Daddy by December - Page 3

And then he was kissing her back. She had no idea at what point he came to consciousness but before she knew what was happening she was no longer in control. He had his hand at her back now, anchoring her body to his while his other hand slid up to cup her head and angle her face so that he had full access to her lips. He was kissing her, all the desire she was feeling reflected in the passion of his kiss.

“Mmm, Meg,” he breathed and then he rolled over until he was the one lying on top, even as he continued to kiss her senseless. He slid his mouth from hers and then, with his lips, he was tickling the skin of her cheek, her neck, her collarbone until his fingers pushed away the lace of her bra and he was nuzzling her breast.

When he sucked the nipple deep inside his mouth Meg felt she would swoon from the sensation. Never had she been touched there by a man. And now his lips, his tongue, his teeth were on her, tickling and teasing, playing with her body until she arched her back, wanting even more of the sweet sensation.

“Meg, I want you so much,” he murmured.

And she knew he did. He wanted her as much as she wanted him. His desire was plain in the hardness that pressed against her leg. Her desire was obvious in the heaving of her chest and her breathless panting. They both wanted it.

Meg shook her head, dragging herself out of her reverie and back to the present. No, she did not want to revisit that night. Not now. Not when she had a serious decision to make. It had been beautiful, that was true. As he reached for his wallet Drake had hesitated, wanting to know if she was sure, but she’d been eager, wanting it more than anything in the world. And he’d been gentle, oh so gentle, almost as if he’d known it was her first time. He’d been perfect, taking her to heights she had never climbed before.

But it was what happened afterward that made her cringe. After the act she’d been overcome with feelings of guilt and shame. This had been their first date, if you could call it that, and what had she done? She’d gone and slept with him. What must he think of her? She couldn’t bear to look him in the face. What if, for him, this was just a one-night stand? And what else could it be, anyway? He’d be leaving the university the next day and, chances were, she would never see him again. She couldn’t bear to think about it.

After that she'd been very quiet, drawing into her shell . He’d seemed confused at the change in her. He tried to speak to her but she shook her head, the tears at the point of spilling over. But she held on till he’d gone through the door and she’d closed it. Only then did she let the torrent of tears burst free.

If he called her next day then she’d know he had true feelings for her. But what if he didn’t? And why should he? He’d got what he wanted. Wasn’t that how college guys were? Once they’d had a taste they lost all interest in you and moved on to the next conquest. And that was all she was, just a conquest. Why else would a jock like Drake have paid any attention to her?

And, just as she anticipated, she never heard from Drake Duncan again. Graduation day came and she was in the crowd when he walked up to receive his diploma. With honors, of course. Then she’d gone back to her room and waited. And waited. And waited until the sun went down behind the hills and her roommate yawned her goodnight.

That night Meg did not sleep at all. She packed through the night and first thing in the morning she was heading for the bus station. She would not put herself through any more torture. She had accepted her fate. She’d suffered the fate of so many other college girls before her. She’d learned a lesson she would never forget.

Now that lesson had come back to haunt her in a very real way. If she was not careful Drake Duncan would be back in her life and back in her heart. Of course she’d known how big he’d become in Chicago. His rise in fortune had been phenomenal and he was often featured in Illinois newspapers. But she’d vowed she would never make herself known to him, never attempt to even go near him. But, fight as she would, it seemed that fate had other plans. The gods had thrown him in her path and, as it was before, it was her decision. And this time she had to make it the right one.


“Come on, Jessie. Grab your lunch kit. I have your school bag.”

“Coming, Mommy.” Jessie came racing into the living room, her pink woolly hat in one hand and her hand-knitted gloves in the other. “I just wanted to kiss Miss Kitty goodbye.”

Meg gave her daughter a warm smile and bundled her into her jacket. Jessie never left the house without saying goodbye to her favorite toy. Miss Kitty had been a gift from her grandmother for her second birthday and she loved her just as much now as she had when she just got it. When other kids clung to a beloved ‘blankie’, Jessie clung to Miss Kitty.

“Okay, let’s go.” Meg grabbed Jessie’s backpack and her handbag with one hand and took her daughter’s hand with the other. As the little girl chattered away they went out the door and down the driveway to the car.

As Meg drove her daughter to school her mind drifted away from the conversation. She gave her usual responses of ‘Yes, sweetie” and “Of course, honey” but her mind was on what the rest of the day would bring. She’d stayed up late two nights before, thinking through her options, battling with the decision until finally she had come to the conclusion that she needed to accept the contract. It would be difficult for her, that was for sure, but the man was offering five figures to get his memoir written. And it was not as if there were any other offers on the table. She had the rent to pay and her daughter to feed and clothe. She would just have to bear things for the months that it would take to get the job done. Then she would bury him once more in the back of her mind and get on with her life. And so the next day she’d called and made an appointment to see him that very week - before she had a chance to change her mind.

The main office of Duncan Investments was impressive. Meg pulled into the parking lot then walked up the driveway to the twenty story building fashioned in black tinted glass and silver beams. It had a futuristic look and feel that made her wonder at the man Drake Duncan had become. From his days at the university he’d been voted as most likely to succeed. He’d been touted as a progressive and innovative thinker. And look where it had taken him. She was not surprised.

Meg signed in at the security desk and rode the glass paneled elevator up to the top floor. There she checked in at the receptionist’s desk.

“Please have a seat, Ms. Gracey,” the smiling young woman told her. “Mr. Duncan will see you in just a few minutes.”

Meg sank gratefully into the plush leather sofa in the waiting lounge. She felt like her knees were turning to Jello so she was glad for an excuse to get off her feet. Then she slid forward and perched on the edge with her handbag propped on her knees. Her palms were moist and with each passing moment there was a quickening in the rhythm of her beating heart. Goodness, it was sheer torture sitting there, anticipating their meeting.

“Ms. Gracey?”

At the sound of her name Meg jumped. She looked up and found herself staring into the warm brown eyes of a gray-haired woman in a navy blue suit.

“Yes,” Meg said with a nod, and hopped up off the seat.

“My name is Liz Dobson. I’m Mr. Duncan’s personal assistant.” The woman held out her hand and gave Meg a firm handshake. “Thanks for making yourself available so quickly. I’ll take you to see Mr. Duncan now.” As if sensing her visitor’s nervousness the woman smiled at her again then turned toward the heavy oak door that led to the inner offices.

Meg followed, feeling like a lamb being led to the slaughter, but she sucked in her breath, straightened her back and put on her bravest face. Even if she melted inside Drake Duncan must never know.

They walked down a long passage until finally they came to another oak door. Liz gave a gentle tap then pushed it open and stood aside, indicating with a nod that Meg should go in. She nodded and stepped past the woman and onto the plush cream carpet of Drake Duncan’s private office.

And there he was, sitting in the high-backed leather chair, the phone receiver to his left ear, a gold pen in his right hand as he scribbled on a yellow notepad. He looked worldly, powerful, and even more handsome than she remembered. Gone were the hooded sweatshirt and jeans of his campus days. Those had been replaced with a charcoal-gray suit, white button down shirt and wine-colored tie. His hair was different, too. Instead of the crew cut of his youth his dark blond hair now coiled at the nape of his neck, giving him the look of a sexy male model rather than a billionaire businessman. All this Meg saw in a split second. And yet he was not looking at her.

And then suddenly he was. As he reached over to hang up the phone he lifted his head and a smile softened his firm lips. “I’m sorry. Just had to finish a quick call.” He got up from behind his desk and she was reminded of how tall he was. At well over six feet he towered over both of the women in the office. He walked over, his hand outstretched.

“Thank you for coming, Miss Gracey,” he said as he took her hand in a strong grip. “Glad you accepted my offer.”

Tags: Judy Angelo Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024