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Beneath the Scars

Page 65

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“Not yet,” I agreed, feeling the sad tug at my heart. “He’s getting better at being verbal. I love his paintings—he’s very talented.”

She nodded. “I’ll give him that, he is. Not my style, but they are good.”

I chuckled. “Don’t knock yourself out with the praise.”

“Sorry.” She looked away, then bent closer. “Did he tell you what happened? How he got those scars?”


“Was it an accident?”

I paused, shaking my head. “No.”

“But you won’t tell me.”

“I can’t.”

She nodded. “Maybe one day?”


“It’s a shame. He’d be a handsome man without them.”

“He’s a handsome man with them!” I slammed my hand on the table. “His scars don’t define him! His face isn’t the reason I fell in love with him, damn it!”

Her eyes widened. “I was only saying—”

“You were only saying what everyone else thinks, I know! Poor Zachary; too bad about his face. He isn’t poor Zachary! He’s just Zachary!” Then I burst into tears. Long, deep sobs that ripped from my chest. Tears I didn’t even know I was holding in, as words poured from my mouth.

“You don’t know,” I sobbed. “You don’t know what he’s been through. How much hurt and pain…all his life…so much…”

Karen’s arms wrapped around me, her voice soothing as she stroked my back. “I’m sorry Megan,” she crooned. “Let it out. Let it all out.”

I sobbed on her shoulder, incoherent words and thoughts escaping between the gasps and cries. I told her how much I loved him, how alone he was, that I knew how much he needed me and I, him. I cried for his pain and what he’d gone through. I cried because I was so afraid of what the future held for us.

When the tears finally stopped, I sat back, dropping my head into my hands. “I love him so much,” I muttered, my voice thick. “So much it scares me.”

Karen’s hands covered mine, removing them from my face. “I’ve never seen you like this, my dear friend.”

“I’ve never felt like this—ever.” I drew in a shaky breath. “I need you, Karen. I need you to be my friend and support me. I feel so lost.”

She stood up, bringing me with her. “I’m right here, Megan. Now go wash your face, and we’ll talk some more.”* * *I emerged from the bathroom, my face refreshed and feeling calmer. Karen was sitting on the sofa, a bottle of wine open and waiting. “Done with the coffee?” I teased.

“I thought we needed something stronger.” She smirked, handing me a glass.

I took a sip, enjoying the deep flavor of the Merlot.

“What’s next?” Karen asked quietly. “What are your plans?”

“I’ve been thinking about that, actually.”

“Jared came to the salon,” she blurted out.

I sat up so fast, my wine splashed over the edge of the glass. My hands started to shake. “What?”

“He wanted to know where you were. He went by your apartment and your landlord told him you hadn’t been there for a while. He told me you weren’t answering his emails and you changed your cell number.”

“You didn’t—?”

“Of course not! I told him to fuck off. Well, first I told him what a weasel he was, then I might’ve accidently tripped, spilling the hair color I was applying all over his expensive pants.” She shrugged. “But, you know, that’s the danger of coming into a salon wearing clothes like that.”

I started to laugh, imagining the look of horror etched on his arrogant face. How I ever thought he was attractive, I didn’t know. “I’m sorry he bothered you.”

“He’s getting desperate.”

“I know.”

“Stop tugging your ear. It’s not your fault.”

I dropped my hand. “I emailed Bill to set up a meeting.”

“To what end?”

“I can’t fight him, but I’m not taking his payoff.”

“His publishers won’t go ahead with this hanging over the book.”

“I’m aware.”

“He’ll be so angry.”

“I know,” I admitted. “I was hoping, maybe, you’d let me stay on here for a while?”

“Of course,” she agreed immediately. “You may have to share the place with Chris soon, but you’re welcome to stay here for as long as you want.” She gave me a mischievous smile. “Unless, of course, you move up to the big house.”

I blushed a little under her gaze. I was thinking Zachary might ask me to stay with him eventually.

“Are you coming back, then—for the meeting?”

“I was hoping to let Bill handle it.”

“You should be there, Megan. Face Jared, tell him what you think of him.” Leaning over, she clasped my hand. “Chris and I will give you the money to fight this mess. You know we will. Bill will help you to find the right lawyer.”

“I have nothing to fight with. He has everything. Even my file of changes I thought I wanted to make.” I shook my head. “It’s my word against his. There are parts I wrote so long ago, I don’t know if I’d remember them. He’d be able to quote it all if needed. He has it all, Karen. I handed it all to him like a blind fool.”

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