The Amendment (The Contract 2) - Page 3

“Everything okay while I was gone?”

“Yes. Jenna and Laura came for a visit and checked on us. Graham called to make sure we were okay. How was the trip?”

“Good. It went well.”

“The BAM boys behaving themselves?”

“For now. Becca sends her love. There are some gifts in the suitcase for the girls.”

“Oh, lovely. I miss her. Is she okay?”

“Seems to be.”

“Is Reid treating her well?”

I snorted. “The boy is head over heels for her. He’d give her the world if he could, so yeah, she’s fine.”

“I need to call her and check up on her. Make sure she’s all right. I know she’s still settling. She sounded stressed last time I spoke to her.”

“She’s gonna come home for a visit soon. I’m sure she was busy the day you spoke. If she needs to talk before, she’ll reach out.”

“Nope. I’m going to call her. She might be worried about bothering me. You know what she’s like. I want her to be okay.”

I sighed, knowing there was no point in arguing with her—it was a lesson I had learned in our time together. Katy was stubborn—a fact I adored about her. She loved my old assistant Becca and missed her greatly. Another fact I adored about my wife—the way she cared for people.

I remembered what I had seen when I’d pulled up to the house.

“Hey, what are all those bloody political signs on the lawn for?”

“Oh. Well, the candidates asked, and I didn’t want to say no to anyone, so I let them all put up a sign.”

“I hate those things.”

“So, take them down.”

“I did. I tossed them in the garage.”

She laughed. “They’ll probably put up new ones.”

I groaned. “Damn it. How can I stop it? Cover the grass with poison ivy? Fence it off and station a guard dog inside?”

“A little drastic, don’t you think?”

“You have a better suggestion?”

“Maybe you should put up your own sign.”

I was confused. “I’m not running for anything, Katy. I don’t have a damn sign.”

“That would work.”

“What would?”

“Richard VanRyan. I’m not running for anything. I just wanted a damn sign. We could print them and put them everywhere.”

I started to snicker at her silliness. “Maybe I will. I need to come up with a better slogan, though.”

She giggled. “Richard VanRyan. Panty exploder.”

I had to turn my head into the pillow to stop the loud peals of laughter. Only Katy could make me laugh this way. She was the first and the only one to be able to do so.

“I don’t think that’s exactly PC.”

“You have something better?”

I thought about it, then grinned.

“Sure. Richard VanRyan—I’m kind of a big deal.”

It was her turn to be amused. “Whatever.” She rolled over, still laughing. “Such ego.”

I wrapped my arm around her waist, dragging her back to my chest. I nibbled on her earlobe. “But I am, Katy.” I thrust my hips into her, letting her feel how big a deal I was.

“Oh, go fuck yourself, VanRyan.”

I snickered at her favorite expression. “I would rather fuck you.” I lifted her leg over my hip, tilting forward, pushing against her warmth. “I think you would too.”

She pressed back with a groan.

“Fine, Mr. Big Deal. Make it worth my while.”

I bit down on her neck. “Oh, baby. Challenge accepted.”2KatyI woke up to an empty bed, the sheets still warm from Richard’s body heat. I rolled over into his spot, burrowing into his pillow. It smelled like him—warm, rich, and decadent. Citrus and ocean breezes mixed with a darker hint of musk. He always smelled wonderful. Even when I’d disliked him, he had smelled good.

I sat up, drew my legs up to my chest, and wrapped my arms around my knees. I glanced at the clock and grimaced. It was barely past seven, but I could smell coffee and knew without a doubt, Richard would be in the kitchen with the girls, giving Gracie cereal and feeding Heather a bottle as he sipped his coffee and listened to Gracie tell him everything he had missed.

I was never sure who missed whom more. Gracie was a daddy’s girl, and she had him wrapped around her little fingers. He had endless patience when it came to our girls. He never lost his temper, his voice always held such tenderness when he was with them, and his eyes glowed with his love. It was a far cry from the cold, uncaring man I had first known. Once he had opened himself up to love, allowed himself to feel it, he had transformed completely. When he had fallen in love with me, my entire life had changed. He became everything I could have imagined in a husband and partner, and now a father for our girls. His career had flourished, our married life was rich and full, and I was happier than I ever thought possible. I glanced at the picture that sat on my dresser. It was one Richard had taken of Penny and me.

Tags: Melanie Moreland The Contract Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024