Changing Roles - Page 74

He pulled back, shaking his head. “This is not your fault, Liam. Don’t even go there.” He shook my shoulders. “This is on that asshole.”

“I promised you—”

“And you kept your promise.”

My eyes went to my girl—my silent, still girl, and I swallowed the sudden lump in my throat, struggling to get my emotions under control. My fingers twitched with the need to touch her. I had to feel her skin under my fingers and know she was still here. That I could still feel her. I had never experienced the helplessness threatening to overwhelm me.

Everett’s hand was a heavy, comforting weight on my shoulder. “She needs you strong, Liam. I need you strong. We have to get her through this—and she will get through this—and we need to nail that bastard. To the motherfucking wall.”

I exhaled. He was right. “I know. We will.” I looked at him. “Can I, ah, have a moment?”

He wiped his eyes. “Yes. I’ll go see Cassidy and give you a few minutes. We have a private quiet room down the hall. I’ll be back.” He turned to me before he left. “Talk to her, Liam. She needs to hear your voice and know you’re here.”

The door shut soundlessly behind him, and I moved to the bed. Gingerly, I picked up Shelby’s hand, bringing it to my lips, surprised at how warm it was. I bought it to my face, leaning into her palm. “I’m here, my darling girl. I’m sorry I couldn’t get here faster.” I swallowed as the tears threatened. “But I’m here now. Open your eyes, Beaker. Open them and tell me off for taking so long. Make me laugh.” Turning my face, I kissed her palm, the noise of the machines beeping and whirring the only sounds in the room.

Tenderly, I traced the skin of her uninjured cheek, sighing. “Okay. Have it your way. You sleep. But I’m not leaving. Not until you open your eyes and call me Oscar.” My voice cracked. “Until you tell me you love me, my fine British arse is staying right here.” I bent closer. “I’ll have lots of time for bank transfers and surfing the net for expensive gifts. Think about all the money I’m going to spend on you while you’re napping.”

She didn’t move. No twitches or flexing of her fingers. No sweet smile to my attempted teasing.

Silence. Stillness. She was lost in a world where I couldn’t reach her, no matter how hard I tried.

I broke.

I buried my face in her hand, the wetness of my tears running down her arm.

“Come back to me. Don’t leave me, Shelby. I love you. Please don’t leave me.”22LiamThat was the only time I broke. When Everett and Cassidy returned, I was sitting, stroking Shelby’s cheek, holding her uninjured hand, and telling her about the antics of the idiot costar I had been working with, assuring her he was even more of a screw-up than me. “Hard to believe, right, Beaker?”

When I saw Cassidy and Everett watching me, I forced a smile and got to work.

“I want Samuels and Mark.” I paused. “And figure out how to get Douglas and Caroline in here.”

Cassidy arched an eyebrow at me, no doubt wanting to know what my plan was. I shrugged at her. She’d know soon enough.


I turned back to Shelby.The hours that followed were one surprise after another for them all. Including me. Early the next morning, I left a somber Caroline to sit with Shelby since I refused to leave her alone for even one minute in case she woke. I filled Caroline in before I left the room. “They just moved her. And checked her drip. She should be okay while I’m gone. But I’m only down the hall.”

“We’ll be fine, Liam.”

“She likes it when you talk to her.”

“I will,” she assured me.

It took all I had to walk away. This meeting was going to be quick.

I walked into the room, looking at the faces waiting for me. Everett and Cassidy looked as tired as I felt. Douglas was pacing, anxious. Samuels was his usual business-like self, but he was tense. I started right away.

“Samuels, I want a large cash reward offered. No questions asked. I want the location of Malcolm Johnson, and once we have it, I want him arrested.”

“Which charges do you want me to start with…” His voice trailed off at my angry glare.

“Figure it out!” I snapped. “He stole everything of value that belonged to Shelby, and he deserted her. He caused this entire fucked-up situation. He’s lied and cheated. He needs to be held responsible for a lot of shit. Pick one. Pick them all. Just do it!” I pulled a hand through my hair. It needed a trim again. I would have to remind Shelby of that when I went back into her room. “I want him found—now—before the asshole gets his money and leaves town again.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024