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The Amendment (The Contract 2)

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“I don’t know if I deserve that yet, but I’ll keep trying to earn it.”

I stuck out my hand and he gripped it, shaking it hard. He leaned down and hugged me, and the feeling of paternal affection filled me. I grasped his arms as he thumped my back and stood. We both wiped at our eyes and then he grinned.

“You know, Richard, one of the reasons we lash out at the ones we love is because deep within us, we know we’ll be forgiven.” He paused with a wink. “The way you lashed out, I must be one of your favorites.”

We both laughed, the tension easing in the air.

“I think Gracie said there were cookies?” he asked, wiping his eyes again.


“I need one or two of those. So will you when Laura has said her piece.”

Shit. I had forgotten about Laura.

“Right. Okay.”

“Once she’s done with you, we’ll discuss you returning to work.”

“I still have a job?”

He smirked. “Of course, you do. I’ve been waiting as you so charmingly put it, ‘for you to get your head out of your ass.’ You can work from home until you’re ready to come in. Your clients are waiting for you.”

“What about Brad?”

He stroked his chin. “He’s gone home to be with Laura’s sister, about an hour north of here. He plans on returning soon—I hope.”

I frowned in confusion. I had asked Katy a few times about Brad, and she said physically he was almost healed. Was there something I hadn’t been told? I opened my mouth to ask when Laura walked into the room.

“I’ll take it from here.”

Graham clapped my shoulder on his way out of the room. “Good luck.”

I swallowed as I looked at Laura. She planted her feet in front of my wheelchair and crossed her arms. Her normally warm gaze was frosty. Hurt. Before I could speak, she began.

“You hurt my family. Again. Even worse, you hurt your own family. Your beautiful little girls who need you. Your wife, who suffered from your rejection terribly. You turned your back on all of us. You were selfish, cruel, and frankly, rude. Do not ever speak to Graham in that manner again.”

I could only nod. She was right. I was all those things.

“I know you were in pain. Confused. Scared. But you’re an adult. You have words. In fact, Richard VanRyan, you have more words than most people, so I am shocked at your inability to use them.”

“I know,” I managed to mumble.

“Don’t interrupt.”

I held my tongue.

“As for Brad, his physical injuries are healing fine. But my nephew is still riddled with guilt. Your wife was gracious enough to assure him she doesn’t hold him at fault, but you have yet to even speak to him. He is suffering. Unable to sleep. He can’t get past this.” She stuck her finger into my chest, pressing hard. “You’re going to call Brad and you are going to talk to him. Do you understand me?”

I nodded, unsure if I was allowed to speak yet.

“You have a lot to make up for.”

“I know.” I caught her hand, holding it tight. “I’m sorry, Laura. I was out of my mind.” I met her eyes, pleading with her to understand. “I have never been so scared in my life, and I didn’t handle it well. Please forgive me.”

Suddenly, I was encased in her arms. Surrounded by the elegant fragrance I associated with her.

“You scared us, Richard. We thought we’d lost you, and when we got you back, you pushed us away. You shut all of us out. Even Katy.” Her grip increased, and I wrapped my arms around her waist, accepting her embrace and her warmth. “You mean too much to us, dear boy. Don’t ever do that again, do you understand me? Never.”

“I won’t.”

She pulled back and cupped my face. Her eyes swam in unshed tears. “I’m mad at you, but I’m also relieved that you’re coming to your senses. Listen to me and hear what I’m saying. Families are stronger together. I don’t care what form your body is in, you are part of mine. Do not disrespect that or decide to remove yourself again. Am I clear?”


She leaned down and kissed my forehead in a motherly gesture so similar to the way Katy kissed our girls that it brought a lump to my throat. I never had affection like that as a child. Getting it now as an adult seemed odd, yet I liked it. I felt Laura’s love in her actions. I reciprocated by wrapping my hands around her arms, pulling her down, and kissing her cheeks.

“Thank you, Laura. I’ll try to be the man you seem to think I am.”

She tweaked my nose. “It’s the man you are.” She stood. “When you’re not acting like a jackass.”

I laughed at her mild curse.

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