Changing Roles - Page 45

“Did I not fire you last night?”

“Yes. But I decided I needed an exit interview, so I gave myself back my job once the interview was over. I decided I deserved a second chance. I’ve been a great employee.”

My lips quirked at her words. “You’ve been exemplary, Shelby, I’ll give you that. But one question?”


“Did the old you inform the new you that your boss not only encourages dating him, but also insists on it?”

“Oh yes, that came up.”

My smile couldn’t be contained now. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her against me. “Why don’t you put down the damn spatula, and I’ll take you upstairs so we can discuss something else that has ‘come up,’ Shelby?”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Everett huffed behind me.

Bloody hell, when did he get here?

Shelby grinned at me. “We have company.”

“You might have warned me.”

She giggled. “You were too busy being…bossy.”

I leaned down, my lips at her ear. “I’ll show you bossy when we’re alone.” I nipped the tender skin, smiling at the feel of her shudder.

She gasped as I picked her up and set her on the counter.

“What are you doing?”

“Looking at your feet.” I turned to Everett. “Did you see this mess?”

He came over, and we both grimaced at the red welts and missing skin on her toes and heels. Everett whistled. “Nice job, Beaker.”

“Shut it.”

“Are you in pain?” I asked.

She shook her head. “They’re much better this morning. I won’t be able to wear shoes with backs for a few days, but they’ll be fine.” She pushed at my chest. “Can I get back to breakfast, please?” She hesitated. “I’m not really fired—am I?”

Everett snorted as he grabbed the coffeepot. “Like he could do without you.”

I winked at her. “What he said.”


I lifted her off the counter. “We’ll figure it out, Shelby. Promise.”

She nodded. “I know.”

I took the cup of coffee from her and went to sit with Everett.

How we’d work it out, I wasn’t sure.

But I knew we had to.

Everett was right—I couldn’t do without her.

Ever.14LiamShelby sat beside me, and I pulled her chair closer. I felt better when she was near. Using one hand, I picked up the bagel she had given me, while I laced our fingers together with my free hand. I also liked touching her.

Everett snorted. “Okay. Listen up. Cassidy and I have both checked, but so far, you’re safe. You were recognized, Liam, and they have pictures of you two, but Shelby’s face is unknown from the first night, and last night—” he winked at Shelby “—your face was buried in his neck.” He chuckled. “You’ve been dubbed ‘The mysterious Lady in Red.’ You’re the same woman who’s shown up on Liam’s arm two times in a row. Not known to the press—a mystery. They’re starting to ask some questions, so things are going to change.” He took a sip of his coffee as he regarded us. “I’m assuming from the display I was forced to witness and the hand-holding, the two of you have pulled your heads out of your asses and decided to explore a relationship?”

I paused before taking another bite. “I don’t know about Shelby, Everett, but I assure you my head has never been ‘up my arse,’ as you so quaintly put it. It may have taken us a bit to get here, but it wasn’t as if we were hiding from our feelings.”

“I said ass, Liam.”

I shook my head. “You people hurt my head. Always butchering the Queen’s English. Shameful.”

He looked at me like I was crazy as Shelby shifted beside me. “Whatever. Are you prepared for this media circus?”

“They can take their pictures. I can’t stop them, but I’m not commenting on my personal life.” It had always been my one, unbreakable rule.

He narrowed his eyes at me. “It’s not you I’m worried about, Liam.”

I started to argue with him, but Shelby interrupted me. “What should I be prepared for?”

Everett crossed his arms over his chest as he gathered his thoughts together. I could almost see the wheels spinning in his head.

Shelby sighed. “Just spit it out, Ev. I’m not a child.”

He shrugged his shoulders as if to say fine and hunched forward, his voice earnest. “You’ve been pretty isolated so far. But that’s going to change now that you’re in a relationship with Liam. Maybe not right away, but soon enough. You’re a challenge now. They will find out who you are, Shelby. And not just the fact that you’re my sister.” He drew in a deep breath. “They’ll know you work for Liam. The fact that you’re older and still married will also come up. The press will have a field day with that information. They’ll find out you lost your last job and somehow twist that to make you look bad. It’ll run the gamut—you’re after Liam for his money, or you seduced him to get ahead in this business. They’ll come up with a hundred and one false scenarios.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024