The Summer of Us (Mission Cove 1) - Page 5

“So,” she continued, “my mom and I talked, and she decided she was going to send the girls to summer camp. She wants them to have a good summer after the last couple of years. She knew how much I wanted to work there, and she spoke with Gerry—the guy who runs it. It turned out he was looking for another body, so I went and saw him, and I got the job. Harry said I’d still have a job in the fall part time again.” She peeked over her shoulder. “Things aren’t great here, and he can’t really afford me full time this year. His daughter is taking more shifts to help out, and the grocery store hours are being cut back too, so I really needed this to happen.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Because you would want to help or give me money, and I don’t need that from you, Linc. I just need you to be Linc. My mom and I would have figured something out.” Then she grinned. “But look how it’s all worked out!”

Her smile was infectious, and I felt my own grow. “So, you’ll be there too?” I asked, feeling the weight of my father’s words lifting away.

She lifted her eyebrows in amusement. “Six weeks away from this town and all the people here? Without a doubt.”

Still, I felt a flash of hurt. “You were going to take the job, and you didn’t tell me?”

She laughed, shaking her head. “I was going to talk to you about it. But when I spoke with Gerry the other day, he said he was getting an assistant. He mentioned the name Lincoln, and I knew there couldn’t be two of you around with that name. Plus, he said your father’s company was sponsoring the camp this year, so I was sure. I said yes right away. I figured you’d be coming and going, but at least we’d see each other in the daytime.”

“No, my father says I’m staying there.” I barked out a low laugh that was bitter. “I guess he figured it was less he had to see of me, while still keeping tabs on what I was doing.”

Sunny smiled, looking guilty. “Is it wrong I’m excited at the thought of sharing a cabin with girls my age and not my sisters?” Then she giggled. It was one of my most favorite sounds in the world. “And now I know you’ll be there all the time? This is perfect.”

A glimmer of excitement hit my belly, and I grinned. “Yeah. He wants me home every Sunday to ‘report in,’ as he calls it, but other than that, I’m free.” It had been the one good piece of news he had given me when he informed me how I would be spending my summer.

“See?” Sunny smiled, the expression lighting her entire face. “It’s actually great.”

I hunched over the table. “I wish I could kiss you.”

“Tonight. Our spot.”

Our spot.

The deserted camping ground not far from where Sunny lived. Easy for her to get to, and a place no one would ever look for me. We’d walk through the woods and sit at the water’s edge, by a tiny cove. The area was too small to be a party place and the ground was rocky, but it was sheltered by the rough cliff walls and secluded. It was a spot Sunny had discovered and loved. No one ever went there, so it became ours. Our own little paradise. Our favorite thing was to build a small fire and sit and talk for hours. On rainy or cold nights, we’d sit in my car. We could be us there with no one watching.

I winked. “Looking forward to it.”3LincI pulled away from Sunny’s mouth, my breathing hard. The same with my dick. It was always hard when we were close.

The day had turned cloudy, the skies dark and the rain intermittent. My car was a warm, private place, and we were taking full advantage of it.

Sunny’s eyes were clouded with desire, her lips swollen from mine. She followed my movements, her face staying close.

“More, baby.”

I groaned. Making out with her was, by far, my favorite thing to do. But we hadn’t gone much further. The back seat of my Honda wasn’t overly roomy, and I didn’t want our first time to be rushed and cliché. There was a lot of touching, groping, fondling, and kissing, but nothing else.

“I can’t,” I moaned as her tongue traced a path up my neck. “Sunny, you have to stop.”

I shouted as she ran her hand down my torso and pressed her hand to my cock that was straining against my jeans.

“I could make you feel good. Let me.”

She’d been demanding more every time we were together. I couldn’t resist her. I didn’t want to resist her.

“Only if you let me too.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Mission Cove Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024