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The Contract (The Contract 1)

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I took his hand, noting the firmness of his grip. “Richard VanRyan.”

“I’m impressed already.”

Before I could reply, my phone buzzed. Right on time. “I’m sorry.” I glanced at the screen, hoping I looked sheepish. “I need to take this. I apologize.”

“No problem, Richard.” He smiled. “I need coffee.”

I turned away as I answered. “Katharine,” I murmured, pitching my voice low.

For a moment, there was silence, then she spoke. “Mr. VanRyan?”

“Yes.” I chuckled, knowing I had confused the fuck out of her. I didn’t think I had ever called her anything besides Miss Elliott, and certainly never in a voice like the one I had just used.

“Um, you asked me to call and tell you your four o’clock was changed to three?”

“Three o’clock now?” I repeated.


“Okay, I’ll adjust. Is everything all right there?”

She sounded shocked when she replied. “Mr. VanRyan, are you all right?”

“Of course, I am.” I couldn’t resist teasing her more. “Why?”

“You sound, ah, different.”

“Stop worrying,” I soothed, knowing Graham was listening. “Everything is fine.”

“David was looking for you.”

“What did you tell him?”

“Exactly what you instructed me to say. He . . .”

“What? What happened?”

“He’s on a bit of a tear this morning.”

“David’s always on a tear. Take an early lunch and lock the office door. I’ll deal with him when I return,” I instructed as I smirked into the phone, injecting a concerned tone to my voice.

Bewilderment led to bravery for her. “Lock the office and take an early lunch? Are you drunk?”

That did it. I burst out laughing at her words. “Just do it, Katharine. Stay safe, and I’ll see you when I get back.” I hung up, still smiling, and turned around to face Graham. “My assistant,” I explained.

He regarded me with a knowing look. “I think I know why you’re looking to leave Anderson Inc.”

I returned his look with a small shrug.

I had him.“Tell me about yourself.”

I grimaced at his question. “I think you know a lot about me already, Graham. At least you know of me.”

He nodded, taking a sip of his coffee. “Your reputation does precede you.”

I bent forward, hoping to appear earnest. “People change.”

“And you have?”

“What I want in life and how I get it has, yes. Therefore, the person I was, no longer exists.”

“Falling in love does that to a person.”

“So I’m discovering.”

“Anderson Inc. has a strict policy about interpersonal relationships.”

I snorted. “David doesn’t like his staff to have relationships inside or outside the office. It detracts from business, he thinks.”

“And you disagree?”

“I think you can do both—with the right person.”

“And you found that person?”


“Your assistant.”

I swallowed hard, only able to nod.

“Tell me about her.”

Shit. When it came to business, I could talk forever. Strategies, angles, concepts, visualizations—I could go on for hours. I rarely spoke on a personal level about myself, so what could I possibly say about a woman I barely knew, and didn’t like. I had no idea. I swallowed again and glanced at the table, running my fingers over the smooth surface.

“She’s the biggest klutz I’ve ever met,” I blurted out—that much was at least true.

He frowned at my tone, and I was quick to cover my mistake.

“I hate it when she hurts herself,” I explained in a softer voice.

“Of course.” He nodded.

“She’s, ah, she’s perfect.”

He laughed. “We all think that of the women we love.”

I searched my brain, making a mental list of the things I knew about her. “Her name is Katharine. Most people call her Katy, but I like to use her whole name.”

It wasn’t really a lie. I called her Miss Elliott all the time.

He nodded. “Such a lovely name. I’m sure she likes to hear you say it.”

I smirked, remembering her reaction earlier. “I think it confounds her.”

He waited as I mulled over my next words. “She’s tiny and unobtrusive. Her eyes are like the ocean—so blue they’re fathomless. Everyone adores her at the office. She bakes cookies for people—they love them.” I wavered, trying to think of more. “She hates to be woken any earlier than necessary. Her voice gets all growly, which makes me laugh.”

He smiled encouragingly.

“She keeps me in line—she’s an amazing assistant and I’d be lost without her.” I sighed, unsure what else I could add. “She’s undoubtedly too good for me,” I admitted, knowing deep down it was true. I was certain I was the bad person in this scenario, especially given what I was doing currently.

“Do you want to bring her onboard with you?”

“No!” I exclaimed. This was my chance to get rid of her.

“I don’t understand.”

“She, ah, we want to start a family. I’d rather have her at home, and have someone else at work. I want her to have the chance to relax and enjoy life for a while—without working.”

“She isn’t enjoying it now?”

“It’s difficult, given the situation, and she works too hard,” I added, hoping that sounded right. “She’s looked tired the past while. I want her to sleep as much as she wants.”

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