Sandy - Vested Interest - Page 1


Thunder rolled, the intensity shaking the walls of my bedroom. Lightning followed, the room filling with vivid flashes of white, creating eerie shadows on the wall.

I shivered at the ferociousness of the storm and clutched my pillow tighter. I sighed as strong, warm arms slipped around me, and I was pulled into the loving embrace of my husband. His voice was low and comforting in the dark.

“It’s all right, my girl. I have you.”

I smiled at his endearment. I had been his girl from the day we met. Max was divorced, an established, well-respected physician, and twenty-two years my senior. His son, Aaron, was one of my best friends. Aaron and I enjoyed each other’s company, but after one date, had agreed there was nothing between us and instead pursued an amazing friendship. He was close to his dad and talked about him often.

I saw them across the room at an event the university was hosting, and I went over to say hello to Aaron and meet his dad. The instant our eyes met, Max and I bonded. It was as if there was an invisible thread pulling us together, and neither of us could control the draw.

I never made it back to the dorm that night—Max and I were never apart again. We were married a short time later in a quiet ceremony and together weathered the stares, gossip, and slurs that followed us because of our age difference. Eventually, they died down, and we remained strong, proving them all wrong. Love wasn’t about age. It was about your heart, the love it contained, and how you let that love guide you.

I relaxed into Max, allowing his strength to comfort me. “I hate storms,” I murmured.

He kissed the sensitive spot behind my ear with a low chuckle. “I know. That’s why I’m here.”

“It’s a bad one.”

“It is,” he agreed, his voice getting quieter. “But you’re going to be fine. You’re a strong, brave woman, Sandy. It’s one of the reasons I loved you so much. You were my rock.”

I frowned, a frightening grip forming in my chest. “Max, why do you sound so odd? Why are you talking in the past tense?”

“You know why. It’s time, my girl. Time to move on.”

A tremor went through me. “Max, no, please…”

I felt the light brush of his mouth on my shoulder. “You’re fine, Sandy. I knew you would be. We both knew you would be. We wouldn’t have been so solid together otherwise.”

A tear ran down my cheek. “Stay, please.”

“I can’t, Sandy.”

“Why?” I whimpered.

“Because I’m not really here. You need to find your happiness again.” His voice drifted away. “You need that. I want that for you. But I love you, Sandy. I will always love you.”

My eyes flew open. The storm was abating outside, the thunder a low boom in the distance.

I was curled in our bed, clutching Max’s pillow, the blankets drawn tightly around me.

I was alone in the room, the bed feeling colder than usual. I sat up, flicking on the light and peering around the room.

I knew it was empty. I knew Max was gone. He’d never been here—it was simply another memory of the many times he’d held me during a storm.

He had passed over a year ago. Fifteen months, to be exact.

But there were moments, like this one, I swore he was close, even though I knew I had been dreaming.

It made my reality all that much lonelier.

Grief hit me, once again capturing me in its fist and squeezing hard.

I buried my face in my hands, and I wept.


“Does anyone have anything to add?” Aiden asked, looking around the table. I glanced up from my pad of paper, pencil poised in readiness. Staff found it amusing I still took shorthand. Bentley found it invaluable. I was fast. I never missed a line at a meeting, and he found my notes helpful.

Everyone shook their head or remained silent. As usual, it had been a quick, informative meeting, each of the partners stating their thoughts or objectives, and giving enough information, there were few questions to be asked.

Exactly the way Bentley liked it.

He stood and clapped his hands, signaling the meeting was over. “All right. Have a productive day.”

I jotted down the time and flipped the cover of my notepad closed. I began to stand, but Bentley held up his hand.

“A moment, Sandy.”

He waited until everyone filed from the room, leaving only him, Aiden, Maddox, Reid, and me. Aiden shut the door and returned to the table.

For a moment, there was silence, all of the men glancing at one another, then at me, before their gazes skittered away. I frowned at the feeling of tension in the air and smoothed my hands over my skirt under the table, my palms suddenly damp.

Something was going on, and I didn’t like it.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024