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Heart Strings

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Another set of notes flowed in my head, and I worked them through as Bobby listened and hummed. He was a great partner, and we worked together well. He could find words or ideas that spurred my creativity, and I helped him focus. We were a good team, and I knew with time, we’d be even better.

I wrote down the notes and the words and pushed the book toward him. “Sing the chorus.”

He studied the page then shut his eyes and sang as I played. When the notes drifted off, he clapped my shoulder.

“You and I are going to make history together, Logan. The Canadian version of Elton and Bernie. Mark my words.”

“I’m all for that.”

His amusement rang out. “Me too, my brother. Me too.”I stopped at the apartment to grab a few more things, accepting hugs and congratulations from Rex and Gretch, who were, as usual, playing video games since they both had the day off. Trev was at the gym, but I would see him tomorrow. They were thrilled over the music deal, as well as the news I was going to be a dad. Brianna had told Trev, who’d shared the news with them. I thanked them, cautioning it was very early and we weren’t telling many people yet. They understood, but Gretch still hugged me tight, telling me she knew Lottie and I were perfect for each other and she was excited about the baby.

“I’ll give him his first haircut!”

I hugged her back. “Let’s get him or her born and growing some hair first.”

Still, her excitement stayed with me, and I hurried to get what I had come for and rush back to Lottie.

She was sitting at the table, her laptop in front of her, when I walked in. I had met Brianna out front of the building. She assured me Lottie was fine and looking forward to me coming home.

“Good luck with her mother tonight.”

I had no idea what to expect, but I planned on staying close to Lottie. If her mother crossed the line, I had no problem asking her to leave. “Thanks.”

I kissed Lottie, smoothing my hand down her thick hair. “Hey, Snow Queen. How are you feeling?”

“I’m fine. Much better.”

I drifted my hand down to her stomach. “Nugget?”

She laughed. “He or she is fine too.”

“Excellent.” I leaned down and pressed a kiss to her tummy. “Hi, baby. Daddy’s here.”

Lottie made a strange little noise, and I looked up and grinned. Her eyes were bright with tears, but I knew they were good ones.

I kissed her and held her in my arms, giving her a moment to gather herself. I liked seeing this softer, emotional side of her.

She eased back with a frown. “That is going to take some getting used to.”

“Not an issue. I’m here for the whole ride.”

That made her laugh. She asked about Bobby, and I filled her in on what we had discussed. She asked a lot of questions about my schedule for the next while, which I admitted would be crazy. Recording a record wasn’t a nine-to-five job, and although I was excited, it worried me that I would be gone at unpredictable times. Lottie assured me she understood and would be fine.

“I’m already feeling better. Another few days of rest, I’ll be back to my old self.” She grinned. “With a tiny sidekick and a few more emotional outbursts.”

I laughed and listened as she told me Brianna’s news and offer.

“As much as you’d enjoy it, I’m not sure I want you on your feet all day,” I admitted.

Lottie hummed in agreement. “I wouldn’t be. She wants me to create the menu and teach it to someone else. I would oversee. She also wants me to help her run the place. She doesn’t know much about the day-to-day running of a business. I took all those courses, so I can at least guide her.”

“It interests you?”

“Yes.” She was quiet for a moment, tracing her finger along the edge of the table. “I don’t want to go back to Prescott Inc.”

I lifted her hand and kissed it. “Then I guess you have a new career.”

“I guess we both do.”

Our gaze met and held. Her lovely blue eyes were peaceful today, soft and warm. I was pleased to see she had some color in her cheeks and she looked better. Rested and not so worn-looking.

Cupping her face, I kissed her. Her lips were full underneath mine, parting with a soft sigh as I traced my tongue over her bottom lip. Our tongues touched and stroked, languid and gentle, a kiss filled with love and promise.

I drew back, still holding her face. “Lottie, I whispered. “I want to ask you something.”

She nestled into my touch. “Anything.”

“I said something yesterday, and I want to clarify it today.”

She furrowed her brow. “Okay?”

I shifted closer, dropping to one knee. “I called you my fiancée. I want to make that official.” I swallowed as I held up the ring I’d pulled from the back of my drawer. “This was my grandmother’s ring. I want you to wear it as a symbol.”

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