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Changing Roles

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But with Shelby, I was different. Every time I heard her talk about or look at something she liked, I always made sure to buy it, and I always acted surprised when I found out it was an item she wanted. I was good at that—the acting surprised thing. I had an Oscar that said so.

Shelby rarely ever made it simple for me, though. She never said "Hey, I want that,” since that would be too easy for me. But I watched and listened. She had a way of tilting her head and looking thoughtful when she was interested in something, and her eyes lit up. I enjoyed her reaction of delight when even the simplest item would appear. Some odd kitchen implement I had no idea how to use. A new set of bakeware she’d stared at glossy-eyed on the TV. She’d been almost giddy last week over a new touch screen computer I put in the kitchen. I told her I wanted it—all of it. She never questioned why they were all used by her and not me.

“Um, Liam?”

I shook my head, bringing my focus back. “Sorry.”

“I knew. I’ve known for a while. How did she take it when you told her?”

“Um, I haven’t yet. I wanted to talk to you first.” Feeling serious, I bent forward. “She means a lot to me, Everett. You both do. I needed to make sure this was okay with you. Man to man. Friend to friend.” I paused. “I know I’m an idiot, Everett, and I have no experience with relationships. I’ve never had one that lasted any length of time. But I care about her. Deeply. I want to look after her. I want her as part of my life. She makes me a better person. I want to be a better person for her.”

He met my earnest gaze. “You are a bit of a fuckup, Liam. But you’re right. Shelby is good for you.” He rubbed a hand over his face. “And you’re good for her. Ever since our parents died, she’s tried to be everything for me. Sister and parent. Always responsible.” He smiled. “You make her happy. You bring out her silly side, and she needs that,” he admitted. “She brings out your more serious side, which you need. She lights up like a Christmas tree when you’re around, and you do the same thing. You were made for each other.”

“So, you’re okay with this?”

He shrugged. “She’s a grown woman, Liam. I can’t stop her. I can’t stop you either.” He scrubbed his face. “Her ex did a number on her. Destroyed her confidence and self-worth. Shook her badly. Don’t hurt her.” He drummed his fingers on the tabletop. “No business relationship will stop me from coming after you if you do.”

I gave him a nervous nod and a tight smile. Everett, my manager and friend, was gone. Shelby’s family— her brother—was sitting in front of me.

“I don’t want to hurt her, Ev. I love her. I really do.”

“She might fight you on this, regardless of her feelings.”

“I know. She has a hang-up over the age thing.”

“And your lifestyle, Liam. She’s very private. When this gets out, there will be a lot of press. Some hard stuff for you both to deal with. Her marital status. The age thing. The fact that she works for you. That she is my sister. The rags will use anything and everything. Twist it all. We’ll have to talk this all through.” He paused. “If, that is, she agrees to take on your sorry ass.”

“I’ll protect her. So will you.”

“With everything in me.”

“I know.”

“Good luck, Liam. You may need it. Be patient with her. She’ll be guarded, that I know.”

“I have your blessing?”

He laughed. “Listen to you.” His face became serious. “Treat her well. Or else.”

“I will.”

I didn’t want to know what Everett’s or else entailed.

It would be painful, of that much, I was sure.

Very painful.11LiamI walked into the kitchen, unsure what I would find. I listened briefly, but the music seemed to be one of Shelby’s regular playlists, not a sad or angry one.

Thank God. No Guns N’ Roses. I’d have to run if that were playing.

Shelby was at the counter, her head down, working away. I leaned against the door and watched her in contemplative silence. Her hair was up, her shirt long and too big, meaning it was one of mine, and she had on those damn sexy glasses again. She was biting her lip in concentration as she worked on whatever project she had going on at the moment.

All around her were plates and bowls, and she was rolling something in what looked like a placemat. I pushed off the doorframe and sauntered over, trying to be casual, while my heart was beating furiously against my rib cage.

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