Beneath the Scars - Page 95

“Which is why, again?”

“Maybe because I can’t stand to watch her suffer anymore.”

I shrugged, trying to ignore the small pang of pain at the thought of her suffering. “Guilt can do that to a person.”

“She blames herself, but not for the reason you think.”

I was getting aggravated and I wanted her to leave. “You’re not making any sense.”

“Megan blames herself for what Jared did, but not because she was in on it. He used her as much as he used you. That’s what he does—uses people.”


“She didn’t lead him to you. He followed her here, Zachary. He watched you together. He decided to use you to crush her. He found out who you were, then he caused this disaster. Not her—she had no idea.”

“So she says,” I argued, but my eyes looked at the envelope sitting on the table.

Karen stood up, slamming her hand down on the table. “It’s the truth. She blames herself because you were hurt in all of this mess. She wasn’t even surprised how easily you believed his lies. She told me you were so used to being hurt and taken advantage of it would be your first and only reaction.” She paused, her voice becoming softer. “She forgives you, you know.”

I bit back my angry retort. “I will ask again, Karen. Why are you here?”

She pushed the envelope back so my hand was touching it. “Read this.”

“Maybe later; after dinner with my coffee. I like a good story while I digest.”

“You’ll find it very enlightening.”

“Enlightening? Does it give me insight into how to find love? Heal the broken heart you think I have?”

“I’m not sure at this point, you have a heart.”

I laughed, the sound dry and forced, echoing off the rafters above our heads. “Now you’re getting the picture. If there isn’t anything else, I have things to do.”

She stood up, anger emitting from her body like the waves pounding out on the beach.

“Read it.” Her hands were clenched at her side. “If you won’t do it for me, then do it for my husband, who I know you respect. If he hadn’t been so busy right now, it would’ve been him handing this to you, not me. I know you wouldn’t refuse him.”

I frowned at her words. Why would Chris want me to read this so much he would send his wife to deliver it? I had no idea, but I didn’t like how I was feeling right now: trapped, cornered, on edge.

“Is there a pop quiz later?” I snapped.

“I don’t know why I bothered,” she hissed, turning and hurrying out the door, the slam of it behind her shaking the window glass. I watched as she stomped down the steps and crossed the beach. Once she turned around, flinging her arms up as she yelled words carried away by the wind and waves. I highly doubted they were pleasant.

I shook my head as I regarded the innocuous looking envelope, wondering what it could contain.

Why I was bothering to find out, I didn’t know. Chris had been a quiet, but good friend over the years—I knew him far better than I knew Karen. He never asked about my past or scars, accepting me as merely his neighbor. He had my email address and was kind enough to let me know, a couple times, that he was watching the house after I fled last time. He never mentioned Megan, for which I was grateful. But now this envelope—it had to be important to him.

Sitting down, I opened the flap and dumped the contents on the table. News articles, press releases and documents piled up; and as I went through them, I saw they were all clipped together in some sort of fashion, and date order.

With a sigh, I topped up my wine and started to read.* * *Two hours later, I was banging on Karen’s door. I paced the deck waiting for her to answer, my heart pounding in my chest, my mind racing with the information I had read. Thoughts and words echoed in my head, the envelope clutched in my tight fist.

The door slid open and I pivoted around when she stepped out, her arms crossed over her chest. We stared at each other, my eyes searching hers for answers.

“Do you have something to say, or did you want to borrow a cup of sugar?”

I stepped closer, my fingers jabbing at the envelope. “It’s true? All of it is true?”

She huffed as she straightened up. “Yes. All of it is true. Not only did Jared steal Megan’s manuscript, they’ve proven he stole all the books he published. She didn’t lie to you, Zachary. About her book or anything else.”

“She didn’t use me.”

Karen’s arms flung out, gesturing wildly. “Hallelujah! The man finally gets it!”

I grabbed her arm. “Why, Karen? Why are you here? You hate me—why did you come to give me this information?”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024