sweet Seduction - Page 18

He picked up the phone again. This time he’d be calling Richard Connelly. He would not accuse, not without proof. He would not make that mistake twice. But he would certainly get an investigation going. If the woman had sold his information to the tabloids he wanted to know about it. He was not going to take this lying down. And right after his call he would hit the road to deal with another urgent matter – Miss Samantha Fox.


Sam paused outside the office door, delaying the moment when she would go in. She was sure her dad and Meg had already heard she was in the news with Jake. They’d bombard her with questions the minute she stepped through the door. And what would she say? The bubble had burst, she wasn’t engaged anymore, and it was back to life as usual? Heavens, she was depressed enough already but to add humiliation to her list of troubles right now – she just wasn’t ready.

She turned round and was walking back to the car when the screaming of tires made her whirl round and hop out of the driveway. A black SUV screeched into the space beside her truck. It was Jake.

Sam’s heart leaped at the sight of him. He’d jumped out, slammed the door shut and was walking purposefully toward her. Then her heart sank. Was he coming to tell her in person what he’d told her over the phone? She almost felt like backing away and running for cover inside the office.

But she didn’t. She stood her ground, folding her arms across her chest and fixing Jake with a cool, determined stare. She loved this man with all her heart but she would not let him intimidate her. She drew in her breath and steeled herself for the attack.

But it never came. Instead of blasting her with more words of anger Jake came to stand before her, looking contrite. “Sam,” he said, then stopped and the look he gave her was so full of pain that her heart ached to see it.

“Sam,” he said again, “I wish I could take back the hurtful things I said. I can’t blame you if you were to decide never to speak to me again but…can you find it in your heart to forgive me?”

Sam stared back at him, confused. Was this the same man who had told her off on the phone? What had caused this sudden change of heart?

Before she could respond he reached out and took her hands in his. She did not pull away.

“Could we sit in my car for a minute,” he asked, “just so we can talk? In private.” He cocked his head to one side and looked pointedly at the front window.

That was when Sam saw Alvin and Meg peering out, obviously dying to know what was transpiring between them.

“Alright,” she said, although reluctantly, “but just for a minute.”

She followed him to his vehicle and climbed into the passenger seat. “Jake,” she said, even before he’d settled into the seat beside her. “I don’t know what made you change your mind but I want you to know I didn’t do it.”

“I know you didn’t, Sam.”

“But how?”

“I just know it. Which is why I feel so bad about what I did earlier." He sighed. “Will you forgive me, Sam? This doesn’t change anything about our plans, right? You will still marry me?”

Sam said nothing as she stared at his tortured face. Finally, she heaved a sigh of sadness. “Jake, I’m sorry, but I don’t know if I can.”

“What? But why not?”

“I love you, Jake, so much. But after what happened, how can I trust you?” She dropped her eyes and bit her lip. “If something else goes wrong will you be just as quick to blame it on me?”

At her words Jake's face darkened and she could almost feel his pain. “There’s something I have to tell you, Sam.” His voice was quiet and sad. “On my last trip to Long Island I visited my attorney and changed my will. Along with my parents you’re now one of the beneficiaries of my estate.”

“But…we’re not even married.” She frowned as another thought came to her. “Jake, you hadn’t even asked me yet.”

“I know. But what I knew then was that I loved you and I wanted to be there for you. I wanted to know that if anything were to happen to me you’d be alright.” He shifted in his seat and looked like he was going to take her hand but then he stopped. “Life is so fleeting, Sam. What if I’d had an accident on the drive back? I just wanted to know you would be fine.”

“Even though I wasn’t your wife?”

He nodded. “I asked you to marry me with the confidence that you would say yes. I love you, Sam, and I know you love me, too. Please, don’t let us both suffer because of my stupidity.”

“But we still don’t know who did this.”

“I can make a fairly good guess,” he said with a slight twist of his lips. “That new secretary who took notes of the meeting and had access to my files, she knew I added you to my will. She probably saw this as an opportunity to set herself up for life.”

“But now that your identity has been revealed you won’t be able to hide anymore.” She gave him a worried look. “How will you handle it?”

“There’s only one way I’ll be able to.” He reached over and took her hand then. “Only if I have you by my side. Will you stay with me and help me get through this?”

She looked down at their clasped hands then raised her eyes to his. She shook her head. "You've been such a bad boy, blowing hot and cold, torturing me all this time. But I’ll help you,” she said, smiling, “on one condition.”

“What is it?” he asked, the tension gone from his face, his eyes twinkling with relief. “I’ll do anything.”

“I’ll marry you,” she said with a little laugh, “on condition that you never ever doubt that I love you with all my heart.”

“Deal. And always know that whatever stupid mistakes I make, I love you and always will.” He raised her hand to his lips. “Please let my actions speak louder than my rash words.”

“They do,” she whispered, her heart full of love for this selfless man who was giving so much to others and now to her.

And the greatest thing he had given her was his love.

This time when their lips met in a kiss she knew it was to seal a love that would last for the rest of their lives.


Tags: Judy Angelo Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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