Changing Roles - Page 76

He watched me with unguarded admiration. I knew he wasn’t used to seeing me like this, but it was high time he did.

“Mark, I want extra security. Someone by the elevator. Outside Shelby’s door. Twenty-four seven. No one gets near her room that shouldn’t. The paps are getting restless down there, and they’ll start looking for ways to get on this floor. I’ve already cleared it with the hospital.”

He nodded. “Done.”

I turned to Cassidy. “Any word on Ryan?”

“I got him the private room, as you requested. He’s still coming out of it. They have him heavily sedated.” She paused. “His leg, hip, and shoulder were crushed, Liam. Badly. With all the damage, he’ll probably never work security again. If he can work at all.”

I frowned at the news. “I’ll take care of him.”

From the corner, Douglas spoke up. “Let me help, Liam. You concentrate on Shelby, and I’ll run point for you on this.” Drawing in a deep breath, he continued, “Let me handle the press conference. I’ll speak on your behalf and for Shelby and Ryan.” He turned to Everett and Cassidy. “Let my staff help you. I’ll tell them to give anything you need top priority so you can spend your time with her as well.” He chuckled darkly. “My lawyer, Geo, is a rottweiler, and I’m sure he’d love to pitch in with the lawsuit. He loves taking down those wankers. I’ll call him in to help you, Samuels.”

Our eyes met across the room. He projected the same calm, cool exterior all those who knew him would recognize. But for someone like me, who knew the real person, I could see how upset he was. His hands that normally would be resting relaxed beside his legs were clasped in tight fists, while a beating pulse jumped erratically at the base of his throat. He already cared for Shelby, and he wanted to help. He was family, and his words carried a lot of weight here. He was as private as me, so for him to offer to do all this was a big gesture. From the expressions on Everett’s and Cassidy’s faces, I knew they thought it was a good idea. He would be far calmer than I would be, and although part of me wanted to be the one saying the words, I had to do what was best for Shelby and Ryan. Douglas’s voice and leadership would be seen as a statement to many.

“Let me do this, Liam,” he insisted. “I want to do this for you and for Shelby.”

“Thank you, Douglas. I accept your offer.”

“Good. It will happen later today.”

Everett stood. “Okay. Let’s go over this. Liam—go back to Shelby. I’ll ask someone to come in and look at your hand.”

I nodded, not caring about my hand, only about Shelby. I was already feeling anxious being away from her, even though she was only a couple of doors down and Caroline was with her. I wanted her to hear my voice and feel my presence beside her.

Selfishly, I wanted to be the first person she saw when she woke.

“I also want to check on Ryan.”

“I’ll check on him and let you know when he’s awake,” Cassidy assured me.


I paused at the door and glanced behind me. They were all looking at me with new expressions, ones I had never seen before. Maybe it was respect. Or relief that I had finally grown up.

I nodded at them. “Thank you.”

And I went back to Shelby.I pressed Shelby’s small hand to my forehead. “Please, baby. Wake up. It’s been too long. I need you.”

She slept on. I ghosted my fingers over her cheek as I kissed her hand. “Beaker, I’m getting desperate. I swear I’ll send Cassidy to the house to empty the freezer, and I’ll eat every baked good you have stashed in there. My pants will explode, I’ll get so fat. You don’t want that to happen, do you?”


I buried my face in her palm.

I needed her to come back. I wasn’t sure how much more I could take.

A hand settled on my shoulder. “Liam. Take a break.”


“You’ve hardly left her side. Cassidy says Ryan is awake and his wife is there. He’s finally coherent enough for visitors, and he wants to see you.” Everett’s voice was weary. “I want to sit with my sister for a bit. Go see Ryan, and then Douglas will catch you up.”

I looked into his exhausted face. Neither of us had left the hospital, taking turns napping briefly. Cassidy and Douglas were both working tirelessly on my instructions. Watching Douglas address the press yesterday had been astounding. He was articulate, cool, and fierce. There was no doubt of his contempt for what had happened, and his stern and unflappable demeanor was exactly what was needed, given the situation. He represented the Wright family well. I would have been too emotional, no matter how hard I tried. I owed him a large debt of gratitude.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024