The Contract (The Contract 1) - Page 83

“I had given you my word.”

“Which you could have backed out of easily. I expected you to, but once more, you surprised me. You surprised me at every turn.” Smiling, I tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. “Not much surprises me, yet you do—constantly. I like it.”

She smiled back, her expression not as wary as it had been.

“The most amazing thing to me was, and is, the way you were with me.”

“What do you mean?”

“All I asked, all I expected, was for you to put on an act when we were out together. I fully expected you to ignore me when we were in the privacy of the condo. I know I planned to ignore you. But . . .”

“But, what?”

“I couldn’t ignore you. You were everywhere. Without even trying, you were in my head—it was as natural as breathing. The condo became a home with you there. You teased and laughed with me. You took care of me—no one has done that my entire life. Your opinion became paramount. Everything I did, I wanted to share with you. Instead of ignoring you, I wanted more time with you. I wanted to know everything about you.”

She gazed at me, her eyes wide.

“And Penny. I loved spending time with her. Hearing the stories she shared about you. I got to know more of you each time I saw her, and the more I knew, the more I fell, until the moment I realized how deeply I was in love with you.”

I gathered her hands in mine, holding them tight. “None of my cruelness changed you. Instead, your sweetness changed me, Katy. You and Penny brought out that little boy who could still love.”

“What if he forgets again?”

I shook my head. “He won’t. He can’t—not as long as I have you.” I lifted her hand. “You left your wedding rings behind, yet you’re wearing this ring.” I tapped the diamond band on her finger. “You moved it to your left hand. Why?”

“Because you gave it to me. It was the first thing you’d given me that you didn’t have to.” Her voice caught. “I–I put it there because it was closer to my heart.”

I shut my eyes, hoping I understood the meaning behind her words. Pressing her hand to my face, I opened my eyes to look into hers. Tears swam in the depths of her expressive blue gaze. “I gave you my heart, too, Katy. Will you keep it, as well?”

She drew in a breath that stuttered and shook her small frame.

“You gave me your body. I want your heart. I want your love. I need it. I need you.”

“Say it, Richard.” A tear slipped down her cheek.

“I love you, Katharine VanRyan. I want you to come home with me. Make my life complete. I’ll do whatever it takes to get you to believe me. To make you believe in me.”

“I already do.”

I cupped her face, my thumbs tracing frantic circles on her skin as my heartbeat sped up. “And?”

“I love you, Richard. I love you so much, it scares me.”

“Why are you scared?”

“You could break me.”

I shook my head. “It’s you who’s broken me, Katy. I’m yours.”

“I’m yours, too.”

That was all I needed. Pulling her to me, I covered her mouth with mine, groaning at the sensation of having her close. Our lips moved, tongues stroked and caressed as we reacquainted ourselves with each other. Her arms wound around my neck, holding me tight as I folded mine around her like a steel cage.

One I didn’t plan to release her from—ever.RICHARD

I LIFTED MY HEAD, SQUINTING in the silent darkness. We had been sitting, holding each other, needing the closeness. I didn’t know for how long, but enough for night to have descended. “I need to add some more logs,” I murmured. “The fire is going to die.”

“I like it right here. I’m warm enough.”

I chuckled and pressed a kiss to her head. “We have to move eventually.”

“I should make us something to eat.”

“I need to find a place to stay.”

She froze. “You aren’t staying here?”

Tenderly, I cupped her face, brushing a kiss to her lips. “I want to. But I don’t want to push.”

“It’s a queen-size bed.”

I quirked my eyebrow at her. “Small for us. I suppose I’ll have to snuggle with you. I guess if it’s the sacrifice I have to make—”

Her lips curled into a smile. “I suppose so.”

“I’ve missed snuggling with you. I’ve missed your warmth and your smell.”

“Well then, I guess you better stay.”

“I guess so.” I paused, needing to ask her the question that had been simmering in the back of my mind for days. “I need to ask you something, Katy.”

She drifted her finger over my stubble. “I like hearing you call me that.”

I tweaked her nose. “Good. I like saying it.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland The Contract Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024