Changing Roles - Page 48

“Liam,” Shelby warned, but her voice wasn’t much of a deterrent. It sounded breathy and wanting. I smiled against her warmth. I was affecting her as well. I wanted her. After waking up together Sunday morning, the hours since had been one long, painful session of foreplay. She was gone when I woke in the mornings, and we were both so busy that when I did see her, some cuddles and a few kisses were all we shared. I hated having so many appointments and meetings that I was pulled away from her constantly throughout the day.

I was ready for more. I felt like if I didn’t shag her soon, my head would explode. One of them, for sure.

Shelby was everywhere. I could hear her voice and her sweet laughter all over the house. Her scent soaked into the air and swirled around me as I tried to work. Every time I walked into the kitchen, I could feel her stare. Every time we were close, I had to touch her. Her lips called to me. Her body beckoned. I was going crazy with lust. But we were never alone. It was like our house was suddenly Grand Central Terminal for everyone in our lives. Why, I had no bloody idea. I was sure they were all doing it on purpose. Torturing me, those buggers.

And then, tonight.

She was a siren. Lily dressed her in a sleek, red, formfitting dress, once again leaving a shoulder glistening and bare. My grandmother’s earrings caught the light as her head moved. The bracelet was back on her wrist. Twinkling on the red at her shoulder was a diamond brooch I had pinned on her before we left. I had marked her with my tokens of my affection. She thought they were on loan, but in my heart, they already belonged to her. Just like me.

And she was mine.

Everyone here knew it.

Shelby’s hand pushed on my chest. I pulled back, not at all embarrassed at having my passion witnessed. I dropped one more kiss on her neck. “Tonight, Shelby. Tonight, you’re mine. Completely.”

She shivered.

I grinned.We ate, talked, smiled, and never once was there a time I wasn’t touching her. My leg was firmly pressed against hers. Whenever possible, I found her small hand with mine and stroked her skin slowly. When speaking to someone else at the table, I casually leaned back in my chair, my arm draped around the back of hers, my finger gently teasing the skin on her shoulder, causing the most delightful shudders to race through her, making me smirk. Douglas sat at our table, his eyes crinkling with amusement as he watched us. He chatted, his companion that evening his manager, Henri. I smiled when Shelby told Douglas that her friend, Caroline, who she thought would be perfect for him, was coming to visit soon. He nodded silently, no doubt playing along with her suggestions with no intent on following them through. I was pretty sure Douglas had no plans for a long-term relationship at this point.

By the time the speeches, presentations, and donations were done, so was I. I had done my duty, and my debt to the studio was paid. I needed Shelby alone—I was finished sharing. I needed her pressed against me, and this time, I didn’t plan on stopping. I was locking the doors, setting the security override, shutting off the phone, and then nobody and nothing was coming between us.

After saying our goodnights, I looked through the window at the crowd below. I pulled Shelby to my side and indicated the constant flashes. There were a large number of celebrities here coming and going by this point, and the paps were out in full force. I cupped her cheek in comfort. “Maybe I should get the car to the back.”

She shook her head, although her voice sounded nervous. “I’m fine. Unless it’s easier for you…”

“No.” I refused to allow them to dictate my life. I wasn’t ashamed to be seen with Shelby. As long as she could handle it, we would face it together. It was going to happen one way or another, so it might as well be on our terms. I wrapped my arm around her waist. “Just keep walking with your head down. Ignore the flashes. Ignore the shit they yell. Do not react, no matter what they say or shout. They’re doing it to get your reaction. Don’t give it to them. Just hold on to me. Don’t let go, and don’t stop. Mark will run interference.”



She drew in a deep breath, and I tightened my hold.


The flashes were almost blinding. Loud voices shouting my name came from all directions. I kept my eyes focused on Mark’s back, following closely. Beside me, I felt Shelby stiffen and push herself closer to my side, turning her face away from the lights. It was worse than I thought it would be, and I knew if I was finding it loud, she must be overwhelmed. They were in a frenzy to get a reaction. Strangely, I remained calm, knowing Shelby needed my guidance and strength. I knew Mark wouldn’t let anyone close to us—it was simply a matter of ignoring the noise.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024