The Billionaire's Heart - Page 13

Craig hooked his thumbs through the belt loops of his cut-off jeans. “Nineteen.”

“Same age as Samira. So what’s the problem? Because she’s a woman?”

Tariq’s face softened slightly. “No, because I know what you’re like Ivan. You don’t treat women right.”

Ivan tried not to allow this insult to hurt too much. “So what you mean is, you don’t want me to treat Samira the way you’re treating Craig?”

Craig seemed embarrassed about getting dragged into all this. “I don’t mind. I know it’s just fun, Tariq. I don’t see why you’re getting so upset to be honest.”

Samira clung onto Ivan’s waist. “It’s just sex. What do you think I get up to here when you’re in New York? And why shouldn’t I?”

Tariq glared at Ivan. “You’ll break her heart.”

“Me break her heart? She’s the one who left me in bed!”

“I don’t wanna know!”

Ivan held Samira’s hand. He knew this was just Tariq’s theatrical Persian roots shining through and that he’d calm down soon. Usually, when Tariq got like this, it was best to walk away and come back later to talk about things rationally. A few times as teenagers, they’d been close to coming to blows thanks to Tariq’s dramas and Ivan’s defensive temper. But they’d grown up learning to practise self-restraint. Ivan prided himself on only getting in fights with people who crossed him or his own. He chose his battles wisely.

“Look,” Ivan said. “Let’s just get to the office and we can discuss this another time. I’m out tonight anyway, so let’s put some time between it, and we can all calm down.”

Samira gazed at him with disappointed eyes. “Where are you going tonight?”

“I’m meeting my brothers Adam and Dylan in Santa Barbara for a business award ceremony. I’ve checked-in to a hotel nearby, so I won’t be back ‘til morning.”

Samira ran her finger down his toned chest. “That’s a shame. I was rather hoping to seduce you again later.”

Ivan smiled, glad to know she wanted to spend more time with him. “Well, I’m here for two weeks.”

“That’s true,” she said. “Plenty of time. Now come on, guys, let’s sit down and have breakfast. You need to get to work, and I’ve got a lecture on systems of polynomial equations. I’ll try not to have too much fun if you don’t!”

Chapter Six

The business park was a sterile labyrinth of chrome-and-glass buildings – designed with the sole purpose of looking pretentious and making money. Even in the warm Los Angeles sunshine, it felt cold – Ivan had never really noticed before how emotionless these places could be.

But it would have to do. At least he and Tariq had their own self-contained suite, which was corporate enough, with bland office furniture, industrial carpet tiles, and freezing air-conditioning. Ivan tried to ignore the icy chill that was streaming down his collar as he typed. He always wore a suit to work, and he felt overdressed compared to Tariq’s more casual attire of linen trousers and a polo shirt. Tariq was even wearing sandals. Ivan reached up and loosened his tie, wondering whether he’d ever acclimatise to California’s laidback dress code. He sighed and glanced away from his laptop, unable to concentrate. But it wasn’t the dress code or air-con that was bothering him. He was finding it impossible to concentrate on anything other than Samira’s wonderful body. He could be making love to her right now…

Ivan wasn’t sure what was happening to him. He couldn’t get her out of his mind. Samira was a woman who clearly wanted to make the world a better place – and Ivan was certain she’d probably succeed. Ivan and Tariq now had their own way of changing the world for the better, and Ivan wondered whether Samira might want to be part of it. He’d never wanted to include anyone else in the project; it was just him and Tariq. But she was intelligent and passionate. Maybe she could help. Or maybe he just wanted an excuse to have her around permanently. How would that suggestion go down with Tariq?

Ivan transferred his gaze to where his friend was engrossed in his laptop – typing frantically behind the plywood desk opposite Ivan’s. Tariq sensed Ivan watching him, so he glanced up and they made genial eye contact; this morning’s fight apparently forgotten.

“Hey,” Tariq said. “Something bothering you?”

Ivan sighed. “Nah, it’s actually nice being away from New York. I know we’re not here for a vacation, but it’s good to get a change of scene.”

? Also By Julie Farrell

· The Billionaire's Heart · The Billionaire's Affair: Billionaire Brothers · The Billionaire's Secret: Billionaire Obsessio... · The Billionaire's Revenge: Billionaire Brother... · The Billionaire's Kisses: Billionaire Brothers · The Billionaire's Heart: Billionaire Brothers · The Billionaire's Heir: Billionaire Obsession · Billionaire Brothers ? Last Updated

Tags: Julie Farrell Billionaire Romance
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