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Sandy - Vested Interest

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“Sounds wonderful.”

He cocked his head, studying me. “Would that interest you, Sandy? Or is that too casual a vacation for you?”

“Casual? Aren’t vacations supposed to be casual?”

He stretched out his legs, leaning back on his hands. “I suppose. To me, the houseboat represents peace. Days spent in the sun wearing my swim trunks. Maybe a T-shirt and shorts. Casual and easy. The fanciest thing I’d bring with me would be a pair of Dockers and a polo shirt to have dinner onshore on occasion.”

I stared at him, my imagination going wild. I had seen Jordan bare-chested once. He’d been down in the gym with Aiden, Van, and Maddox, playing basketball. They were all laughing and talking smack, sweating with their shirts off. I was used to seeing the boys bare-chested, but it was Jordan who had drawn my eye. He had a muscular chest, and it was obvious from the way his muscles rippled he still worked out and took good care of himself. His shorts had hung low on his hips, showing off his still flat stomach, and he stood with his hands on his hips as he jeered at Maddox. His biceps bunched as he leaned forward, ready to defend the net.

He had looked so sexy, I had to step back and clear my head before letting them know I was there. I made sure not to look in his direction when I reentered the gym and told Aiden that Bentley needed him right away.

The thought of him wandering a boat in his swimsuit made my temperature rise.

Jordan frowned. “Sandy?”

I blinked. “Sorry?”

“I lost you for a moment.”

“Oh, ah, I was thinking about your question. I imagine an extended stay on a houseboat would be quite delightful.” I improvised.

“Well then, I suppose we’ll have to discuss that at a later date.”

“Oh, um, yes.”

“What about you?” he asked, sliding a piece of melon into his mouth and chewing. “What kind of vacation do you like?”

I shrugged. “I love exploring places. England, Scotland, other countries in Europe. But I also love staying closer to home. I love the idea of jetting off for a weekend. Somewhere different but easy to get to. We did that a few times, and I loved it. Just a break away somewhere different.”

“Not for a while, though?” he guessed.

“No. Max found traveling very taxing. I went away on occasion for a weekend, but not for years. The last one I planned got canceled when he had a bad episode. I never planned another.”

“Where were you supposed to go?”

I sighed as I remembered. “Boston. With Colin. We were going to eat seafood, go to the MFA—there was a collection of Renoirs on loan I wanted to see. We were going to tour Salem, walk on Boston Commons, and see the harbor. Colin wanted to go to a baseball game in Fenway Park.” I lifted one shoulder. “One day, I will.”

“I’m certain you will,” he murmured.

We fell into a comfortable silence, simply enjoying the quiet. It was remarkable that, with Jordan, the quiet didn’t bother me the way it did when I was alone. With him sitting beside me, it was calming and peaceful.

I broke off a chunk of the dark chocolate we had picked up at the market and offered him a piece. I let it melt on my tongue and shut my eyes, enjoying the decadent, rich flavor. “This is amazing.”

“Yes, it is.”

I opened my eyes, flushing when I realized although he’d taken and eaten a piece of chocolate, he was staring at me.

I felt the heat in my cheeks. “Dammit, Jordan Hayes,” I muttered. “I keep blushing like a schoolgirl. Stop it.”

He chuckled. “I like making you blush. It’s unusual for you.”

I huffed out an exasperated noise. “Because, until you, it never happened.”

He slid closer so our knees were touching. He drifted his fingers along my cheek. “I like it even better now.”

Our gazes locked, the silence between us no longer peaceful. It bubbled and shimmered with longing. Jordan’s gaze dropped to my mouth, and he ran his tongue along his bottom lip. I tracked the sensuous gesture, my breathing picking up.

“If I come closer to kiss you, are you going to let me?”

“Yes,” I breathed out with no hesitation.

He pushed closer, lifting my legs on top of his so they rested over his hips. He tugged my waist, drawing me close until we were nose to nose, hardly any space between us. I felt his warmth, the firmness of his body as he leaned into me. The breeze lifted his thick hair, and I ran my fingers through it, settling my arm around his neck and playing with the nape of his neck. He shivered.

“I love it when you touch me, Sandy.”

I recalled his delight from earlier when I had taken the initiative and kissed him. I closed the final inches between us and pressed my mouth to his. His reaction was immediate. He wrapped his arms around me, yanking me tight to his chest, practically pulling me onto his lap. He buried his hands in my hair, slanting his mouth and taking control of the kiss. This wasn’t like our other kisses. There were no soft, languid movements. This was passion, heat, and possession. Sensations I hadn’t experienced for years. His tongue delved, stroking, seeking, exploring. He tasted of the chocolate we’d shared. Melon. Wine. Jordan. It was a heady combination.

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