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Changing Roles

Page 84

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I barked out a laugh as Mum sipped her tea and nibbled on the crackers and cheese I gave her. She set the empty plate and mug on the table.

“Good cuppa, son. Ta.”

I sighed as she once again ran her fingers through my hair. We sat in comfortable silence for a while. Then she spoke up.

“Yer doing a good job, Liam.”

I opened one eye and peered at her. “Yeah?”

She smiled as she kept stroking, her voice approving. “I was teasing earlier, but I see it. Ye’ve changed, my boy.”


“Ye’ve grown up. ’Tis a good thing to see.”

“I want to be what she needs, Mum.”

“Ye are, love. Yer exactly what she needs. And her, ye. Yer good together. I thought as much last visit.”

I swallowed and looked at her. “I was so scared.”

Her eyes were filled with understanding. “But still, ye handled it well. Shelby told me what all ye did.” Her voice softened further. “That’s what we do for those we love, Liam. We put them first.”

“I want to give her Nan’s ring. I want to marry her.”

“Ooch. That’ll be grand. I’d love her for a daughter.”

“She still thinks she’s too old for me.”

“Nonsense. I’m older than your da. It’s never meant a thing. It’s only a number.”

“That’s what I told her.”

“Keep telling her until she believes ye.”

I sighed and Mum grinned. “Her age is perfect fer ye. She is mature and loving. I love ya dearly, laddie, but ye are such a git. She brings out yer age in ye. Makes ye better.”

I chuckled. Even my mum thought I was a wanker. But she was right—Shelby made me a better man. More responsible.

“I’ll talk to her for ye. Give her me thoughts.”

“Ta, Mum.”

The room was silent for a moment, then I spoke.

“I want to marry her at home. In England.”

“Your da and I would love that.”

I grinned sheepishly. “She has to say yes first. To both things. Marrying me, and doing it in England.”

Leaning forward, she kissed my cheek. “She will, love. She will.”

“I hope so. I want it more than anything.”



“What if she wants to leave here?”

“You mean this house?”

“No.” Mum paused. “This…life. Go somewhere quieter.”

There was no hesitation. “Then it’s done. Whatever she needs. Here, England, somewhere else—as long as it is with her, I’m good. She matters more than anything.”

Mum smiled and sighed. “Then I’m happy as well.”I left Mum napping on the sofa, Thor curled beside her. She insisted she was too comfortable to move, muttering something about sending her one of these sofas as I left the room. Upstairs, I opened the door, smiling at the sight of Shelby in my bed.

Our bed.

She was tucked in, sleeping on her uninjured side, her arm propped up on a pillow. Mum had gathered her dark hair up in a ponytail on top of her head, and she looked comfortable and peaceful. Not wanting to disturb her, I began to back out when her eyes opened, and she smiled sleepily. “Come here,” she murmured.

“Do you need something?” I asked quietly, caressing her head.

“You beside me.”

That, I could do.

Toeing off my sneakers, I crawled in, gently easing the pillow out from under her arm and resting the cast on my hip. “Better?”

She snuggled closer. “Much.”

I nuzzled her head, breathing her in.

“Where’s Liz?”

“Napping with Thor.”


“He’ll be over tomorrow with Cassidy. They were both tired, and I told them to go get some sleep.” I yawned. “We all are.” I kissed her head. “And you should be resting.”

She sighed. “I will now you’re here.”

“I’ll always be here,” I murmured drowsily.

“Good. Me too.”

It was the best thing I could hear before I fell asleep.“Mum, that was brilliant,” I praised, pushing back from the table.

“Ta, love.”

Shelby stood slowly. “I’ll make tea.”

I opened my mouth, then shut it quickly as she glared at me. She’d improved a lot in the few days she’d been home and was tired of me “fussing.” In fact, yesterday she took great delight in shredding my printed lists while I watched in abject horror. I worked hard on those damn lists.

I decided not to tell her I had digital ones. God knew what she’d do to my phone.

Everett and Douglas both patted their stomachs in appreciation. “No one can beat your roast, Aunty Liz.” Douglas grinned.

Mum smiled widely, loving the compliments and attention. She’d been in her element today with everyone around. She already adored Caroline, and I could tell she’d decided she would like to add her as a daughter, as well. Given how close Caroline and Douglas were, it didn’t seem too far of a stretch. It appeared we Wright men might be slow to find the person we loved, but once we did, we wasted no time at all. After the first few days here, Caroline gave up any pretense of staying with us, all of her things ending up at Douglas’s place. She had been such a good friend to Shelby and me while Shelby was in the hospital. I was thrilled for Douglas, whom I had never seen looking happier.

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