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Sandy - Vested Interest

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I turned to face Jordan, who held out his hand. I slipped mine into his and we moved forward together, one final step in our journey toward each other. His grip was warm and sure, the look in his eyes leaving me no doubt of his love. I inhaled deeply, a sense of peace and wonder filling my body.

“Dearly beloved…”Bentley stood, tapping the side of his glass. We had kept things informal, very little in the way of speeches. Jordan and I had thanked everyone for coming, and there had been the usual lifting of glasses and brief moments of seriousness, but other than that, it was casual.

I looked at Jordan, confused. He bent close. “He asked, my darling. They all did. I couldn’t refuse.”

I sighed and sat back, even more confused when Aiden, Maddox, and Reid all stood as well.

Bentley tugged his sleeves, then met my eyes.

“Good evening. My name is Bentley Ridge.” He indicated the small group around him. “These are my business partners.” He was formal as he introduced each of the men standing beside him. I tried not to laugh since I was certain everyone in the room knew who they were.

Bentley cleared his throat. “Sandy works for my company. Technically, I am her boss.”

“Except we all know who runs the place.” Aiden leaned in with a wide grin as he spoke into the microphone.

Everyone laughed, including me. Bentley elbowed Aiden out of the way. “Move it, Tree Trunk. I’m talking.”

“You always are,” Aiden shot back.

Bentley rolled his eyes. “As I was saying, Sandy works at my company, but she is so much more to me—to us—than an employee.” His voice lost its cool tone, instantly warming. “She is our family.”

I felt the tears begin. Jordan pulled me close, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. He pressed a kiss to my head. “Steady, my darling. I don’t think you’re going to make it, otherwise.”

“Sandy met me, Aiden, and Maddox many years ago—”

Aiden interrupted again. “Don’t worry, Sandy, we won’t say how many years.”

A chuckle erupted from my lips, and I shook my head in amusement, grateful for the reprieve.

Bentley rolled his eyes and continued.

“As I recall, we were having a debate about how to do the laundry properly. Apparently, none of us got it right, and Sandy slipped through the bushes to correct us.” He smiled at me. “Since then, she has charted our course, guiding us through a lot of rough waters.” He winked. “That one was for you, Jordan.”

Jordan laughed and waved. “Got, it, Bentley.”

Bentley became serious. “At BAM, we hold family dearer than anything. And none are as dear to all of us as Sandy is.” He looked at Jordan. “We wish you all the best. Nothing but smooth sailing and sunny skies.” He held up his finger. “We are entrusting the woman we all consider our adoptive mother to you, Jordan. Take great care of her, as she means the world to us.”

I heard Jordan catch his breath, and he nodded. Tears threatened again for me.

“You have always been part of our family, Jordan, but now those bonds are even tighter. Welcome to the BAM clan. I suppose if Sandy is the matriarch, you are now the patriarch.”

Aiden leaned in, once again providing comic relief. “I’d like to discuss my allowance.”

The room broke into laughter again.

Maddox stepped forward, pushing Aiden out of the way. “We know Sandy well and thought we would share a few of our insights with you. Since you’re a newly married man, we thought you could benefit from our experience.”

“Oh boy,” I muttered, knowing the serious part of the speech was done.

Jordan threw back his head in laughter. “I’m listening, boys.”

“Never tell her what to do. Let her think it’s her idea. It’s best that way,” Maddox deadpanned.

“Because it usually is,” I called.

“She hates lettuce on any hot sandwich,” Aiden advised. “She gets really ornery about it.”

“I’ll remember that,” Jordan assured him.

Bentley grinned. “Never try to sneak in the lights with the whites. You do not want to have to listen to that lecture. My ears burned for days.”

Jordan nodded sagely.

“Always make sure she has coffee before asking her to make a decision.”

“For the love of god, don’t put cream in her tea,” Reid instructed.

“If she asks you about a dress, a blouse anything—the answer is perfect. You look perfect.”

The boys went on, making everyone laugh—especially Jordan. As we’d lived together for a while, he already had discovered all these things about me, but I knew the boys wanted to make me smile.

Bentley took control again. “I think we’ve covered it all, except this.”

Richard and Van joined the boys, a solid wall of men staring at Jordan, no doubt trying to intimidate him.

Bentley met my gaze across the tables with a subtle wink. “Sandy is a queen to us. Treat her that way. Or you’ll answer to us. All of us.”

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