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Heart Strings

Page 66

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I felt three things all at once.

Relief at seeing him. Anger that he’d kept me waiting. Desire at the look in his eyes as he stared. He covered the ground between us quickly. Hunger for him built inside me as he drew closer, already holding out his hand. The longing to touch him, to be close, blossomed, and without a thought, I stepped toward him, extending my hand, all doubts and worries disappearing as our fingers entwined. He pulled me close, his kiss demanding, claiming, and possessive. My world, which had been gray all day, exploded into color. Yearning coursed through me. I needed more. More of his mouth. Of his touch. I needed all of him.

But he kept the hard kiss short. Eased back and dropped a kiss to my forehead. He cupped my face.

“I’m sorry I’m late.” He brushed his lips to my forehead again. “I missed you.”

My reply was breathless. “You’re forgiven.”

“Good.” He tucked me into his side and turned to the small group watching us. “Hey.”

They all laughed and greeted him, and I noticed the familiarity they seemed to have as a group.

“You ready?” he asked Bobby quietly.

“More than ready. I’m going to burst out of my own skin soon.”

Carmen clapped him on the shoulder. “Can’t have that. I’ll go and start this off.”

Bobby drained his glass. He glanced at me, then winked at Logan. “See ya on the flip side.”

Logan only nodded, but his arm tightened on my waist.

I glanced around the room and saw my father on the edge, standing with a few people from the office. His arms were folded over his chest, his attitude closed off and annoyed. I knew I should go over and stand with him, but I didn’t want to. He met my eyes, his gaze flickering over Logan and me, then he turned, facing the small stage that was set up, making my decision easier. I burrowed a little closer to Logan.

I spotted Brianna and Trev wrapped around each other, oblivious to anyone else, which made me chuckle, and I was surprised to see Rex and Gretch sipping drinks on the opposite side of the room. I was about to ask Logan about them being here, when Carmen stepped up to the microphone.

He kept it short and sweet, giving a quick history of the two companies, and formally announcing the merger of the two record labels. Amid the applause, he unveiled the new logo of Ravaged Roadside. It was simple—a torn-up road scattered with broken records, all black, with splashes of red.

After the applause died down, he made a point of thanking Prescott Inc., naming my father and pointing him out in the crowd. I was shocked when then he singled me out, describing my adept handling and enthusiasm for the merger as the reason it happened so quickly and easily.

“Charlotte’s professionalism and dedication are a testament to the name Prescott Inc.,” Carmen stated. “Thank you.”

I nodded, embarrassed. Usually it was only my father and the company mentioned. I preferred to stay out of the spotlight.

Carmen had Alfred and Roxanne join him, and Alfred spoke for a few moments about the vision for RR.

“Discovering new talent, and providing it a place to grow and develop, is our mission. Giving them a voice. We want to offer the most diverse fusion of talent we can discover,” he finished.

Roxanne joined the applause and stepped to the mic.

“The business side is now done. Any media questions can be directed to my office. But for now, we’re going to move to our first order of business. A new signing with the label. You’ve all heard the rumors—” she paused as the clapping and hollers broke out “—and I am delighted to announce it is true. Please welcome Bobby Hayes to the stage.”

I saw my father step back and melt into the crowd. His job was done—he’d made an appearance and represented his company. He’d have no interest in the talent or listening to the music. He would find Carmen and Alfred, shake their hands, and call it a night. I relaxed, knowing he wasn’t going to approach me here and try to talk. I could relax and enjoy the music.

Bobby strode onstage, smiling and waving. His guitar was slung over his back, and he settled on a stool after shaking hands with everyone. He adjusted the microphone.

“Thrilled to be here tonight. And to be part of the launch of this new label. They have such vision and so many things in store for the world.” His voice was low and smooth. “I’ve got a little glimpse of that for you tonight.”

Then he began to play and sing. Alone, with the spotlight on his handsome face, he was mesmerizing. He was tall and wiry, with a head of curly blond hair that hung over his forehead, giving him a rakish look. His dark eyes were riveting and his voice magical. Growly, low, yet smooth. The song he played was intensely emotional, and his voice did it justice. The music was also familiar, yet I wasn’t sure why. Bits of the bridge, some of the words, lingered on the edge of my memory, but I couldn’t grasp how.

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