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Changing Roles

Page 57

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Everett stormed over to the computer, swearing as he read the screen.

“Call Samuels,” he hissed. “We need to prepare a statement.”

I leaned against the counter, crossing my arms over my chest. “Oh, now it’s not so amusing when they think you’re my bitch, right, Everett?”

He turned, glaring. “Trust me, Liam. If we were in a relationship, I would not be your bitch. You’d be mine.”

“I doubt that, you overgrown pansy. You are not my type, mate.”

“Well, you’re not mine either, string bean. Trust me, by the time I was through with you, they’d be peeling you off the ceiling.”

“Whatever, you daft moron.” I sniffed. “I’ve got moves you’ve never seen before, wanker.”

He stepped forward, poking me in the chest as he yelled, “You’re the one who’s been wanking—”

The strangest sound came from behind me, interrupting Everett, and I turned to Shelby. She was standing against the counter, tears rolling down her face as the most Beaker-like sounds escaped her lips. Cassidy was standing beside her, biting her lip, and then the two of them started shrieking with amusement.

Startled, Ev and I stepped back.

Bugger. Shelby was so upset, she was hysterical. I shouldn’t have made that quip about all the shagging with other women. It probably sent her over the edge.

She gasped and tried to control herself as she pointed her finger between Everett and me. “This is the two of you ‘handling’ things and being calm?” Then she burst out laughing again, even harder, if it was possible. Beside her, Cassidy was cackling so hard, tears were streaming down her cheeks.

Everett and I traded glances. “I think we need to do something,” I muttered, indicating the two women losing it in front of us.


I searched my brain, trying to remember what to do for hysterical people. “Um…slap them, I think?”

Everett waved his hand. “Be my guest, Liam.”

I looked at Shelby, who was still laughing so hard she actually snorted. Doing exactly what I told her to do. Ignoring the bullshit. Understanding dawned on me as I watched her reaction to the stupid article. She was right, as usual, and I was being the daft one. She was handling it properly, and I was overreacting.

I shook my head. “Not me. I’m a lover, not a fighter, Ev.” I nudged him with my elbow, realizing the humor myself. “You should know that—” I winked "—my lovah.”

He gaped at me.

And then we were laughing—all of us.17LiamSitting around the table, all of us now composed, Cassidy spoke.

“Okay, Samuels will be contacting the magazine, threatening libel and slander. And as much as you hate to comment, Liam, I’ll issue a statement, confirming you are in a loving, committed relationship with a trusted member of your staff. It will also say that while you value any relationship built on love and trust, you are not now, nor have you been at any time in your life, gay.”

“There’s nothing wrong with being gay,” I insisted. “I have gay friends…” My voice trailed off as Cassidy held up her hand.

“You’re rambling again, Liam. Shut up. I have that covered.”

I nodded. “Right. Excellent suggestion. Thanks.”

Beside me, Shelby snickered. I pulled her close and nuzzled her head. She was calm, and it helped to calm me as well. Her way of seeing the humor of the whole situation was exactly what I needed.

Everett crossed his arms. “Well, it’s out now.” He grinned widely. “Or at least, Liam is.”

I shot him a withering glance. Shelby giggled again as Everett chuckled and Cassidy smacked him. He looked injured, then cleared his throat and became serious. “They know you’re a couple, and from now on, the scrutiny is going to get worse.” He turned to Shelby, his expression now one of concern. “Are you sure you’re up for this crap? You’re going to be followed and questioned. Your privacy is shot.”

I regarded her anxiously as she gave Everett’s words some thought.

“We knew this would happen,” she said quietly. “I knew Liam was too well-known for our relationship to remain private. It frightens me some, I admit.” Her hand squeezed mine. “But it can’t last forever—surely they’ll get tired of our relationship, and someone else will pique their interest. Right?”

I turned, pressing a kiss to her head. “Eventually, yes. But we don’t know when. This could last a while. Scrutiny is always the worst when I have a movie coming out. And the fucking studio almost encourages it. The paps will follow you. Shout at you to get a reaction. Crowd you. They’ll interrupt your day—even grocery shopping will be difficult.” I looked at Everett. “Should we hire someone to be with her?”

Shelby gasped beside me. “Like a bodyguard? I think that’s slightly excessive.”

Everett tapped the top of the table. “Shelby, you have no idea how intrusive these people can be. What happened the other night is just a small glimpse of how they can act. Liam is right. Someone with you, who can run interference, is a good idea.”

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