Heart Strings - Page 49

“Charles probably shit himself.”

“He wasn’t happy.”

She looked at me wryly. “He never is.”

It was something we had in common. Parents who ignored us. Hers were too busy jet-setting and enjoying life to let something as insignificant as a child slow them down. Brianna had been raised by a succession of nannies and sent off to school. Although she portrayed a carefree face to the world, deep inside, I knew her most intimate dream—a home and family of her own. To be loved and cared for and know she was the top priority to someone. I hoped she would find it—she deserved it. We both did.

“I can’t believe you never told me about him,” she stated, then threw a pillow at me. “And I can’t believe you went to dinner with him—a perfect stranger! He could have been a psycho.”

I caught the pillow and set in on my lap. I shook my head slowly. “But I knew he wasn’t. He watched over me. He made me feel safe.” I sighed. “He still does. When I’m with him, it’s as if the world revolves around him. And he surrounds me.”

“My god.” She stared at me. “You’re in love with him.”

I scoffed. “It’s only been a little while. I’m not in love with him. We have great chemistry and I like him a lot, but it’s a little early for the L-word.”

Yet even as I denied it, I felt it.

I was falling in love with Logan. In the time I had known him, he had become more important to me than anything. Anyone.

How was that possible?

I had no idea, but I knew it was the truth.

Brianna pulled her legs to her chest, wrapping her arms around them. “What are you going to do?”

I copied her position and shrugged. “What can I do? Logan’s important to me. My parents will have to learn to deal.”

“What if your father keeps making an example out of you? Giving you lower-profile projects?”

I blew out a long puff of air. “That’s the rub here. Aside from the embarrassment I felt at first, I’ve actually enjoyed working on these ventures. Less stress. Less time needed.” I rested my chin on my knees. “I’ve spent more time with Logan than at the office. I like it.”

She studied me for a moment. “Have you thought that maybe this is the time to make a change, Lottie? Do what you really want to do rather than paying back a debt you don’t owe? Maybe putting yourself first for a change?”

I worried the seam on my sweater, pulling at the fraying hem. “Logan hates what I do. Not my job per se, but the stress it causes me.” I explained about his father and how he lost him. “He’s worried the same thing will happen to me.”

“I agree with him. I always told you that job wasn’t for you.”

“I’m good at it.”

“At what cost? This is the first time in years I’ve seen you this relaxed. Logan is right—stress does terrible things to a person.”

“So what am I supposed to do? Quit my job and find a place that will take me on and bake cookies and cakes?” I stated dryly. “I don’t think I could even afford to keep my condo.”

“Then move in with me. I’m hardly ever there. Or even better, let me loan you the money, and open your own place.”

“I can’t do that. It’s risky at best. I have no experience, and chances are you’d lose your investment.” I smiled grimly. “Trust me, I know what I’m talking about.”

She rolled her eyes. “I could afford it.”

I reached over and squeezed her hand. “Thank you.”

“Think about it. Promise me.”

“I will.”

She grinned. “Now, tomorrow, how slutty should I dress?”

I smirked. “Your usual.”

“Oh, I have some planning to do, then. What about you?”

“Haven’t really thought about it.”

She groaned. “Girl, your man is gonna be onstage singing the way he does and looking all sorts of hot. The women will be flocking. You need to arm yourself. I’m talking about looking so hot he won’t be able to take his eyes off you.”

I feel a small ripple of pride. “He never does.”

She winked. “He certainly won’t once I’m done with you.”

It was useless trying to argue with her. I lifted my hands in supplication.

“Okay, then. I’m yours.”Chapter 15Logan“I’m surprised to see you home,” Trevor stated dryly, flinging himself on the chair across from me. “Haven’t seen much of you these days.”

“It’s only been a week,” I muttered. I had to admit, it felt like longer. I couldn’t recall what my life had been like before Lottie. Even the weeks leading up to when we finally spoke, she had been in the center of my thoughts and I had been at the subway station every night waiting for her, so I hadn’t been around much.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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