Married by Midnight - Page 28

Mountbatten didn’t come out to greet him but he did send his housekeeper back to get Reed and escort him to his office. All the better. There they would have privacy so Reed could make his proposal without fear of being overheard. And if things got overheated and sharp words flew at least they’d be within the four walls of an office.

“Mr. Davidoff. Welcome to my home.” Lord Mountbatten greeted Reed at the office door. “Come in, please.”

Reed gave a nod of thanks and went over to settle in the chair that Mountbatten had indicated.

“So, how may I be of service?” Lord Mountbatten asked, not heading toward his desk as Reed had expected but standing there in the middle of the room looking down at his visitor, his arms folded across his chest. Obviously a tactic to make himself look the bigger man – and as tall as he was he definitely didn’t need any more advantage – but Reed was unfazed.

“I’m here to offer you a proposal,” he said without preamble. “I know your wheat business is floundering and you desperately need an injection of cash.”

Lord Mountbatten’s face grew hard and his thick brows fell over his dark eyes. “Where did you get that information?”

Feigning total relaxation Reed leaned back in the chair, tented his fingers, and regarded Mountbatten through hooded eyes. “That’s not important,” he said, his voice nonchalant. “What’s important is that I have the solution to your problem.”

Mountbatten gave him a look of suspicion. “Meaning?”

“Meaning I will invest in your company. I will give you whatever it will take to turn your business around.” Reed stared at the man through narrowed eyes. “You and I know that nine million pounds won’t do it.”

A look of shock flashed across Mountbatten’s face but he quashed it just as fast as it appeared. “It seems you’re privy to some sensitive information.” His lips tightened. “What do you want in exchange for your...generous offer?”

Now Reed ditched the relaxed attitude and sat forward in the chair, his eyes trained on Mountbatten. “I’m a businessman. I will want shares in the company, of course, but more importantly,” his eyes narrowed, “I want you to tell Golden she’s free.”

Lord Mountbatten gave a snort. “I could tell. As soon as you mentioned the money I knew this was all about Golden Browne.” Now it was his turn to regard Reed through narrowed eyes. “You’re in love with her, aren’t you?”

There was no denying it. The man was no idiot. Not that Reed had any intention of denying his love for Golden. He was proud of it. “That’s right,” he said, returning the man’s stare. “I love her and I will do anything to have her in my life.”

Lord Mountbatten raised his eyebrows and then he nodded, a slow smile spreading across his lips. “I’m impressed,” he said, “and a little sad. Young love. There are few things in life so sweet. I’m afraid I’m too old and jaded to be swayed by love anymore.”

“So will you speak to Golden?” Reed asked. “Today?”

“As soon as your lawyers can draw up a contract outlining your commitment to invest, I will make the call.”

“I have it here.” Lifting the large brown envelope he’d been carrying, Reed dropped it on top of Mountbatten’s desk. “All we have to do is sign on the dotted line.”

Mountbatten smiled. “As I said, I’m impressed.” He walked over to the desk and sat down, pulling the envelope toward him. “Now let me see what you have here.”


“I gave him my word.” Golden stared at Reed, feeling like she’d been thrown into another dimension. “What made him change his mind?”

Reed smiled then took her hand. “That’s not important, is it? The important thing is, you’re free.” And as they sat there at the very same pond where he’d proposed just days earlier he reached out and took her hand.

“Now you have no more excuses. Golden Browne, for the second time, will you accept me as your husband? Will you be my wife?”

Squeezing his hand tight, Golden smiled up at him. “I would be more than honored to be your wife. Please marry me and make a good woman out of me.”

Reed laughed. “You’re too good already. Definitely too good for me.” He leaned forward to plant a kiss on her forehead. “But I’m glad you’ll accept me anyway.”

Golden put a hand on his shoulder. “But we have to do this tomorrow, Reed. Day after tomorrow will be my birthday.”

“Consider it done, sweetheart. I’ll have the judge and two witnesses lined up for tomorrow.”

At his words her tension eased and she relaxed against him. “Thank you, Reed,” she whispered, “for saving my life.”

When his arms tightened around her she laid her cheek on his chest, knowing that she’d finally found her heaven.


Golden’s heart sang as she hurried to get dressed. Today was the day she would marry Reed and she felt like her heart would burst with joy. Could anyone in the world be as happy as she was just then?

She’d slipped into a simple ivory dress and slid her feet into the gold slippers Claire had given her and was just about to fish her purse out of the closet when there was a tap at the door. She froze. If it was her mother that was okay but what if it was Mr. Busybody?

“Who is it?” she called out, prepared to grab her bathrobe and hide herself in it, away from prying eyes.

“It’s me. May I come in?”

Golden sighed, relieved when she heard her mother’s voice. “Come in,” she said, turning her attention back to the closet.

She heard the door open and Eugenia stepped in. “Oh, my. You’re all dressed up,” she said to Golden’s back. “Are you going somewhere?”

“Yes, I am,” Golden said as she reached for the purse then withdrew from the closet to turn to her mother with an ecstatic smile. “I’m getting married today.”

Eugenia gasped. “You’re going through with it? You’re getting married to Lord Mountbatten?”

Golden was overjoyed that she was able to shake her head. “No, Mother. To the man I love. Reed Davidoff.”

Eugenia’s eyes widened, “Your boss? I didn’t know you were romantically involved.”

Golden only smiled. “We’re getting married this afternoon.” She sighed and closed her eyes, the picture already forming in her mind. “Tomorrow when I wake I`ll be a married woman and it will be my birthday. Isn’t it wonderful?”

“Sounds like a fairytale.”

Golden jumped and so did her mother. At the sound of the male voice both women spun around to see Carl Manchester standing in the doorway.

“Carl, I didn’t expect you today.” After her initial surprise Eugenia’s face softened.

“What? Can’t I drop in on my beloved stepmum?”

“Of course you can.” Eugenia gave him a wide smile but by then Carl had turned his attention to Golden.

“So, little sis is getting married.” He was smiling at her.

It was a smile that made Golden’s skin prickle. She stared at him boldly but said nothing.

“Aren’t you inviting your family to the wedding?” he asked, his tone so friendly it was frightening. “You know we would want to be there for you on your special day.” He was staring at Golden over Eugenia’s head and although his lips were smiling his eyes were hard as stone.

“Thank you so much,” she said, her voice just as friendly as his, “but that’s quite all right. We’ll have a grand ceremony at a later date. I’ll send out invitations for that one.” She was sure the cold stare she was giving him would tell him he would not be among the invited.

Carl stared at her for a moment longer then he smiled again. “Sorry. Please accept my congratulations.” Then he turned and left, disappearing as silently as he’d come.

“I’ll be right down to fix you some lunch,” Eugenia called after him but he did not respond. She turned to Golden with an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, dear. I’ll fix him something quickly then I’ll get ready.” Then a frantic look crossed her face. “What will I wear? Oh, you should have told me...”

“Mother, this is just a quick thing to fulfill the requirements of the will. Reed and I agreed that we want to do this by ourselves. We’ll have a grand ceremony later on and that’s when we’ll have family present.” She put her hands on Eugenia’s shoulders and turned her toward the door. “Please, Mother, I just want to get this over and done with. You go on and take care of Carl. I’ll be down in a little while.”

As soon as she’d shooed her mother out the door Golden grabbed her purse and stuffed her cell phone, keys and driver’s license in, along with some tissues. There was not much more that would fit inside a purse as tiny as this one. The best thing for her to do was get out of the house as soon as possible but she didn’t want to do it while Carl was there. Maybe she was being paranoid but she had a feeling he would follow her. She tightened her lips, deep in thought, then she went to stare out the window as she mulled over her options.

Tags: Judy Angelo Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024