The Amendment (The Contract 2) - Page 81

“Is this a bank?” I scoffed. “Everyone taking off early? Yeesh, I’m supposed to be the one on restricted time.”

Graham shook his head. “Plans, Richard. I have big plans.” He waved as he walked out the door.

“How long have you been seeing June?”

Brad sat down in front of my desk. “A few weeks. We had gone out once before the accident. She came to see me in the hospital and stayed in touch the whole time I was gone.” He smiled as he looked down at his tablet. “She’s been amazing.”

“She is one of the rare ones.”

He nodded, his eyes shining. “I think so.”

I chuckled. I recognized the look. The kid was a goner.

“Katy know about her?”

“Yes, she’s been very supportive.”

I wasn’t surprised—of course she would be. Katy wanted to see everyone happy, so she’d be thrilled to know Brad found someone.

“You’ll meet her officially later,” Brad started, then stopped and swallowed. “I mean, I’ll bring her to meet you sometime.”

“Sounds good. Arrange dinner with Katy one night.”

“I’ll do that.”

“Email me the designs, and I’ll make some more notes.”

He headed for the door. “On it.”

What felt like a few moments later, my phone buzzed. As I glanced at the screen, I was shocked to see almost an hour had passed. I had lost track of time.

I answered Katy’s call. “Hey, sweetheart.”

“How are you feeling?”


“You coming home soon?”

“Yeah—shit. Sorry. I got caught up. The car is probably waiting.”

She laughed. “I already asked them to pick you up at five-thirty. I knew this would happen.”

I smiled as I stood, shutting off my computer. She knew me too well. I heard a voice behind her, muffled yet familiar.

“Who’s there?” I asked.

“A delivery guy. I got a few groceries delivered that I forgot earlier.”

“Sounded like Mad Dog.”

She chuckled. “A little far away to bring me groceries.”

“I suppose so. Okay, on my way.”

“See you soon.”In the car, I rolled my shoulders and rubbed at my legs. I hadn’t realized how hard it was to sit for an extended period of time. I decided to take Colin up on his suggestion of a treadmill in my office. I could walk and stretch when I needed to.

The car pulled onto the street, and I glanced around in puzzlement. There were a lot of parked cars.

“Someone’s having a party,” I stated dryly.

Leon, the driver, nodded in agreement. “So it would appear.”

“Let me off here.” I could use the short walk.

I stepped out of the car, still frowning in confusion. Ahead of me, I could see that my front lawn was once again covered in signs. There was no election going on, no candidates glad-handing around.

What the hell were they?

I walked closer, my lips quirking as I read the various placards.That one had a picture of me holding my girls. It was my favorite.

All of them made me smile.

But one made me throw back my head in amusement.The memories it brought back made my body tighten.

There was no doubt who was responsible. My smart-mouthed, brilliant, wonderful Katy.

I looked up to see her standing on the driveway, wearing a large grin.

“Care to explain?” I asked, walking toward her.

“A little welcome home after your first day back.”

I laughed, indicating the yard. “I’m not sure all the neighbors needed to be in on the occasion.”

She waved her hand behind her. “I think I’d disagree.”

I turned and gaped at the people waiting.

Graham and Laura. Jenna and Adrian. Adam, Julia, and their kids. Brad and June. Colin. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. Other neighbors.

The entire BAM office. Bentley, Aiden, Maddox, Reid, and their spouses. Sandy was with them, smiling broadly at me.

That explained the noise I heard when Maddox talked to me this morning. He was at the airport, coming here to surprise me. The reason everyone was leaving the office early. They were all here.

All the people I considered family.

Katy slipped her hand into mine. “Welcome home, Mr. VanRyan.”

“I don’t understand.”

She smiled, looking shy. “It’s my celebration of you. To show you how proud we all are of you.”

“For me, Katy? All of this for me?”

She nodded. “All of this for you.”


“Because I wanted you to know how much you’re loved.”

I blinked, my eyes suddenly not focusing properly. I cleared my throat.

“And you thought signs were in order?” I teased, needing to lighten the moment.

“What’s a party without signs?”

“I helped put ’em up!” Gracie exclaimed, running toward me.

I bent down and picked her up, holding her with one arm. I kissed her cheek. “I bet you helped Mommy with all of this.”

She patted my face with her tiny hands. “Thelbation, Daddy! Dere’s suppa and cake!”

“Now that’s what I call a party.”

Gracie squirmed, and I set her down, laughing as she ran straight past Maddox to Brad. Mad Dog was going to be pissed off over that.

I looped my arm around Katy and kissed her. “Thank you. This is incredible.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland The Contract Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024