Sandy - Vested Interest - Page 21

Jordan groaned around his mouthful. “This is amazing.”

I sipped the pungent, dry wine with appreciation. It was the perfect accompaniment to the decadent pasta.

“This just gets better and better,” I agreed.

We had left the office together, heading straight for the restaurant in a car service Jordan ordered for the night. He planned on taking me home, then having the car drop him off at his place since we would both be drinking. He had kissed my cheek in the car, and we had held hands, both enjoying the quiet on the short trip to the restaurant. I liked not having to fill the time with empty chatter. I had never been very good at small talk. Since we had sat down, though, conversation had flowed, and I was enjoying every moment with Jordan.

“I concur,” he said, tasting his wine. “How we’re supposed to get through seven courses, I’m not sure.”

I indicated our plates. “I’m not sure we’re supposed to finish everything they give us.”

He shook his head. “Nope, too good.”

He was right. The portions weren’t huge, but I had noticed other people literally taking a bite and leaving the rest. Jordan and I cleared our plates. Spicy, shredded lamb and vegetable rolls. Ahi tuna with a drizzle of citrusy glaze on top of crispy noodles. Each course was delicious and the wine that accompanied it, heady.

I finished my pasta and sat back to enjoy the last of my wine. Jordan mimicked my position.

“Did I mention how lovely you look tonight?”

“Ah, no.”

“How remiss of me. You are stunning, Sandy.” He tilted his head. “You took your hair down.” He lowered his voice. “Was that for me?”

I was shocked how husky my voice sounded. “Yes.”

He eyed me over his wineglass. “Thank you.”

How did he do that? Lovely, soft-spoken words that wrapped around me like a hug. Unspoken thoughts that promised more as the night went along. I found my gaze straying to his mouth. How had I never noticed his full lips before now? How soft they looked. Felt against mine.

How much I wanted to feel them again.

As if he knew what I was thinking, he smiled, his tongue touching his lower lip. I had to duck my head, feeling that odd sensation of needing to blush again.


“I was talking to Gina on Sunday.”

I looked up. “How is she?”

“Good. Busy with the kids.”

“You miss them.”

“I do, but they’re happy and Eric is doing really well with his new position. They’re exactly where they should be.” Then he inhaled deeply. “I talked to her about a decision I’ve made.”


“I’m going to sell my house.”

“Where will you live?” I asked, my throat tight. Was he moving? I was shocked to realize how the thought of him leaving distressed me.

He frowned, then leaned over the table, offering me his hand. I slipped mine into his, and he squeezed my fingers. “To a condo—here in Toronto. I’m not going anywhere, Sandy. I wouldn’t start something with you if I planned to disappear from your life.”

My shoulders relaxed and I sighed. I hadn’t even known how tightly I was holding myself until he spoke.


He squeezed my fingers again, not releasing my hand. “I would never do anything to cause you pain.”

I nodded and reached for my wine. Our fingers remained entwined on the table.

“So, a condo?” I asked.

“It’s time,” he said. “I’ve been thinking about it for a while. The house is too big for only me. I don’t use the pool much, and the gardens are getting overgrown. I need to downsize. The house needs a young family.”

“Have you spoken to Bentley about it?”


“They still have a few units in Ridge Towers they kept aside. Maybe one of them would suit you.”

“That’s a good idea.” Then he chuckled. “He’ll grill me about it. You know that.”

“Quite possibly. I think you can handle him.”

His fingers flexed on mine. “I think you’re right.”

“You’re not moving because of me, are you?”

He drained his wine and pursed his lips. “I’ll be honest. Your presence in my life has factored into the decision a little.”

“We’re very early on in a relationship to make a drastic change like that, Jordan.”

“I’ve been thinking of this for a while now. Gina brought it up when she was here again at Christmas, and I’ve been thinking about it more and more.” He sat back. “I have every confidence in our fledgling relationship, Sandy. The bottom line is I don’t want to make love to you in a place you shared with Max or one I shared with Anna.”

His words astounded me. To him, it was a given. Our relationship would move forward and become intimate. We would become a couple.

“Wouldn’t a hotel be cheaper?” I asked weakly. “A lot less stuff to move.”

He threw back his head in laughter. “Hotels are fun too, but I want a place we can be together and create our own memories.” He held up his hand before I could respond. “I’m not trying to put pressure on you, or us, here. It’s simply my time for a fresh start. But if you’re in my life, it makes it an even better decision.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024