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Tis the Season for Love

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My friend scrutinized me then turned to Harley, clearly confused. “What?”

“Is that a smile on his face?” she asked incredulously.

David chuckled, then rolled his eyes and shrugged at me as if to say, “just go with it.”

I shook my head, amused at Harley’s theatrics. “Merry Christmas, guys.”

Harley staggered back a step and pointed at me, her tone accusing. “Who are you and what have you done with Grant the Grinch?” She looked over my head, presumably at Kristen and narrowed her eyes. “Body snatcher right? Are you their leader?”

David’s mouth tightened but his shoulders shook, giving away his attempt to hide his laughter. Kristen giggled, making my heat race as hunger pumped through my blood. I took a deep, calming breath before stepping next to the sleigh and lifting Kristen down.

She stepped in front of me and leaned back, just as my arms circled her waist. “Kristen, this is David, a friend from college, and the drama queen is his wife, Harley.”

David stepped forward, holding out his hand and an involuntary growl rumbled from my chest. He chuckled and raised his hands as though in surrender as he backed up to stand next to his wife. “Nice to meet you.”

Harley’s eyes were still wide as they bounced back and forth between Kristen and me, but her face was split with a smile. “Sooooo nice,” she agreed. “We’ve got hot chocolate and cookies inside if you’d like to join us. Rebecca is sleeping but I know Luke would love to see you. My parents and Tyler are here, so we’ve already got a nice little holiday party going on.”

Their ten-year-old boy and fifteen-month-old baby girl were my Godchildren and normally I would stay and visit, but tonight, I had more urgent matters to attend to. Like getting Kristen back to my house, stripping her naked and burying first my tongue and then my cock into her sweet, little pussy. I wanted to make love to her, then fuck her hard, then do it all again, until she passed out from all the orgasms.

“Another time,” I answered with a smile. “Kiss the baby for me.” Speaking of babies… My eyes drifted to Harley’s baby bump and visions of Kristen in the same condition assaulted me.

My plan for the holiday abruptly shifted. I pulled Kristen even tighter against my body, my hands splaying over her flat stomach. I wasn’t letting her out of my bed until I’d put my baby inside her.

Chapter Four


“Are you sure your friends really didn’t mind that we ran out on them, leaving them in charge of your sleigh and horse?” I was apparently parroting myself now since I’d asked him the same question about ten times during our walk back to the farm.

He cranked up the heat in his SUV, and I tugged my mittens off before I held my hands up to the vent. “You’re going to keep asking until I finally admit it, aren’t you?”

I turned in my seat and tilted my head to the side. “Admit what?”

“That Harley made it pretty damn obvious she was more than okay with the plan when she did that little dance.”

I giggled, remembering how David had grumbled about her being more careful. He’d quickly scooped her into his arms and lifted her into the sleigh because he was worried about her falling in the snow. My heart had swelled at how romantic it had been, but I hadn’t felt the twinge of envy I might’ve had yesterday. Not when I was snuggled against Grant’s side with his arm wrapped around my waist. It was amazing what a difference twenty-four hours could make in your life. “Now that you mention it, I guess I shouldn’t be worried.”

“Damn straight you shouldn’t.” He laced the fingers of his right hand through my left as he turned onto the street in front of the farm. “You’ve got me to sweat the small shit for you now.”

My lips curved up in a shy smile. “I do, huh?”

“The big stuff, too.”

It should’ve sounded ridiculous, him making me a promise like that when we’d only just met each other. But I didn’t doubt his sincerity. Not even for a second. “I’ve got your back, too.”

His dark eyes lit up with happiness. “We make a good team.”

“Like Santa and his top elf.”

“No, like Santa and Mrs. Claus,” he corrected, making my heart race at the idea of even the tiniest possibility of being Grant’s wife someday.

The shock of realizing how hard and fast I’d fallen for the amazing man next to me left me reeling. I was speechless as I gazed out the window without really seeing anything until the car slowed about fifteen minutes later. I blinked a few times before realizing my car was parked at the end of the driveway he was pulling into. “How’d my car get here?” I peered up at the sprawling, ranch-style house. “And where are we?”

“My home,” he answered the second question first, as he hit the button for the garage door. “You seemed worried about leaving your car at my office, so I snagged your keys when you were changing for the sleigh ride and had one of the security guys move it here.”

I probably should’ve been a little freaked out at his high-handed behavior, but I was used to it since my dad was like that with my mom. I was also impressed by how in tune he was with what I was feeling since I’d only made one passing comment about going back for my car late at night. I had been worried, but I hadn’t wanted to make a big deal about it because I didn’t want to risk him changing his mind about taking me on a sleigh ride. “Thanks.”

He let out a deep sigh, like he’d been holding his breath while he waited for my reaction. After he pulled into the garage, he lifted my hand and pressed a kiss against my palm. “I wanted to feed you dinner, but since it’s Christmas Eve our restaurant options are kind of limited. Will you let me cook for you instead?”

“You want to cook for me?”

“I want to do everything for you, kitten.”

Seriously, I’d never stood a chance against this guy. There was just no resisting him. Not that I even wanted to. “Maybe we could cook together?”

“Even better.” He climbed out of the car, rounded to my side, opened my door, and held a hand out to me.

When he tugged me against his body, I felt his hard length press against my belly. Just like that, the fresh panties I’d changed into were as drenched as the original pair I’d started my day with. “Later,” I breathed.

This time he was the one to repeat what I’d said as he asked, “Later?”

I rose up on my toes and whispered against his lips, “I’m hungry for you more than I am food right now. I’d rather you give me a tour of your bedroom before we make dinner.”

“That’s an offer you don’t need to make twice.” He swept me into his arms and carried me into his home, not even bothering to turn on any lights as he stalked through dark rooms and headed straight to his bedroom. He gently set me down on the king sized bed and lowered his head to claim my mouth in a deep kiss. My lips parted on a gasp, and his tongue delved inside to tangle with mine. By the time he lifted his head again, we were both panting for breath.

He swiftly undid the buttons of my coat and stripped it from my body before I’d gotten the zipper on his all the way down. He shoved his coat down his arms and dropped it on the floor, and we both kicked off our boots. Then he tugged at the hem of my sweater, and I raised my arms so he could lift it over my head. I was barely free of it before he’d unsnapped my bra and slid it off my shoulders. “So fucking perfect, baby.”

He brushed his thumbs against my nipples, making them pucker. I whimpered when his hands moved away from me, but licked my lips when he tugged his sweater over his head and I saw the toned muscles of his upper body. We both stripped out of our pants at the same time, but he took his boxers with his and I was down to just my panties. Gently nudging me back, he braced his arms on the mattress a couple inches to either side of my head. “I know I’m going fast, but it’s just that I want you so fucking much. I’ll somehow find the strength to wait if you need more time, though.”

“I don’t need more time.” I slid one of my palms around the back of his head and tugged hi

m closer, using the other hand to tug my panties down my legs. “I want you now.”

“Thank fuck,” he breathed, lowering himself over me until his cock was at my entrance. He nudged inside me about an inch and held still. “So tight,” he groaned.

“I don’t have a lot of experience, and it’s been a long—”

He interrupted my explanation with a brutal kiss that left my lips tingling when he lifted his head. “I don’t want to hear about your past, kitten. As far as I’m concerned, I’m the only man for you.”

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