Changing Roles - Page 22

I nuzzled her forehead. “Finally. I knew you couldn’t resist me forever.”

She yawned and curled into a ball like a small kitten. “Good job. Night, Oscar.”

I passed my hand gently over her head. “Night, Beaker.”

I left quickly, wondering why it was bothering me so much to do so.

I must be overtired.

My head would be clearer in the morning.It was past noon when I stumbled out of bed and into the shower. Regardless of being up late, I knew Shelby would have risen far earlier and already been productive. I loved sleeping in, and when I was working, it wasn’t a luxury I had—my calls were often early ones, so when I was home, I indulged a lot—and Shelby let me.

I got dressed, feeling decidedly off. My stomach ached and I felt tense, but I was unsure why. I felt a strange sense of foreboding I couldn’t shake.

I was probably hungry.

I’d find Shelby, she’d make me something to eat, and I’d feel better. I had no idea what time her date was, but I was sure she had enough time to do that for me.

Funny, simply thinking about her date made my stomachache intensify.

Maybe I was coming down with something.

I paused at the entrance to the kitchen. Shelby was sitting at the table, staring absently into space. Behind her, playing quietly from her computer was Air Supply.

Shit. She only played Air Supply when she was feeling sad and melancholy.

Why was she sad? I racked my brain. Had I done something again? Did Douglas cancel?

She glanced up, and seeing me, she smiled, although her eyes remained sad. “Well, look who woke up. I thought maybe today was one of your write-offs.”

I strolled in, shaking my head. “No, just a late start. What time did you get up?”

She shrugged, walking over to the coffeemaker. “About eight.”

I took the coffee she offered, winking at her.

“Lazy wench.”

Sipping the hot beverage, I sat while trying to find a way of asking her if she was okay. Or figure out a way of taking the sadness from her eyes.

“I heard from Lily. I texted her last night. She’ll come over this week with some dresses for you to choose from for Saturday. She says it’s a big night—she’s pulling out all the stops.”

If anything, her eyes got sadder. “Sounds like fun.”

“I told her to keep the heels low. She said she couldn’t make that promise.”

Shelby shrugged and I took another sip of my coffee, stalling for time.

What was wrong? Didn’t women like to try on dresses?

“You, um, still out for the night?”


Shouldn’t she look happier? Was she nervous? I tried to think of what I felt like when I went out on a date.

Shit. First, I had to remember when the last date I’d gone on had been. A few months? More? I couldn’t remember.

Maybe she was worried about being alone with Douglas. Or thinking about what she should wear. Women stressed over stuff like that.

A thought hit me, and without thinking it through, I spoke up. “Shelby?”


“Wanna go shopping?”

She looked at me, confused. “What?”

“I could take you.”

“For what?”

“A dress, you know, for tonight. For your date.”

She stared at me. When she spoke, her voice was nowhere near as enthusiastic as I thought it would be.

“You want to take me shopping. For a dress. To wear on my date.”

I nodded. “You said you didn’t have any dresses, so I’ll buy one for you. Would that make you feel better?”

“Make me feel better?”

“You seem off. I thought a new dress would cheer you up. I’ll buy it for you,” I repeated.

“Why would you want to do that, Liam?”

Bollocks. I didn’t like the tone she was using.

“I thought, ah, maybe you needed one?” I offered. “You know the other night, you said you didn’t have any…” My voice trailed off as I took in her expression. Now she was looking pissed off. This wasn’t going well, and I regretted my idea.

“I meant long gowns. They aren’t something I keep on hand, being a housekeeper and all. I do, however, have a few outfits I am sure will be acceptable to wear in public with your cousin. I’ll be sure not to embarrass him by wearing my everyday clothes.”

I tried to make her smile. “Yeah, my shirts might not make the best date attire.”

Her voice was deceptively low. “Is that what you’re worried about, Liam? That I’ll leave the house looking bad and embarrass you or your cousin? Maybe you think I’m not suitable to go out on date with Douglas?”


I started to shake my head when Shelby stood quickly, her chair making a loud noise on the floor. She crossed her arms over her chest, and I could see she was beyond pissed. I had somehow insulted her again and now she was angry.

I liked Shelby pissed off and spitting at me like an angry kitten. She was adorable.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024