The Baby Clause 2.0 (The Contract 1.75) - Page 10

“She’s been acting strange with people. And she’s teething.”

I laid Gracie beside Katy and ran my hand through her hair. Gracie kicked her legs, cooing at her mother. “I have this covered. Just let me run and get dressed, and brush my teeth. Make sure she doesn’t roll off the bed.”

She looped an arm around Gracie. “Got her.”

I rushed to the closet, throwing on my pants. I brushed my teeth and grabbed my shirt. Back in our room, Gracie was busy gnawing on her toes as she lay in the circle of Katy’s arms. I scooped her up and tucked the blanket around Katy. “I’ll be back once she’s fed.”

“Mm’kay,” she mumbled, already drifting.

She slept the whole time I was gone, which I hope meant she was done being ill. I fed Gracie, burped and got her dressed, then managed to finish getting myself ready after tucking her into my sock drawer for safe keeping, as I pulled on my suit. I sang to her, as I yanked on my socks and did my tie. Katy laughed when I sang, but Gracie loved it. She could appreciate my unique tone. I think it soothed her. Or at the very least, it confused her so much, she forgot to be upset. Either way worked.

Finally, I checked her bag, grateful Katy was so organized, and it was already packed, then strapped her into the front facing carrier on my chest. She loved it. Her hands flapped, and her feet kicked every time she was in it. I grabbed my briefcase and went back to our room.

“We’re off, Mommy.”

Katy opened one eye. I grinned at her and struck a pose. “On a scale of one to ten, how incredibly sexy am I carrying the cutest baby in the world? Pretty irresistible, right?”

Katy slapped a hand over her mouth and tore past me to the bathroom. I grimaced at the sound of more retching. I guess she wasn’t done.

“I’m going to assume Mommy thinks we’re a ten. Who could resist us?” I looked down at Gracie who frowned up at me, drool running down her chin as she gummed her fingers. Oh God, I hoped she wasn’t going to be cranky, or this could be one long ass day.

She gurgled her agreement, as I glanced at the bathroom door, worried about Katy. It was so unusual for her to be ill, I wasn’t sure what to do to help. I tapped on the door, waiting for her to respond. She hated it when I hovered.

She came out, and I helped her into bed. Gracie waved her arms in excitement at seeing Katy.

“Maybe I should stay home.”

“Go, Richard,” she insisted. “I’ll be fine.”

“Are you sure?” I really hated leaving her, even though it was important. We had worked long and hard on this campaign and the meeting with the client was today. The client was a bit of a hard-ass and Graham insisted I be the one to handle it, and I didn’t want to let him down, but Katy was more important.

“Yes. All I’m going to do is sleep. Go!”

I ran a hand through my hair. “Call me if you need me. I’ll come home right away.”

“I will.”

“I’ll be home as soon as the meeting is done.”

“Okay.” She groaned as she rolled over and shut her eyes. “I’ll be here.”

I hurried to the car and strapped Gracie into her car seat. Just in case, I slipped her a soother. Katy hated them, but today, I needed all the help I could get.Gracie fussed most of the morning, only settling when I was close. I gave up and strapped her into the carrier, and let her play with my fingers as I went through all the last minute details for the meeting. Jenna was racing around, making sure the boardroom was set up, and Amy stayed close, helping me with any final items and adjustments. Forty-five minutes before the meeting, I sat down and fed Gracie. Her eyelids began to droop and I had to hold back from punching the air in victory. If she followed her normal schedule, I’d burp her, she’d drink a little more, and then be out for the next of couple hours. I’d be done with the meeting, Graham would take the client to lunch, and I could go home and make sure Katy was okay. I was distracted as I lifted her to my shoulder, forgetting the towel until I felt the wetness of her regurgitation soak through my shirt. I shut my eyes and groaned. I had dropped a bunch of shirts at the dry cleaners yesterday and hadn’t brought a fresh one in with me. Hopefully, I would have a few minutes to try and rinse it. I huffed out a long breath, and cradled Gracie in my arms, slipping the nipple into her mouth.

Tags: Melanie Moreland The Contract Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024