The Summer of Us (Mission Cove 1) - Page 10

Then she took me in her mouth.I was on a high the next day, my smile never leaving my face. I’d had my first blow job. I thought it was amazing—the feel of Sunny’s mouth and hands on me. The way her lips wrapped around my dick was a sight I would never forget. I came far too fast, but she assured me it meant she did a good job. I planned on making it last longer next time. It felt too good to let go that quick, but she’d shocked me, and the sensations were overwhelming. She let me use my fingers to make her come afterward, but I was determined to reciprocate as soon as I could. The horn announcing all counselors had to be in their bunks for bed check had put a stop to our experimenting.

I lifted some bales of hay around the fire pit, shifting and arranging them for tonight’s cookout and songfest. The kids loved it, and I had to admit that although I was too old to be part of a sing-along, I did hum a little under my breath.

“Hey, kid.”

I turned to see Gerry approaching. “Hey,” I replied.

“I need to send you to Dalewood.”

I brushed off my hands. Dalewood was a large town about ten miles away from the camp in the other direction. “Okay.”

“The delivery truck broke down, so the missus needs her orders picked up.” He clapped me on the shoulder. “You can take the camp van and someone to help you.”

“I’m good.”

He grinned. “I thought a pretty strawberry-blond girl in the kitchen might enjoy a drive and lunch out.”

Just like that, my day got even better.

“Yeah, maybe I could do with some help.”

He smirked. “Thought so. Sam will finish this. You shower and head to the kitchen. Cindy will give you all the instructions.”


I hurried back to the office and jumped in the shower, then headed to the kitchen, my hair still wet. It was bustling as always, but Sunny was with Cindy, who was handing her a list. Cindy’s eyes crinkled as she looked at me.

“There’s my boy.” She smiled, handing me the keys. “Sunny has a list. There are four stops. The most important one is the butcher. Save it until last. He’ll pack it in the coolers Gerry put in the back since our van isn’t refrigerated. Everything else is ordered and waiting for you.”


“Drive safe, and I need you back by four.”

I glanced at the clock. It was close to ten. “We’ll be back in plenty of time.”

“Walton’s Grill has great burgers. Have lunch before you come back. Look around. It’s a pretty little town.” She paused with a wink. “Great place to get lost in.”

I couldn’t help stepping forward and pressing a kiss to her plump cheek. She treated me the way Sunny’s mom did—with affection and love. She did the same to everyone at the camp, but for me, it meant more.

“Thanks, Cindy. You’re the best.”

“Get on with you,” she chuckled and pushed me away. “Fill the tank up at Larson’s. They keep a tab for us, and he knows you’re heading there today.”

“Okay.”The drive in was fun. It was a bonus having Sunny with me, talking and playful. Both of us free and happy. She was shier than normal at first, but once I teased her a little, she relaxed.

“Do you know what tomorrow is?” I asked.

“Um, Saturday?”

I chuckled. “Yep. And ten months to the day since I first kissed you.”

Her smile told me she knew exactly what the date was that I referred to.


“And we’re both off after seven and free until lunch Sunday. No bells to interrupt us.” As long as you signed out the night before your morning off, you were excused from the bed check, although you had to be back on the grounds by one, unless you had permission. I glanced at her, then back to the road. “My room?”

She glanced out the window, her cheeks flushed. She reached for my hand. “Yeah.”

I grinned the rest of the way into Dalewood.

In town, we went through the list, filling the van. I checked our progress and smiled. “Only the butcher left. Why don’t we walk a bit and have lunch?”

Sunny grinned, looking around. “I’d like that.”

It was an amazing feeling to walk with her, being able to hold her hand or sling my arm over her shoulders. We wandered and looked. I bought a couple new T-shirts since I seemed to be destroying the ones I had, and Sunny ducked into a woman’s store for a while, telling me to stay outside. I peeked in and saw her by a rack of lingerie, then scuttled to the bench she’d left me on.

I didn’t want to ruin her surprise, but I knew I was gonna like it. I looked down the street and stood, strolling to the window that caught my eye. I studied the display, then looked over my shoulder to make sure she wasn’t back outside yet, and ducked into the small shop.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Mission Cove Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024