Changing Roles - Page 54

“No!” I gasped out at the same time both Everett and Cassidy said it, albeit a little less forcefully. I turned to her, gripping her hand hard. “I need you, Shelby. Please.”

Everett spoke up, his voice calm. “It’ll be fine. They can’t move from behind the barricades. Mark will be in front, and I’m right behind you. There’s no red carpet, no reason to stop. Just get out and walk. Cassidy will handle anything she feels is necessary. We’ll leave out the back when it’s done.” He covered Shelby’s hand with his. “I warned you. You need to make up your mind right now. You okay to do this?”

She straightened her shoulders. “Yes.”

I huffed out a sigh of relief and winked at her, trying to remain composed. “Ta, Beaker.”

She laughed, and I steeled myself.

“Let’s do this.”The flashes were endless and the shouting loud. They were relentless.

Who’s the arm candy, Liam?

Flavor of the week, pretty boy?

Planning on another fuck and run, Liam?

How do Carly and Gillian feel about your new toy?

How long until you dump her for someone new?

Shelby stumbled when one woman, presumably a fan, screamed out to “get your dirty mitts off my man,” but I held on tight, and we made it inside as quickly as possible.

I pulled her into my arms once the door was closed, my eyes meeting Ev’s over her shoulder, both of us worried about her reaction. He was right; the pressure was getting more intense every time we went out together.

“Not fucking cool,” I muttered. “They’re the ones that make up most of this shit about me, and then they act like it’s the truth! I’m not the party boy they write about!”

Shelby drew back, shaking her head. “I can’t believe they do—” she gestured wildly toward the door “—that. Just because you have a new date?” She sighed and shook her head. “I should go out there and tell them you’re just a guy who can’t find the laundry basket or the bloody toilet half the time. You fart and burp with the best of them. That ought to cool them off.” She huffed. “And dump me? Huh. Maybe I’ll dump you first, pretty boy.” Then she grinned and started to giggle. Cassidy joined in her merriment.

Everett and I gaped at her before we joined in.

I kissed her head in silent gratitude. Instead of freaking out, she was handling it like a pro. And making me relax.

But she was paying for the toilet remark when we got home.They hounded us the entire event. Cell phones and cameras were out everywhere we went. I knew photographers were set up all around, their zoom lenses pointed at us, following our every move. Being outdoors, there were only so many places we could hide, so we chose to ignore it all and enjoyed ourselves the best we could. I knew both Ev and Cassidy would be busy with all the media, considering the number of pictures being taken. I also knew Shelby’s identity would be made public and the anonymity she presently enjoyed would be over. Our life was about to change. As if she knew what I was thinking, she kissed me softly on the cheek. “So worth it, Liam,” she whispered.

I hugged her close, unsure how I got so lucky to have found her, but grateful I did.

I only hoped she felt the same way a few weeks from now.

Because this was only going to get worse. The closer I got to a movie release, the more attention I received; it was simply the way it was for me. With publicity for Nighthawk ramping up, I would be under more scrutiny for a while. It always died off once the hype for the movie was over, but it never ended completely. I had gotten better at evading them a good deal of the time, but there were times, like now, I couldn’t avoid them. Add in a new relationship, and they would be that much more virulent.

I looked down at Shelby, who was talking to Everett, her hand clasped in mine.

I would do whatever I had to do to protect her from this side of my life, as much as I could. She was a very private person. I knew she hated this aspect, but she would accept it because of me. I wanted to make it as easy on her as I could.

She was too important to me.

I wanted to make sure she felt I was worth it.

Always.16LiamI woke up, my hand searching for the warmth of Shelby, only to find the bed cold. Bloody hell, it didn’t matter how late I kept her up, she was always awake and on the go long before I was in the mornings.

Yesterday, after sneaking out through the kitchen of the hotel and into the waiting car, successfully avoiding the paps, we had gone to dinner and spent some time with Cassidy and Ev, as friends, not colleagues, at one of my favorite restaurants. It was small, far off the beaten path, and private, and I knew the owner well. He always put me in the back room so I could enjoy peace while I ate. The four of us laughed and talked, feeling relaxed. Cassidy and Everett made a good couple—him exuberant and funny, while her quieter, more serious personality kept him level. I enjoyed watching Shelby and Everett interact—the love between them plain to see. She obviously doted on her little brother, and he cherished her. They shared stories of growing up, each trying to outdo the other, making Cassidy and me chuckle several times. It turned into a great evening, and I loved spending time with Shelby, simply being us.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024