Beneath the Scars - Page 104

Dr. Booker chuckled. “Your baby is cooperating today. You want to know the sex?”

“Yes.” Both Zachary and I spoke at the same time.

“It’s a boy.”

My own eyes filled with tears. A son. We were having a son.

Zachary pressed his lips to my temple, his damp cheek rubbing on mine.

“I love you,” he whispered.* * *It was a different man who escorted me out of the hospital. Zachary’s shoulders were straighter, his head held high. He ignored the few, more open, curious glances; his entire focus on me. I nestled into his side, amazed at the change, proud of his courage. Even his hold felt different; more possessive and sure. Once at the car, he insisted on fastening my seat belt, then laying his hands over my tummy and stroking the swell.

His eyes were shining when he looked up. “My boy.”

I stroked his cheek. “Your son.”

He held up the sonogram picture, his voice filled with wonder. “Our son.” Leaning forward, his lips grazed mine; soft, gentle touches of adoration. “My sweetheart.”

My heart thumped at his use of his endearment. I always felt so loved when he murmured it to me. His eyes were soft as he shut my door, never leaving mine as he walked around the vehicle and slid inside.

A yawn escaped me as he settled beside me, inserting the key. “I have to pick up the stuff from Mrs. Cooper, then I’ll take you home.”

I nodded, still amazed at how something so small, like a trip to the doctor, could tire me so much.

I beamed when Zachary went inside the store, the picture still gripped in his hand, smiling proudly when he came out. There was no doubt he’d been showing it off to Mr. and Mrs. Cooper. I knew if he wasn’t so worried about taking me home to rest, he’d have gone to the gallery to show it to Ashley, as well. I knew a trip to see her would happen in the next couple days. I loved seeing how proud he was as he tucked the picture into his sun visor, glancing up at it often during the remainder of the drive.

I frowned nervously when the SUV rolled to a stop by his back door.

“What are you doing?”

He stared straight ahead, his hands wrapped around the steering wheel. “Will you come inside with me, Megan?”

I hesitated. I hadn’t been back to his house yet. There were so many memories there and Karen’s place was neutral ground for us. Zachary spent time in his home studio, while I worked on my book at Karen’s, happy when he would appear at some point. There were always warm kisses and gentle words of hello, and although I knew he hated to leave again, even for a few hours, he understood I needed time.

However, maybe it was time to expand our world again.

“Please,” he whispered, turning to me, his face and voice vulnerable. “I have something to show you.”* * *I turned around in a circle in the upstairs bedroom, speechless. Zachary had renovated the room closest to his into a nursery. The once mocha-colored walls were now painted the softest blues and yellows. The heavy glass and metal desk and filing cabinet were gone, replaced by a simple maple crib, which was set up in the corner with a matching dresser and change table placed in close proximity. Right by the window, a large, cushioned rocking chair and table were nestled, waiting. I loved every piece in the room. “You can finish it with all the other stuff we need.” He spoke from the doorway, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. “If you don’t like anything, we can return it.” He crossed the room and picked up a huge teddy bear from the rocking chair, holding it out to me. “I thought maybe the baby would like this.”

“How—” I choked, my throat thick with emotion, as I reached for the bear, hugging it to my chest.

“I wanted to surprise you. I chose these colors thinking they’d be good for a boy or a girl. I thought they were…soothing.”

“I thought you were painting in your studio.”

“This was more important.” He stepped forward, his voice wary. “I wanted to get this room done so if you decided—”

“If I decided?”

“To come back to me.” He drew in a deep breath. “If you decided to come back to me, I’d be ready; for both of you.” His warm hand cupped my cheek, brushing away the tears with his thumb. “Please come back to me. Give us a chance. ”


He shook his head interrupting me. “Please, sweetheart, listen to me. You told me Karen and Chris were coming down this weekend.”

I nodded.

“Come stay here with me. Please. At least try.”

He indicated the room around us. “I want this to be our son’s room. Our…home.” He stepped closer. “I want you here with me, so it feels like home again, Megan.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024