The Billionaire's Heart - Page 17

She winked and unlocked the passenger door for Ivan, then climbed into the driver’s seat. “Actually I’ve been having some trouble with him lately,” she said. “He doesn’t fire up first time.”

Ivan slammed the passenger door. “Oh really?”

“Yeah – unlike you.”

“Well, I’m always on fire around you, sweetheart.”

Samira laughed and turned the key in the ignition. The truck started straight away. “So, he’s obviously intimidated by you today – he never starts first time!”

Ivan leaned over and ran his fingers through her hair, then kissed her. “I’ll take a look at him if you like? I’m pretty good with my hands.”

“Oh I know that – very well!”

She sunk into his arms and the engine hummed as the kiss became more passionate. Samira wanted to make love to Ivan all afternoon and evening. Even more so when he wrapped one hand around her waist and the other around her shoulders, then eased his tongue into her mouth, causing her thighs to tingle with lust. She was desperate to feel him inside her, thrusting her into an overwhelming orgasm, knowing he’d take care of her every desire. The thought of it caused a wave of arousal to encompass her entire body.

She reached out and started to unbutton his shirt. “Let’s f**k in the car.”

He grabbed her fingers in his firm hand. “I can’t make love to you here.” He gazed at her for a moment, then kissed her again. “But I can’t resist you.”

“Where then? Is Tariq still on the warpath?”

“No, I think we might almost have his blessing. But I need to get ready to go out. I don’t want to leave you, sweetheart, but I’ve gotta go meet my brothers.”

“I know, it’s okay. But I need to feel you pumping me hard, Ivan. I need you inside me tonight. I’ll come to your hotel later. It’ll be exciting; illicit. Where are you staying? Where’s the event?”

“The event’s at the Sheffield Hotel in Santa Monica, and I’m staying at the Fairfax Marriott nearby. It would be awesome to see you.” He reached out and caressed her bre**ast, making her feel horny and subversive. “We’ve got unfinished business, huh?”

Samira rubbed herself against the seat, sensing an emptiness between her legs where he should be. “I know where that hotel is, so if you message me when you’re about to leave the award ceremony, I’ll drive out to meet you. Then we can f**k all night long, and no one can stop us.”

He kissed her hard, making her gasp. “That sounds like my idea of the perfect night.”

Chapter Eight

For most of his life, Ivan’s two main priorities had been his family and his work. He was the eldest of four brothers and one sister, so he spent any spare time he did have looking out for his younger siblings. He was always happy to chat with them on the phone about their problems or listen to their dreams. His mom always joked that her kids seemed to get less serious the lower down in the sibling hierarchy they got – meaning that she thought Ivan was the most serious. But Ivan was sure it was actually second-eldest, Dylan. He was surly and smouldering – something that the ladies seemed to love. The ladies also loved third-in-line Adam, of course, who was a contrast to Dylan, with his jokey attitude and charming levity. But one thing both his brothers had in common was their handsome good-looks, which tended to leave a trail of young women behind them, hoping to be wined, dined, and satisfied. And Adam and Dylan were only too happy to oblige.

But tonight, Adam and Dylan’s thoughts were on the award ceremony, and Ivan’s were on Samira… As well as on those two guys who’d visited earlier. How had they found out about the project, and what did they mean by their threats that someone might get hurt?

Ivan sat forward in his seat and leaned his elbows on the white-tableclothed table, trying to focus, but it was too noisy. The atmosphere in the huge luxury conference room was abuzz with excited chatter. Ivan would normally enjoy this sort of event, but at the moment it was as stifling as tropical heat. It was one of the most important business award ceremonies of the year, and most of the guests here were hoping to win their category nomination or score new clients. These people were the cream of the corporate crop and it felt more like the Oscars than a business function, with the amount of air-kissing and schmoozing that was going on. Ivan recognised a few of his brothers’ clients – the men and women who made million-dollar decisions on a daily basis, just as Adam and Dylan did.

Ivan pretended to listen as Adam bantered with Dylan, but actually he was feeling frustrated, sitting here doing nothing, when he should be investigating those shady guys. After they’d moved offices earlier and made sure Samira was okay, Tariq had tried calling the no-show visitors they’d been expecting, but they weren’t answering. Ivan hoped they were okay. And alive.

? Also By Julie Farrell

· The Billionaire's Heart · The Billionaire's Affair: Billionaire Brothers · The Billionaire's Secret: Billionaire Obsessio... · The Billionaire's Revenge: Billionaire Brother... · The Billionaire's Kisses: Billionaire Brothers · The Billionaire's Heart: Billionaire Brothers · The Billionaire's Heir: Billionaire Obsession · Billionaire Brothers ? Last Updated

Tags: Julie Farrell Billionaire Romance
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