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The Amendment (The Contract 2)

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I thought of the anguish I had caused Katy with my words. The look of devastation on her face when she walked away. How Gracie had recoiled from my anger this morning. The way Heather pushed against me when I tried to feed her. Katy was right. They sensed my impatience, and she had been right to take them away.

Aiden tapped his chin. “Lemme ask you a question, Richard.”


“Can you live without your legs?”

I paused before answering. “I don’t want to, but yes.”

“Can you live without your family?”

There was no hesitation. “No.”

“Then you know what you have to do. Find the balls and man up. Fight for all of it.”

The image of Katy walking away hit me. I needed to see her come back. I needed her.

“When do we start?”

Aiden grinned. “In the morning.” He clapped my shoulder and pushed the plate of chicken closer to me. “Eat, and then get some sleep, Richard. You’re gonna need it.”16RichardI spent a restless night, finally dozing off at dawn. I woke up to sounds of things being moved and Aiden’s booming voice downstairs directing whatever was happening below me.

I pulled myself up, glancing at the empty spot beside me. I had never slept in this room alone until last night. When Katy gave birth to each of the girls, I had stayed the night with her at the hospital, and she had never been away. I didn’t like waking up without her. The sheets were cold and empty, echoing the feeling in my chest. I ran my hand over her pillow and held it to my face, inhaling deeply. I could smell her fragrance deep in the fibers, which increased my longing for her. I reached for my phone and stared at it, my fingers hovering over the screen.

I had no idea what to say to Katy. I knew I needed to apologize and to tell her what was going on, but after the way I spoke to her yesterday and the look of devastation on her face, I knew it wasn’t enough. My words and actions had cut deep—not just yesterday, but since I woke up in the hospital. I had put up walls and shut down on her, effectively becoming the man she first knew. A person I swore never to become again. Even worse, I had let my children see that man. I had to make it up to them all, and I needed to show Katy I was trying. Words were fine, but actions were going to speak louder.

I set the phone aside and got ready to head downstairs and find out what was going on. The process was long and tedious, and I finally headed down, my hair wet, and my determination set. The elevator door opened, and I wheeled myself out. Voices were coming from the family room, and when I stopped in the doorway, I gaped at the changes.

The furniture was pushed aside, some of it gone. Exercise equipment replaced the sofas and tables. Aiden was talking to Colin, their heads bent over my file. The two were polar opposites. Aiden was gigantic, towering over Colin, his muscles bulging. Colin was built like a runner, lean and hard, but no doubt in top physical shape. The yin and yang of fitness. The one common denominator was their determination to get me walking. I felt a grudging sense of gratitude that I had them both on my side. At this point, I wasn’t sure I deserved it.

Maddox was busy on his laptop, but he greeted me as I rolled in.

“Morning, Richard.”

Colin and Aiden ceased their conversation. Aiden grinned broadly, flexing his shoulders. Colin nodded in my direction, clearly uncomfortable. I knew I had to make the first move. I rolled closer and stuck out my hand.

“Colin. Thank you for your assistance with whatever plan Aiden has drawn you into.” I pulled in a long breath. “And I apologize for my behavior. It was beneath me and insulting to you.”

He shook my hand, a real smile on his face. “Apology accepted. I know how difficult this has been for you, Richard.” He jerked his thumb at Aiden. “The big guy here is going to do what I couldn’t do. He’ll be on you twenty-four seven.”

Aiden chuckled darkly. “Yep.”

Colin put his hand on my shoulder. “I believe you can do this, Richard. I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t. Still, you have to believe it as well.”

“I know. I’ve been…difficult.”

Aiden’s merriment boomed out and Colin smirked. “That’s one word,” he agreed.

Aiden tapped the file in front of him. “Colin’s plan is great, and I’ve added a few tricks of my own.” He indicated some of the equipment behind him. “I’m going to work you harder than ever.”

“I wish our clinic had a couple of these machines.” Colin eyed them with envy. “The good they could do me…” He shook his head, letting his words trail off.

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