Changing Roles - Page 51

The way her arms draped around my neck, pulling me to her, it appeared she was as well.

Brilliant.15Liam“You should turn on your phone,” Shelby murmured from her spot in my arms. “I’m sure Ev has been trying to call. It’s almost two in the afternoon.”

I kissed her damp shoulder, running my lips up her neck, loving the shiver that went through her whole body. “Not happening. I’ll turn it back on tomorrow.”

She leaned her head against my shoulder. “I’m surprised he hasn’t shown up.”

I smirked down at her. “He might have. I changed the passcodes on the gate and the house. He can’t get in.” I tilted up her chin, dropping a kiss on her tempting lips. “I’m not ready to share you again. Not yet. I want you to myself today. He and the rest of the world can bloody well wait.”

She nestled back into me with a quiet sigh. “Okay.”

Cupping my hands, I filled them with water, dripping it down over her shoulders, watching as it ran past her collarbone and over her breasts. Smiling, I cradled them, stroking her nipples, watching as they pebbled under my touch. I loved how responsive she was to me.

I hadn’t stopped touching her since we got home. We made love twice in the night, once this morning, then I shagged her in the kitchen—totally interrupting her attempts to make us something to eat. I bent her over the counter, taking her roughly as she screamed my name. I couldn’t help it—she was wearing my shirt from last night, most of the buttons missing and the ends tied loosely around her hips. And a pair of my boxers. She said it was because I tore hers off; I was certain she wore them deliberately, knowing what it would do to me. What did she expect as she stood there looking all tousled and sexy?

I had no choice.

Afterward, we sat on the floor, feeding each other the remnants of the meal she’d tried to make. Finally taking pity on her, I drew a warm bath and slipped in behind her, content simply to hold her, feeling her close.

Until she moved once too often, brushing up against my ever-hardening cock.

Although I never had much, I had lost whatever control I might have possessed over my own willy. It was as if he had a fucking mind of his own, and it was centered on Shelby completely. Her pussy was his own drug of choice, and now that he’d had a taste, he was addicted. Big-time.

I brushed her ear with my mouth, my voice a low rumble. “Shelby, I know you have to be sore. We’ve been going at it for hours. Either stop moving, or I won’t be responsible for what happens next.”

She chuckled, the sound feminine and knowing. “I think you’d be totally responsible. I think you’d be happy to claim responsibility.”

I groaned as she crowded against me. “My dick wants to shag you…again.”

She pressed her lips against my throat, scraping my skin lightly with her teeth. “Poor OJ.”


There was another nip followed by a giggle. “Oscar Junior.”

I pulled her close, letting my hard dick press against her. “May I remind you, Beaker, there is nothing junior about my cock?”

Her breathing picked up, and she panted against my neck. “Yes, Liam…remind me.” She lifted over me, then slammed down on my aching erection, causing the water to rise and spill over the edge of the tub, hitting the floor like a small waterfall. “Remind me hard.”

I hissed as she repeated the action. There wouldn’t be any water left in the tub if we kept this up. And I was okay with that. We had lots of towels.

So, once again, I gave in. I had no choice. It was two against one.

OJ and Shelby.

What a team.

I was so fucked.

Thank God.“Liam, are you listening?”

I tore my eyes away from Shelby and looked at Everett. He was frowning at me, and I searched my brain, trying to remember what he had been talking about. I’d finally turned on my phone and reset the security code so he could once again get through the gates. He wasn’t overly happy with me when he got here and couldn’t gain access to the house or when he saw the rumpled state of both his sister and me. It wasn’t my fault she looked so sexy making coffee I had to snog her until he showed up. He should have arrived faster.

I nodded. “Excellent. Right. Next week.”

He sighed. “You’ll be gone for a week, back for a week, then you need to head to New York for a few days for another location shoot, and then you’re home for the rest of the filming. I’m still working with the studio about your promotion schedule for the release of Nighthawk.”

My gaze drifted back to Shelby. Her head was bent over her laptop as she typed away, her hair falling over her shoulder in dark waves. The late sunlight streaming in behind her caused a burnished glow around her head. I thought about how soft her hair was, how thick it felt when my hands were buried in it, kissing her, shagging her, or when her mouth was wrapped around…

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024