Changing Roles - Page 62

I was so fucked. And not in a good way.

The woman sitting on the floor—Caroline apparently—began to chuckle. She glanced over at Shelby. “Charming,” she stated sarcastically. “A hornball. You neglected to add that to your list of attributes when describing your boyfriend.”

My ears perked up. Shelby had been listing my attributes? Maybe I could salvage this mess.

With a flourish, I stood and extended my hand. “Forgive me, Caroline. Allow me to introduce myself. Liam Wright at your service. May I help you up?”

With a grin, she allowed me to pull her off the floor. She was taller than Shelby, dressed in a snug T-shirt and yoga pants that showed off her curves and muscles. Short, dark hair framed her attractive face. Freckles scattered across her nose, and the golden color of her skin indicated a lot of time spent in the sun. Her hazel gaze was intelligent, and her wide mouth showed faint laugh lines beside it, hinting at her sense of humor.

A sense of humor I needed right now.

“I, ah, apologize for the arse grabbing. I thought you were Shelby.” I shrugged. “I don’t have many strange birds rooting around in my cupboards, waving their arse at me.”

Her eyes widened again, and behind me, Shelby let out one of her Beaker noises.

“Does she wave her arse for you a lot?”

“Not as often as I would like, I admit.”

“But you like to grab it?” Caroline questioned, her eyes dancing.

“As often as she lets me.” I winked at her. “And often when she doesn’t as well.”

A real smile broke out on her face. “Nice to meet you, Liam.” She winked right back at me. “Nice grip you have there. And, um, I would say from the feel of your welcome, you’re happy to be home.”

“Bloody happy.”

“Sorry it was the wrong ass.”

I waggled my eyebrows at her. “A pleasure anyway.”

“Maybe I should leave you alone to say a proper hello to the right ass.”

“That, Caroline, would be greatly appreciated. Maybe we can have coffee after?”

“I’d like that.” She indicated the ball of fur sitting on my shoulder. “I realize you are rather possessive of your, um, pussy, but would you like me to take him while you have some time with Shelby?”

God, I loved this woman already. She was cracking.

I lifted her hand and brushed a kiss over her knuckles. “Thank you. That would be brilliant. A little private time with my other, ah, kitten would be appreciated.”

Behind me, Shelby’s Beaker noise escaped. Again.Caroline left the kitchen, carrying the kitten who I now knew was male and Shelby had named Fuzzball. I would have to address that, but first, I had another kitty to soothe.

Turning, I looked at Shelby, giving her my best sad eyes and smile. “Oops.”

She stared at me. “Can you ever do things like a normal person?”

“Um, no?”

“You grabbed my friend’s ass, Liam.” She waved her hand toward my crotch. “You ground your…oh God—”

I grinned sheepishly. “In my defense, I thought it was yours.”

“So you said.”

I stepped forward. “Again, in my defense, I didn’t know she was here.”

“She got here late last night. We went for breakfast. I wasn’t expecting you.”

“I finished early,” I explained, slipping my arm around her waist. “I was anxious to get home to you.”

“I think Caroline knows just how anxious.”

“I like her.”


I nodded. “She’s feisty.” I pressed closer. “But I like you better.”

Her cheeks darkened. “Yeah?”

I chuckled as I pulled her against me, my lips at her ear. “Her ass was nice, Shelby, but nowhere near as spectacular as yours. I have no idea how I got them confused.” I squeezed her rounded cheeks firmly. “I’d like to show you how anxious I really felt. How much I missed you.” I squeezed again. “And this.”

Her eyes, the warm, rich blue I missed so much, looked at me from under her lashes. Her arms wound around my neck. “Show me, then.”

With a groan, I tightened my hold and crashed my lips to hers. I commanded her mouth instantly, delving and tasting, needing to show her exactly how much I had missed her. One hand stayed on her hip while I buried the other into her thick hair, tilting her head and controlling the kiss. Her low whimper was all I needed to lift her onto the counter, stepping between her legs as I reacquainted myself with the sweetness that was Shelby. Her hands tugged and pulled on the back of my hair, keeping me close, wrapping her legs around my hips as she welcomed me home. I wanted to lose myself in her taste forever.

It was only the sudden, sorrowful, and loud meow that broke through the fog clouding my brain. I wanted Shelby. I wanted to tear off her clothes and shag her right here on the counter until she was panting and screaming my name. Then I wanted to take her upstairs, make love to her in our bed, and then shag her all over again on some other surface of the house. God knew there were plenty of places I wanted to try.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024