Changing Roles - Page 81

She looked at me beseechingly. “Can you get them to come check me out faster?”

I loved the fact that she was asking me, not Everett. She wanted me to take care of it—take care of her. Bending down, I kissed her. “I’ll go find the doctor.”She walked. Shaky and hanging on to me for dear life, but she did it. She passed all their tests, and the CT scan was clear. They removed all the “stuff” she hated, and when they let me back in the room, they told me I could take her home.

The doctor left the room, and I wrapped my arm around her. “I’ll get you home, and you can have your bath, Beaker. And sleep in your own bed.”

She pressed her lips to my ear. “Your bed?”

I kissed her. “Our bed,” I promised.

She drew in a shaky breath. “Will there, um… Will there be…” Her voice trailed off, but from the nervous tone and the way her hand clutched mine, I knew what she was worried about.

“We’re going out another way,” I assured her. “Cassidy has called a press conference for later this afternoon. It’s at the front of the building.” I grinned. “They’ll all be gathered there, waiting. What a shame when they realize I’m not showing up. Just Cassidy. But by then, we’ll have gone through the tunnel and out the back service entrance. You’ll be home before they know you’re even awake.” I pulled her closer. “No crowds, my darling girl.” I crooned in her ear. “No one will get near you.”

She looked up, her eyes wide and scared. “You promise?”

I hated the fact that now she was as nervous as I was about what waited outside the door. Those fucking wankers. All of them. I wanted to hurt all of them.

But I only nodded and held her close. “I promise.”

“Can I see Ryan before I go? I want to thank him.”

I had told her what I’d done for him and Lesley, but of course, she would want to thank him herself. “Yes. I’ll take you to him.”

“Will he be okay after we go?”

“I’m leaving him security. He’ll be fine.”

“And then we’ll go home?”

“Yes, Shelby. Home we go.”Escaping the hospital had been easier than I anticipated. After Shelby saw Ryan and Lesley, the discharge papers were signed, and we left. They allowed us to use a staff elevator that led right to the parking lot underneath the building, and flanked by Everett and Mark, we were ready in case we ran into any press, but our departure went unnoticed. I held her all the way home, strapped in and safe. The gates were clear of everyone; no doubt, any stragglers were still at the hospital waiting for the press conference.

Mum was waiting when we got home. She stood in the entranceway, a small figure, dressed in her usual cardigan and skirt, her white hair a cloud around her face. Her green eyes were bright with tears as she watched me carry in Shelby and carefully set her on her feet. Mum wrapped her in a gentle hug, swaying side to side.

“Ooch, lassie, all ye been through. Oh, let me see ye.” When I heard the sound of Shelby’s muffled sob, I saw my mum’s arms tighten. “There, there. I’m here now.”

Shelby eased back, unable to talk when their embrace broke, her eyes misty.

Watching Mum hug Everett and Mark made me smile. They both loved her and looked forward to her visits. Mark bent low for his hug, but Everett picked her up off her feet.

“Liz,” he said. “So good to have you here. Maybe you can keep Liam in line for a while.”

She turned to me, a smile only she could offer lighting her face. She held out her arms.


Her embrace was home. Lavender, Mum, and tea. She wrapped her arms tight around me, and despite the fact that I towered over her, for a moment I was a lad again, seeking the comfort of her touch. I felt the tears gathering behind my closed eyes at the wave of comfort her embrace brought. I was grateful to Douglas for bringing her to me.

Then she stepped back and cupped my cheek. “Ooch, yer too thin. Do they not feed ye here?”

I met Shelby’s tender glance, and I cleared my throat, needing to lighten the moment. “Shelby only gives me bird food, Mum.” I shuddered. “And yogurt.” I bit back my grin at her horrified expression. “I ordered in some roasts and such.” I gazed at her imploringly, ignoring Shelby’s snort and Everett’s muffled “bullshit” he coughed into his hand. “I was hoping you’d cook for me.”

“Ah, laddie, yer mum is here now. I’ll look after all ye.” She turned and clapped her hands. “Let’s get this lassie up the stairs and settled. Everett,” she called. “You come back tomorrow. I’ll have dinner, ye poor soul. All ye been through.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024